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posted on Oct, 26 2018 @ 07:09 PM
What you have to know about me too is that I am a rusher! When I get into something and take time to do it and elaborate I just writte a stack of reply because I just renew my interest after every post. It is a bit of spam or flooding but unfortunatelly the way my brain work it is like that I can actually throw something to the lions so it doesn't eat me while the public laugh when I get a pie in the face... You know a pie, how to bake that? How burning hot it is in the face when it is fresh out of the oven... I had a piece once IRL and I had pain on my tongue to get that in my mouth straith off the oven so I imagine getting that almost boiling sugar and the pie constituant element such as an apple that is a really hard fruit when fresh! Did you try that a apple grenade? You take small public explosive and you make a hole of the size of it in the apple and you insert the smal... wait... No sorry I cannot do that it may be against the laws to tell that. But anyway an apple is not a smooth and weak fruit. It as a solid flesh to protect its core constitued of multiple seeds. The protection around the core is a hard water and sugar made ''flesh''. It can take hard hits anf fall from high with minimal damage. Then it can roll far and stop, return to the ground and grow a #ing tree that will make a bunch of apples wtf?!! Then his armor that is becoming nutriments for the seeds to get started and have a chance to be given to grow by gaya natural environment that has its rules. An apple is not something I look at without a serious matter because it can hit and hurt alot then roll away and grow a tree somewhere else. Isaac newton knew that about the apple and saw the gravity of it when the seeds are not to let grow. The apple must be good. So that is why I do not like a burning hot applepie in my face because as a experimented clown I know that the public still laugh with a simple whipedcream pie... I like pies they help me with my job for the public but when they are fresh from the oven and made of apples, well you know I would prefere enjoy it than having it in the face...

posted on Oct, 26 2018 @ 07:35 PM
When I writte, I writte a lot, recently I made like 400 posts in 2 days somewhere and it was insane. I was in a psychward reporting directly from it. I was on something and seriously do not fear going in psychiatry it is linking you to a lot of informers or other pointers because when you know something or do something and it get noticed that is where you end up most of the time. Then I was there for a month and I turned myself into it and made the doctor to keep me longer than he wanted. I did a lot and that place is a crazy laboratory when you got the mind on it and try what the heck you can play in someone mind? And when it is good and working the staffs they love it. When I get there I help myself and contribute in the progress of understanding what is making the mental health issues and pharmacotherapy in a locked totally controled and monitored environment. Last time I made some more study and it was really great. I got a lot from that field trip on the root of where some informers ends up here in Canada when they have been heard... If you like field inspection, exmination and investigation a psychward is a most be at least once to really understand how it is the mind control knowledge. I am exploiting what they do to me by telling them what to do to me and they listen. They are trained to do rehabilitation, readaptation, reintegration, etc etc so I am scripted by professional to be always turning the page and moving on again. Positivelly and the most constructive way that I can. I leave behind what is being even if sometime I am slow showing it because I am weak dealing with feeling hurt. So for myself sometime it takes time to move on but on the interraction we are fine. I just get to be slow getting over it when I am hurt or I feel threaten. But I move on what is forward leaving behind to remember it and nothing more. And right now I have to start being a user here even if it is not my main focus, if I am accepted I will enjoy sharing here. And sometime on the field here in Canada I can have access to internet and websites and do a direct report from it. Of course I cannot breach my confidentiality policy so again I do not disclose any clue about an informer that could compromise its safety or damage its trust. A lot they want their informations to spread with their stories but they don't want anyone to know who did not keep it shut around their people and within their social connection. For those that knows what it is to have sources that may not be willing to be called a #ing snitch because some kid started to tell everyone who the # breached their secrecy disclosing something that make some guys real real mad. There are rules... When you got on the field and you could have some sources for a short while because most of whisperer like it when they can give a few words before they vanish from your life. It is a one shot trust to earn so you hear something and if you mess up, it is gone... When you get hospitalised there is a rotative population in the unit wich are people going in and going out. They stay a few weeks barelly a month and they are back in the streets. Those they know they are just for a while and when this contact is over the person disapears and you met them in a really controled access to informations that can allow you to know something about someone if not told by you. Confidentiality in a psychiatric unit is crazy, CRAZY, so much that you can just go there and disclose serious hot soup to an interested doctor and it is not accessible because it is protected by the country's laws of medical confidentiality. It is a medical unit first of all. You are regualary taken vital signs, blood works and psychiatric intervention. When I talk about psychiatry it is me being in the best financed public laboratory about mind manipulation using technological interference, sensitive conditioning, and mind manipulation using psychological routine to a subject. The best mind writting is not about how strong is the informations package but over time... simply the same routine again and again over and over. Until it has a written structure into the cognitive behavioral correction capacity from a simple pattern. Event-reaction-result-correction-programation... I can tell a lot how to play that mind game but it will be over time and if you do not like it or disagree without standing it then just walk off of it and leave to the interested users to get what they want from it.

