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Explosive Devices Sent to Clintons, Obama and CNN

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posted on Oct, 24 2018 @ 12:46 PM

originally posted by: neo96
a reply to: underwerks

Why would the right even try this ?

Trump has been winning.

The blue wave all but evaporated.

Supreme court, and lower court nominations.

Solid economic numbers.

Comments by Holder,Clinton, and Jacksnip Obama.

This miraculous appeared?

Doesn't pass the smell test.


posted on Oct, 24 2018 @ 12:46 PM

originally posted by: Agree2Disagree
Can't we just call it what it most likely is? A right wing nutter...nutters exist on both sides and it's not surprising given the political climate.

I mean, according to the data, almost two thirds of domestic terrorism within the US is from right-wing extremist nutjobs...


No, unfortunately, we can't. We are too busy name calling and being blinded by our own beliefs.

posted on Oct, 24 2018 @ 12:47 PM
a reply to: network dude

And the lame stream media is pushing the narrative just like they did for Russia and Kavanugh.

posted on Oct, 24 2018 @ 12:48 PM

originally posted by: shooterbrody

San Diego Union-Tribune staff, others evacuate after suspicious package spotted

crazy day out there

Talk about overkill... They should have stopped with the first three. It still wasn't believable but now it's just ridiculous.

posted on Oct, 24 2018 @ 12:49 PM

originally posted by: oloufo
a reply to: headorheart

is there anybody 'normal' out there? do anyone besides me realize that ats is flooded by far-right-propaganda right now? it's always the same: it was the left, its false flag, the right never would do something like that etc... these people are dangerous (and lost), but it seems most of ats-members aren't willing to realize.

first off. yes, this IS ATS. and speculating before the facts emerge is what we do here. Welcome, I'll help you out with your new account a bit later.

But someone did this, and it had a political reason for being done. It's all sorts of wrong, and at this point, nobody or no party can be ruled out.

Normal people on ATS.......BWahahahahahahahahahah!!!!!!!!!!!!!

posted on Oct, 24 2018 @ 12:51 PM

originally posted by: Tempter

originally posted by: narrator
I posted this in the other thread, but it's relevant here too:

If the script were flipped, most on this site would be calling for the bomber's head. Now, most of this site is saying "well, they didn't blow up so it's no big deal. It's the dems sending them anyway".

Folks, someone sent BOMBS to private citizen's houses! We need to drop the collective liberal/conservative hissy fit and find common ground, fast. It's clear that it's tearing this country apart.

We have no info on the bomber at this point. Making guesses doesn't do anyone any good. Let's wait for facts.

And for the love of all that is good, be nice. What I'm reading in here is ridiculous.

An aside: I fully expect everyone in here postulating on who it is to retract their statements if/when they're proven wrong. If it is someone on the right, everyone saying that it can't be needs to man/woman up and say they were wrong. Same for the left, if it turns out it is some crazed left wing person, y'all need to own up and say it.

The lesson: wait for the facts! It doesn't do anyone any good to throw out random guesses and instigate more arguing. We're better than this. Deny Ignorance. Some in this thread are doing the opposite of that.

Trump supporters don't condone violence, that's the Left's DAILY MANTRA.

Look at the list, will ya:

  1. Obama
  2. Hillary
  3. DWS
  4. Holder
  5. CNN
  6. Brennan

And they were all delivered and the media reported on them ALL within an hour or two of each other.

THIS IS A FALSE FLAG. No questions about it.

It looks suspicious, but it absolutely could be the work of a nut job.

I find it disturbing that anyone is acting like they know for sure what this is.

I also find it disturbing that people think this should affect anyone's vote.
Why would it?

posted on Oct, 24 2018 @ 12:52 PM
a reply to: network dude

Once again, the kind of people that do these things don't think rationally. There was no way Kaczynski was going to bring an end to modern technology through mail bombs. That didn't stop him from trying though. Odds are this is an unwell person that has been inundated with the message that these people and entities are causing all the problems in our country and need to be dealt with.

