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Contacting past loved ones, and dream interpretation?

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posted on Oct, 23 2018 @ 06:21 PM
My suggestion for you is before going to sleep, ask if it is okay to receive a message from a departed loved one. Say that you would like to receive a message, and to remember it. And then see what your dreams turn up.


a reply to: MrRCflying

posted on Oct, 24 2018 @ 12:52 AM

originally posted by: MrRCflying
First time asking for spiritual help, other than with a pastor. If someone is a medium, and can help make contact, it would be appreciated.

My friend,

According to your dreams, you already did make contact. Unfortunately your thoughts and emotions interfered with the process.
edit on 24-10-2018 by More1ThanAny1 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 24 2018 @ 07:51 AM

originally posted by: MrRCflying
First time asking for spiritual help, other than with a pastor. If someone is a medium, and can help make contact, it would be appreciated.

I recently lost a close loved one. I have never been big into psychics or mediums, thinking most of it was hogwash. Brought up Baptist, and believe I am a born again Christian. However, my faith has been faltering since my loss. I am looking for something solid, proof if you will that there is an afterlife, thus I am turning to you all for help.

I would like to ask a single question, that would have a very specific and unusual answer from my passed loved one. Something this person would only know. If I get a good answer, I believe I can rest easier. It has been very tough on me lately.

I also have had a couple of dreams about this person, which do not make a whole lot of sense.

Is there anyone that believes they can contact those that have passed and/or decipher dreams help out?

Focused Transcendental Meditation targeting the person and question.

It may take a few times....but just have no way to verify it except within yourself.

And targeted astral projection as well...

Been there...
edit on 24-10-2018 by mysterioustranger because: No coffee yet....

posted on Oct, 24 2018 @ 10:14 AM

originally posted by: MrRCflying
First time asking for spiritual help, other than with a pastor. If someone is a medium, and can help make contact, it would be appreciated.

I recently lost a close loved one. I have never been big into psychics or mediums, thinking most of it was hogwash. Brought up Baptist, and believe I am a born again Christian. However, my faith has been faltering since my loss. I am looking for something solid, proof if you will that there is an afterlife, thus I am turning to you all for help.

I would like to ask a single question, that would have a very specific and unusual answer from my passed loved one. Something this person would only know. If I get a good answer, I believe I can rest easier. It has been very tough on me lately.

I also have had a couple of dreams about this person, which do not make a whole lot of sense.

Is there anyone that believes they can contact those that have passed and/or decipher dreams help out?

ETA to 1st reply: "She" knows and it's ok. Don't know what that pertains to...but what was lost or misunderstood was supposed to be that way...

Prob this is not significant to you...

God Bless...sorry for your recent loss
edit on 24-10-2018 by mysterioustranger because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 24 2018 @ 11:22 AM
I lost my sister a number of years ago. Since then I've seen her in dreams...which always to appear more than just dreams if you know what I mean. Once I even had a conversation with her in a dream.

I've heard people say that if you call out to them before going to sleep and say something like "Sis, I'd really like to see you tonight" then they may appear to you. What I've found is that doesn't really work and that they will appear to you on their terms and not yours.

If you're determined to make contact and want a medium there's a guy named Ricky Wood who supposedly is the real deal. Just google him and you'll find his website.

Good luck and sorry for your loss.

posted on Oct, 24 2018 @ 12:55 PM
a reply to: MrRCflying

My father passed away about a year ago, and I was getting visitations from him in dreams and etheric/oob travels. I believe he was pulling me out while I was asleep bc he knew I was into that. I don't feel or see him around anymore so I think he crossed over from the 'etheric/astral waiting room' about 3 or 4 months ago.

Please see some entries from my magickal record which pertain that you may find interesting:

it started out as a regular dream where I was at work. Then they were
doing an Out of Body Experience study of some kind in an adjacent
room. I went into the room and began projecting out of my body. At
that point it stopped being a dream and I felt I was really out of my
body. I could not leave the (now bedroom) as there was some kind of control in
place . Suddenly I noticed an intrusion of foreign energy into the
area. It was a small green creature that looked like an insect, like
a grasshopper sort of, on top of a filing cabinet. I pushed it off to
see it jump. And it fell to the floor, and jumped up to the top. This
was amazing because it was a full 4 or 5 foot tall cabinet. I did it
again. It jumped back up.