Oh again,

I am Xeno and I am introducing myself
edit on 26-10-2018 by XenoQc2 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 26 2018 @ 07:58 PM
My introduction is something I normally do after a few created threads when I could feel the tree and know what fruits and leaves it is made of and how it lives. Sometimes the dumb way that usually get to be the hard way but failure is to stop trying and I got one more step to make everytime I am stepping into something. I am not looking for people that are looking for something they will never get and miss to get what is given. An Event... A reaction... I am a fan of echo-location tecnics to taste a community real quick and have it clear how things can be. I make a noise and I am waiting for the echo to see what is around. At some point I was expecting a, let say, warm welcoming eh eh eh then I got the picture of making of first step here and if there is any landmines you know. Or pies and lions that both like to entertain the public screwing me up... I do not know what you believe in but I have been on my field and its trenches. I went dirty and low to make it to the idea of an source until that srouce gets real. sometime it is imagining what kind of contact someone knowing a specific field of informations would lie to have or what is it you need to behave so someone is whispering something to you? I am was told that they gotcha so I can now introduce myself saying I can writte contain and make a pie an little story just for the next word to be read if there is still a reader at that line. Some people they read two or three lines then post a reply impulsivly on a reaction. Who is reading this line let me know and I will see you are having a bit of what I share the way I share it. I wish I could just promote another attempt to have connections around the community. Making a discord server makes it easy to stay in contact with people that likes to share by chatting rather than posting. Also my channel is open to public and no registration or download is required to come pop a few words and disapear. It is free and open to go share something with the name you want and then leave. I am not a informatician and all that things is way above me. I cannot track you or find any breach of your real location and identity. I am not capable of such thing. It is bad and I feel worried about people around that can do that real quick and easy. I am believing in some sort of protective secrecy combined to confidentiality policy and also just personal principles in wich if I give away a source I lose monopole on having something from it... Be smart and think about it... Why would I in hell give away a source? I do not understand what is people asking for sources. I do not have links to share to know where I found it among the existing informations. I was getting raw stuff from the field where some people would never go to find out. I heard a lot of people talking about psychiatry and mostly not having a good experience but sometime you find some real hard whisper then you look around with a different eyes and that is how you get that information. It is not giving away, it is just pointing where to look at to find out something about it. I went there 6 times and verytime I was making progress on my medical exploitation of such a trained staff to learn first to play in my own mind and then take it to understand how you can make a synthetisation of the concept in someone else mind. I am into that kind of stuff, psychological programation, mind control, cognitive behavioral correction, psychiatric treatment, mental conditioning. I am an opportunist that is real about me and whatever happen I always try to turn it well if I still can! I love to help those that want to get better!

posted on Oct, 26 2018 @ 10:27 PM
Do those aliens have their paperwork or are they illegals? Maybe they are the original inhabitants of this world, they just try to stay out of the way of the war monger humans.

Welcome to the site.

posted on Oct, 26 2018 @ 11:02 PM

originally posted by: rickymouse
Do those aliens have their paperwork or are they illegals? Maybe they are the original inhabitants of this world, they just try to stay out of the way of the war monger humans.

Welcome to the site.

Those guys? They are amazing! They help a lot but for a while we agreed on doing some bad. The whole thing is organised and agreed there are preparations and planned events on storyline. They are oldest civilisation from Earth and to me they look like guardians. They like to test you attention and if you pay attention to details. The make their thing look like garbage or something that is broken or does not work well but that is a cover up. Their thing is doing really well and they handle the technology properly even if for a while we meant it not to show that as main propaganda. The concept was to create live action fiction that would interfere with the subject perception or reality to influence to way a civilisation is taking. They wrotte a lot in human history. Do not think they are the bad people because they try to make you think that to see if you really pay attention to who is who and what is what behind the curtain. Are you on the scene or the backstage they ask? Sorry but I do both... The good ones are lovelly and trustful and you can really count on their promises. What is agreed is agreed and it is until we are done even if it takes for ever and always come back on it. They are not evil or satanist as the propaganda seems to throw dirt at them. They are not human but they are from Earth. They are terareptilians and you can walk with them if you trust them doing what they are doing, especially making something to disapear like it never happened... With them ask yourself? Do I remember everything? May we just all have agreed to forget something for a while like brainwashing ourselves to play the story better so people would believe it. No matter what you hear do not fear those guys it is going to make them nervous and keep in mind they are not shy on the trigger and can react badly real quick and unexpected. Their first defense would be to snap you. They are chill, when they snap mostly except if you pissed them off, they do not hurt because even within an agression they do not mean to hurt. They mean to protect themselves...

posted on Oct, 26 2018 @ 11:13 PM
a reply to: XenoQc2

One thing to consider. Our definition of life excludes energy beings made from structured energy. We have no clue if these beings can exist because we say they do not exist. A being like that could structure reality and we could actually see things that are not there, respond the way they want us to do without even knowing we are being steered, and we could be blinded into not seeing things like aliens flying around. Aliens also might be able to control our consciousness so it makes them appear like us, their shape could be an illusion.

