posted on Oct, 26 2018 @ 07:58 PM
My introduction is something I normally do after a few created threads when I could feel the tree and know what fruits and leaves it is made of and
how it lives. Sometimes the dumb way that usually get to be the hard way but failure is to stop trying and I got one more step to make everytime I am
stepping into something. I am not looking for people that are looking for something they will never get and miss to get what is given. An Event... A
reaction... I am a fan of echo-location tecnics to taste a community real quick and have it clear how things can be. I make a noise and I am waiting
for the echo to see what is around. At some point I was expecting a, let say, warm welcoming eh eh eh then I got the picture of making of first step
here and if there is any landmines you know. Or pies and lions that both like to entertain the public screwing me up... I do not know what you believe
in but I have been on my field and its trenches. I went dirty and low to make it to the idea of an source until that srouce gets real. sometime it is
imagining what kind of contact someone knowing a specific field of informations would lie to have or what is it you need to behave so someone is
whispering something to you? I am was told that they gotcha so I can now introduce myself saying I can writte contain and make a pie an little story
just for the next word to be read if there is still a reader at that line. Some people they read two or three lines then post a reply impulsivly on a
reaction. Who is reading this line let me know and I will see you are having a bit of what I share the way I share it. I wish I could just promote
another attempt to have connections around the community. Making a discord server makes it easy to stay in contact with people that likes to share by
chatting rather than posting. Also my channel is open to public and no registration or download is required to come pop a few words and disapear. It
is free and open to go share something with the name you want and then leave. I am not a informatician and all that things is way above me. I cannot
track you or find any breach of your real location and identity. I am not capable of such thing. It is bad and I feel worried about people around that
can do that real quick and easy. I am believing in some sort of protective secrecy combined to confidentiality policy and also just personal
principles in wich if I give away a source I lose monopole on having something from it... Be smart and think about it... Why would I in hell give away
a source? I do not understand what is people asking for sources. I do not have links to share to know where I found it among the existing
informations. I was getting raw stuff from the field where some people would never go to find out. I heard a lot of people talking about psychiatry
and mostly not having a good experience but sometime you find some real hard whisper then you look around with a different eyes and that is how you
get that information. It is not giving away, it is just pointing where to look at to find out something about it. I went there 6 times and verytime I
was making progress on my medical exploitation of such a trained staff to learn first to play in my own mind and then take it to understand how you
can make a synthetisation of the concept in someone else mind. I am into that kind of stuff, psychological programation, mind control, cognitive
behavioral correction, psychiatric treatment, mental conditioning. I am an opportunist that is real about me and whatever happen I always try to turn
it well if I still can! I love to help those that want to get better!