We all remember the last administration was rumored to have some types of relationship with MS13 and one/some of the cartels, this information came to
light a little after the fast and furious scandal and from then there was "talkings" about the CIA possibly being the go between for the
administration and the gang/cartels.
All of the news stories in the MSM covering the caravan have all come out with basically the identical story (IDK if this is from one source/reporter
or if there is something else going on) of gangs coming to the family and demanding "protection" money and in other cases other "fees" and then
threaten them with either death or the killing of a family member. So they all somehow decided to leave on the same day, starting with a few hundred
in one city and then growing to much larger numbers within the day or so.
What I want to know is whether this is a single story or possibly a few stories that effected a few families and then they decided to round up their
friends/peers & others in similar financial situation and then decided to set off for the US. Was this story shared between the initial group and
then spread among the other people as they joined? OR did this gang decide to set the same collection date for ~1,000 people and ratchet up the
demands and threat of violence all in one fell swoop. Having practiced violence against the "normal" citizens, the people were rightfully scared.
Now of the two options, if it was the latter, this seems like a tactical move by the gang to give them the push to make the trek to the US. Could this
have been at the behest of an outside party? But why would they do this if they are loosing their source of protection $? Maybe they are getting
paid or will receive future benefits such as the loss of the people's businesses & homes (which they can then buy/use/operate) which they would take
over and possibly use to launder their drug/gun/trafficking $$.
This caravan story has the same feeling as almost every other major event news story, like it is written at the last minute and without a lot of deep
thought. All the events like school shootings, LV, MH370, Benghazi, etc - all of those most people can tell we are being lied to and being given a
partial story possibly mixed with lies. This event feels the same way and it doesn't matter which party is in the white house/senate/house - they all
seem to feel similar.
I'm just trying to figure out what may have initiated this unreasonable trek when going to an embassy to claim asylum would have been easier, safer
and possibly have a higher chance of success. Or why didn't they go to any of the other Spanish speaking countries like Panama or Colombia, both have
a per capita wage about 4-5x higher than Honduras and their economies are doing well with a 146% increase & 30% increase in GDP over the last 10 years
respectively. Both countries are much safer than Honduras/El Salvador. From there they could apply for immigration visas to the US if they wished.
I'm trying to understand what is so attractive about the US all of the sudden, a country many of these people supposedly have claimed to hate (IDK if
they hate the people or politics of the US), especially taking on such a long "march" (while looking like they didn't plan to walk more than a few
miles - who decides to walk 2500 miles in plastic flip flops or plastic crocs?) being still hurricane season and with winter approaching, carrying
almost no supplies and in some cases making children endure this behavior.
These people talk about community and how they want to work and help people and often claim "latino's" are very kind to each other, but I don't see
any of the surrounding countries offering assistance of any kind, Guatemala, Mexico, or those south of Honduras. If they are so kind and caring about
their culture, why don't they offer assistance to those suffering from this extortion, so they don't have to go through all of this.
NONE of this caravan story holds up under examination. There are a lot of stories that try to tug at heart strings and trigger others, but it is all
meant to make people react on emotion and not look at the entire picture of what is and isn't happening, and asking why. People should be EXTREMELY
mad about this because they are being actively and maliciously manipulated by someone and I fear that these people marching have been fed false
promises and are being used as pawns (which might be part of the whole plan. to them make US/Trump look bad). I have a feeling that this might be the
workings of the last admin in conjunction with other progressive Ideologues.
edit on 10 24 2018 by DigginFoTroof because: (no reason