Much like Hinkley thought he was going to win Jodie Foster's affection by killing Reagan, this person probably thinks that he will be an American hero if he could kill even one of these people.

posted on Oct, 24 2018 @ 12:52 PM

originally posted by: Kryties

originally posted by: LSU2018
a reply to: Kryties

Desperate humans do stupid things. I think we can all agree with that.

Just one question... Why do you think "Trump supporters" are desperate?

I never said anything about "desperation". You did.

Why are you trying to manufacture a comment I never made?

I didn't say you did, so I'll just break this down into simpler terms for you.

You say Trump supporters did this. I said desperate humans will do stupid things. This was/is a stupid thing. Why do you think Trump supporters would be desperate enough to do something this stupid?

posted on Oct, 24 2018 @ 12:53 PM
Taurus full moon. This one is going to be in the news for a while.

Look for synchronicities in this event that may indicicate a ritual aspect

posted on Oct, 24 2018 @ 12:56 PM
a reply to: carewemust

Not only that, but that's not anywhere near enough postage for the weight of that package. It would have to go Parcel Select, first class has a weight limit of 16 oz. and I'm fair certain just the empty bit of pipe weighs more than that.

No postage cancellation stamp and no enough postage for the package as displayed.

Something is wrong with this.

From the USPS:

Q. How large can an envelope be and still be eligible for First-Class Mail letter rates?

A. The maximum size is 11-1/2 inches x 6-1/8 inches x 1/4 inch thick. Determining the processing category of a mailpiece (letter, flat, or parcel) is dependent solely on the physical dimensions of the piece with­out regard to address placement. If an envelope exceeds any of the physical dimensions, or 3.5 ounc­es in weight, it is classified and priced as a large envelope (flat).

Q. Are items sent at First-Class Mail flats rates (large envelopes) required to be flexible and “uniformly thick”?

A. Yes. Large envelopes as well as padded mailing bags must be somewhat flexible (not rigid) and uniformly thick. Items mailed in large envelopes cannot have more than a 1/4 inch variance in thickness. Also, mailpieces must be rectangular with a maximum thickness (at the thickest point) of 3/4 inch. A mail­piece that exceeds any one of the maximum physical dimensions (15 inches x 12 inches x 3/4 inch thick) is classified and priced as a package (parcel).

edit on 24-10-2018 by jadedANDcynical because: added photo and other info

posted on Oct, 24 2018 @ 12:56 PM

originally posted by: toysforadults
Taurus full moon. This one is going to be in the news for a while.

Look for synchronicities in this event that may indicicate a ritual aspect

Now I have to clean my screen...I should know better than to read ATS while I eat lunch...well done!

posted on Oct, 24 2018 @ 12:57 PM
a reply to: LSU2018

They're nobody. If this was a right winger doing this, they wouldn't have targeted irrelevant people,

The only people that Hillary and Obama are relevant to is the right wing. No one else cares about them.

That one little detail destroys your entire theory.

posted on Oct, 24 2018 @ 12:57 PM

originally posted by: Xtrozero

originally posted by: MrRCflying
It will be interesting to see where this leads. A far right nutter, or a far left nutter trying to gain sympathy for the left. Either way, violence is not the answer.

I fear however, that something like this, someday soon, could be the opening shots of a new civil war. I pray that I am wrong.

I believe in a third option, how about an anarchist nutter? I have in many of my posts about the left during their protests that have turned violent is to identify that the groups doing the violence is not typically left protesters as much as ANTIFA and fringe anarchist, and we could easily have the same situation here as people want to point to the right in all this...

The other side of this is there was zero chance that these makeshift bombs would ever get to their intended targets, so I would need to put this down as the main purpose would be not to blow anything up as much as cause further rift between parties and we can pick dozens of bad actors for that roll.

I am seriously starting to believe that this entire political cycle has been manipulated by foreign entities whether they be China, Russia, etc... they are not directly meddling in the election by changing any votes or infiltrating voting booths but they are slowly driving a wedge between different factions that exist within the United States. Literally every single event which has happened in the past two years has all been effective at further dividing us and pitting each other against their neighbors.