Then it grew larger and larger until I was looking at a man-sized
green creature, like an alien. Large large black eyes. It directed
my attention to a small black plastic device. It was about the size
of a remote key for a car. It had small buttons on it and was used to
communicate. You could use it like a phone, a radio, or the like.
All of a sudden weird sounds came out of it and I was frightened. It
was all so alien.
The fright, made me wake up. I looked ahead in my bed and it was
pitch black. Then I could see M next to me and I heard creepy swing
music coming from ahead. The device was in bed next to her. I was
still partially out of body so I couldn't speak properly. I was trying
to say turn it off! Oh god! It was very imperative to stop the
Then my (deceased) dad's voice went through the device and urged me to reach to
turn it off. This woke me up again. I knew that the previous wake up
had been a 'dream' too. Or OOBE.
This time when I woke up I reached ahead of me in the pitch black. M
was not there. I heard noises like lawn workers blowing leaves or
mowing. I knew then this also was a 'dream' as that never happens in
the middle of the night. Finally I woke up for real. So it was a
very layered OOB type projection experience with a foreign or alien
It didn't feel evil, it just felt so Other that my body could not
stand the force or shock of it's presence.

The weirdest thing - I have gone OOB before purposely, but more often
than not it is when I wake up and it happens by itself. .

Not sure
what time this happened, if I had to guess sometime between 1 and 4
am. I felt the
vibrating feeling of leaving my body but I didn't leave fully. I was
in an in-between state.
I felt fear as of some alien energy, non human.
That fear passed and then I literally heard my deceased father's voice
in my right ear. Not in my head, and not through my left ear, against
the pillow.

Long story short, we had a conversation along the lines of him wanting
me to be in my room on Monday at 3 to show me 'what is wrong with me'
I am presuming as regards to a (thick) blood issue. I told him I would be at
work at 3pm so how about 3am? So I think we agreed although he was
annoyed. Then his voice got fainter and fainter as if he was losing
connection but we got it planned. I was totally awake yet not fully
in body and I heard it like a real person in the room, but as through
a filter of perhaps something like an old radio.


Last night I had 2 interesting OOBE/astral journeys. I think it
wasn't a proper OOBE bc I was not in the room (i don't think) but it
did seem familiar outside. It was confusing. What made it confusing
was that it was fully tactile like my true OOBE's (etheric in other
words) but the place settings seemed half around the neighbourhood and
half astral. It was hard to tell to be honest. Anyway once I found
myself out of body I did an experiment and said 'I want to see my
dad.' I flew through buildings, down through some unknown material,
perhaps earth and found myself in what seemed to be a cave or dark
room. My dad was there looking fine if a bit... weird in the eyes. I
felt the need to test him to make sure it was him. I said 'Do What
Thou Wilt Shall be the Whole of the Law.' instead of repeating
properly, he sounded drunk or idiotic, instead of saying Love is the
Law etc he said 'Lub is the lob' or something. I repeated louder
DWTWSBTWOTL! he said again, trying 'love is the lwwwwww lv.....' it
obviously was not him as it was unable to answer the challenge.
It started to scream obscenities to me as I banished it with a blue pentagram.

I found myself back in my body, and then slightly half awake. I
concentrated the feeling of vibration and relaxation and popped out of
my body again. This time I was outside near our house and it felt
more proper OOBE due to the setting though I think the first one was
actual after all.

I was standing on some nice green grass looking up at some crows
flying. I flew through the air and decided to materialise a kind of
lasso. I hooked a crows leg and hung on to the rope. Because I was
nonphysical he could carry me. He got kind of annoyed towing me
around so I slipped it off after he landed. I think we were about to
try to communicate when we were landed across the street but then I
snapped back into my body.

posted on Oct, 24 2018 @ 01:12 PM
a reply to: chris_stibrany

Very interesting read! Thanks for sharing that. I appreciate it.

posted on Oct, 24 2018 @ 01:13 PM
Thank you all for your replies! I will look into these things. Hopefully I can find the answers I am looking for.

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