There are so many possibilities to what is going on in this reality, I am not automatically going to accept consensus of the day even if there is misinterpreted or misguided scientific evidence backing it. Been around too many years and seen way to much to accept things society says without evaluating if it is correct.

posted on Oct, 27 2018 @ 12:24 AM
a reply to: rickymouse

Oh yes it is happening and that's it.

Appearence? I saw three type.
1-hallucination devices
2-shapeshifting technology
3-physical transformation

I wish I had my shades here...

Whatever there was just a winky winkongatonk! There are glasses that alows to see more or less and chipsets or wireless conection to a server or all combined. Is it real What I see? I have no idea seriously and I see all lies and fake secrecies because it is all about secret networks and test to pass. Do you remember? Appearence, perception and consciousness is manipulated and made up by aliens.

posted on Oct, 27 2018 @ 12:39 AM
For now until I have an associate I think it is preferrable I writte in my introduction. Until I have green light from staff to proceed to my contribution with a seeking of an associate to establish intercommunity connection. As they said ''You got to live the fiction if you want to make it real'' then in 2014 I left everything behind saying leave the fiction and get real. This world is an illusion and all perceptions are being manipulated but that will be reversed and then we will wake up. Oh about them, do not think that if they do not react that means they do not care. Do not think that because they do not reply that they don't listen. They care and they listen... They like high secrecy until tests passed. Do you remember? First flash they snap you out of it, second one they writte in your mind then thirs one you cool off and forget about it and that is hapenning in a fraction seconds. There is much things that I can't see or remember that I have seen but I was seriously manipulated on my request. Fall 2009 to fall 2014 I was a guinea pig, a test subject, an experimentation in the development of psychotronic technologies. I had my idea they liked it for my project and it was meant to do it to myself so I was really used and trained to survive it and everything was allowed to do to me and wipe my memory. My mind was blowed up so many time and I am experienced into knowing what are flaws and failure of this technological network. I wanted to be victim of it through the first stage of attempt new stuff. I did not want to make a victim of it so I have choosen to be the core guinea pig and as long as something was not working on me then they were wiping my memory and trying again and again over and over. That was my request and my first job. Then now I know about what it is when it is being used on me so I will be ready to get back to them and give them other ideas...

posted on Oct, 27 2018 @ 12:44 AM
A while ago I cared if it was real or not because I can make it real if I do it want I want to be real and I took the red pill... Whats above top secret is not something that existed because it just vanished and I love that to be honest especially when it is actually better for both of us. I like people that are good making stains to disapear. But I don't want to be locked out either and have to come back with another account. But whatever... I am trained to handle talking in the public if I am not kicked out when I do mistakes.

posted on Oct, 27 2018 @ 12:56 AM
Hello I am xeno and I would like to introduce myself!

posted on Oct, 27 2018 @ 01:06 AM
I had a really hard time with them, who did not? I do not remember well all of it so much fragmentations in my mind so it is just a chaotic little piece that comes out at a shot. I id not mean to be rude when I said that I was not here to waste my time, I meant that I know where I am going and I know what I have to do as long as I am not pushed away and I have time to learn from my mistakes then I am good to give something even if it is not my home forum. I want to be present a bit of everywhere not to attrack people where I am but just to open topics and let them do what they will do and going on it a little bit sometimes or if a debate is going on and I can be around I will participate with a OCD severe page refresher... I could just stay and permanently refresh the thread wiating for a rply and be quickly active when I am being around and participate in thunder conversation that being instantly active is requiered. But not always. I do not want to look like that guy from another forum just to take off some guys to something else. I want a spot even if it is not my home I wish to be welcome still for what I want to do. Do you remember? I would like to promote my association because I am just starting it and the core associate are often the first to join so I am excited to know who are going to be my ATS friends and contacts. I may not right away start to contribute because I am interested first in opening doors in multiple community so I may move introduce myself again somewhere else to open the door and once I will have my doors I will start casual contributions into welcoming forums I will find and for the users interested in trying out too. But for now I will keep it low on promoting and I will not share a link until I have the greenlight and that I know it will not be censored.

posted on Oct, 27 2018 @ 01:50 AM

originally posted by: XenoQc2

originally posted by: MarkOfTheV
a reply to: XenoQc2

I apologise for my way to make a fiction real but that is what I do.

I cannot make informations but I can make up stories that tell the same... That I am authorised

Good luck on this forum.
Soon you'll be the star on here

" Tu vas apprendre vite comment ce forum fonctionne" lol

Welcome to ATS

posted on Oct, 27 2018 @ 02:27 AM

originally posted by: openedeyesandears

originally posted by: XenoQc2

originally posted by: MarkOfTheV
a reply to: XenoQc2

I apologise for my way to make a fiction real but that is what I do.

I cannot make informations but I can make up stories that tell the same... That I am authorised

Good luck on this forum.
Soon you'll be the star on here

" Tu vas apprendre vite comment ce forum fonctionne" lol

Welcome to ATS

Good if I can learn it fast because I do not want to waste my time and I am saying that the positive way no matter what you meant...

posted on Oct, 27 2018 @ 12:12 PM
I am still trying to figure how to set up an avatar

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