Regardless of what you believe in regards to the Russia investigation and events such as this.. there is one beneficiary in virtually every single action that has taken place in American politics in the past few years.. FOREIGN ADVERSARIES.

Then you see the statements of Putin about how our country is coming apart at the seems.. that our days of superiority are coming to an end... I believe this is all part of the plan. The worst (and arguably the most ingenious part) is that all they have to do is plant the seeds and the extreme media sites on both sides of the political aisle eat it up and spread it like wildfire.


posted on Oct, 24 2018 @ 12:58 PM
a reply to: jadedANDcynical

Who's to say that's the only envelope it was packaged in? Maybe when they got to the post office they got talked in to purchasing a flat rate shipping box because it would be cheaper.

posted on Oct, 24 2018 @ 12:59 PM
The "potentially explosive" device was sent to John Brennan at CNN. CNN itself was not the target although they are milking that for all it's worth.

posted on Oct, 24 2018 @ 01:00 PM

originally posted by: neo96
a reply to: underwerks

Why would the right even try this ?

Trump has been winning.

The blue wave all but evaporated.

Supreme court, and lower court nominations.

Solid economic numbers.

Comments by Holder,Clinton, and Jacksnip Obama.

This miraculous appeared?

Doesn't pass the smell test.

Because crazy people are crazy. It doesn't matter what side they're on, they're domestic terrorists.

posted on Oct, 24 2018 @ 01:00 PM

originally posted by: narrator

originally posted by: Tempter

originally posted by: narrator
I posted this in the other thread, but it's relevant here too:

If the script were flipped, most on this site would be calling for the bomber's head. Now, most of this site is saying "well, they didn't blow up so it's no big deal. It's the dems sending them anyway".

Folks, someone sent BOMBS to private citizen's houses! We need to drop the collective liberal/conservative hissy fit and find common ground, fast. It's clear that it's tearing this country apart.

We have no info on the bomber at this point. Making guesses doesn't do anyone any good. Let's wait for facts.

And for the love of all that is good, be nice. What I'm reading in here is ridiculous.

An aside: I fully expect everyone in here postulating on who it is to retract their statements if/when they're proven wrong. If it is someone on the right, everyone saying that it can't be needs to man/woman up and say they were wrong. Same for the left, if it turns out it is some crazed left wing person, y'all need to own up and say it.

The lesson: wait for the facts! It doesn't do anyone any good to throw out random guesses and instigate more arguing. We're better than this. Deny Ignorance. Some in this thread are doing the opposite of that.

Trump supporters don't condone violence, that's the Left's DAILY MANTRA.

Look at the list, will ya:

  1. Obama
  2. Hillary
  3. DWS
  4. Holder
  5. CNN
  6. Brennan

And they were all delivered and the media reported on them ALL within an hour or two of each other.

THIS IS A FALSE FLAG. No questions about it.

I'm not saying whether it is or isn't. If it's proven that it isn't, I expect you to retract this statement. And none of that "well we can't believe the facts, so it's still a false flag" dancing around. If you're wrong, own up to it. That's all I'm asking, to be accountable.

Who is going to tell me I'm wrong, CNN?


There will be no followup to this, watch. An act like this should demand a full FISA-warranted investigation. But I bet it falls out of the news like nothing happened.

posted on Oct, 24 2018 @ 01:02 PM
President Trump is preparing to deliver remarks. He should say, "My family's been dealing with this for a long time. You'll get used to it."

Tweet from ERIC TRUMP today:
edit on 10/24/2018 by carewemust because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 24 2018 @ 01:03 PM
It's now being reported that the package sent to CNN wasn't delivered by mail, it was dropped off by courier.

posted on Oct, 24 2018 @ 01:03 PM

originally posted by: queenofswords
The "potentially explosive" device was sent to John Brennan at CNN. CNN itself was not the target although they are milking that for all it's worth.

Or they evacuated for safety purposes. Dare I bring up how the people in the second World Trade Center were told to stay.

Also, it has been verified by multiple new sources that the packages had live explosives.

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