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Contacting past loved ones, and dream interpretation?

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posted on Oct, 23 2018 @ 02:53 PM
First time asking for spiritual help, other than with a pastor. If someone is a medium, and can help make contact, it would be appreciated.

I recently lost a close loved one. I have never been big into psychics or mediums, thinking most of it was hogwash. Brought up Baptist, and believe I am a born again Christian. However, my faith has been faltering since my loss. I am looking for something solid, proof if you will that there is an afterlife, thus I am turning to you all for help.

I would like to ask a single question, that would have a very specific and unusual answer from my passed loved one. Something this person would only know. If I get a good answer, I believe I can rest easier. It has been very tough on me lately.

I also have had a couple of dreams about this person, which do not make a whole lot of sense.

Is there anyone that believes they can contact those that have passed and/or decipher dreams help out?

posted on Oct, 23 2018 @ 03:17 PM
a reply to: MrRCflying

We had a loved one pass away. We always heard that they visit you in the form of a bird, a red cardinal.
At first we just joked about it. Hey there is grandpa in the yard every time we would see one.

Then one day we were driving, I mentioned that we had not seen grandpa in a while. In less than one minute the brightest
cardinal flew right over our windshield. Coincidence? Maybe. We both had tears in our eyes.

Immediately following his death I had a dream that he told me to tell a family member to look for something very specific. The words were absolutely clear and concise. It remains a puzzle but I have no doubt what he told me will come to light in due time. The dream was not disturbing in any way, if anything it comforted me greatly.

posted on Oct, 23 2018 @ 03:24 PM
Why would you want to have someone you love interact with this hellish existence after they were lucky enough to get out of it?

posted on Oct, 23 2018 @ 03:28 PM
a reply to: JAGStorm

When my wives grandfather died, my wife took my sons up to his house to look around the yard. My one son started crying, and suddenly a butterfly came right up to his face. It fluttered around for maybe 10 seconds, until he laughed, then flew off. Kind of strange one there too.

So far, I have not had anything stand out that could be this person doing something. Two of the dreams have been quite disturbing to me, the other one, just strange.

I will go into more details, but want to remain vague for the moment, until I can ask the question to someone who may make contact. I don't want to use a "professional" as I think most of them are in it for the money, and have no real talents. I do believe that there are some out there who do have real talents however.

posted on Oct, 23 2018 @ 03:35 PM
a reply to: Blue Shift

True... Selfishness I guess.

This person would want my mind at ease, I am sure.

posted on Oct, 23 2018 @ 03:46 PM
a reply to: MrRCflying

I'm not a medium, but i'm pretty good at dream interpretation. If you want to pm me with your dream(s) I will tell you what I think it is.

Keep in mind many dreams meaning are not what they seem. For example, a dream about death is usually not about death, but about a new beginning new start etc.

posted on Oct, 23 2018 @ 03:52 PM

originally posted by: JAGStorm
a reply to: MrRCflying

I'm not a medium, but i'm pretty good at dream interpretation. If you want to pm me with your dream(s) I will tell you what I think it is.

Keep in mind many dreams meaning are not what they seem. For example, a dream about death is usually not about death, but about a new beginning new start etc.

I don't mind posting it here. If you are OK with that. We all might learn something.

posted on Oct, 23 2018 @ 03:54 PM
a reply to: MrRCflying

Of course do it! I think there are a lot of interesting people with "gifts" on ATS

posted on Oct, 23 2018 @ 04:00 PM
a reply to: MrRCflying

i suggest you look into astral projection. I actually learned a lot from people on this forum many years ago.

It is a way to self induce out of body experiences. It is real and i fully believe you can contact your loved ones who have passed on.

You can also encounter all sorts of realms of people who created their own realities to live in after death. Heaven realms, hell realms, carnival realms, super weird half human half technology realms, cartoon realms, it really is endless.

Consciousness never dies, we are living in a temporary school called Earth.
edit on 23-10-2018 by booyakasha because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 23 2018 @ 04:11 PM
a reply to: JAGStorm

Here it goes!

I will reveal that it was my father that passed. It was in mid August. I will not reveal the cause or anything yet.

The first dream, was the night after his passing, it is the strange one. My wife, mother and I were in his car, he was driving. We were on a country road with a hill on our left, and a steep decline, almost a cliff on our right. There was snow and slush on the road, and snow was piled up against the guard rail. We came around a corner and there was a fat lady in pink sweatpants and zip up sweat shirt riding one of those mobility scooters in the road. My dad swerved to the right, and up the embankment of snow. We went over the edge, and I felt like I was falling during the dream. The car came down flat at the bottom, cushioned by several feet of snow. We were all OK. My dad opened the door and yelled up at the lady, and asked her to go get us some help. She just said "nah..." and went on her way with the scooter.

Second dream, a couple of weeks ago. My mother and I had taken my dad to the doctors, when he had something happen. Similar to what his cause of death was. The doctors kept telling us that he would not make it. He suddenly woke up, and was fine. It skipped to several weeks after, and he was normal, no problems. When I woke up and realized he was gone, it crushed me.

Third dream was last night. Started off good. We were in a building, like a school or hall of some sort. My wife and I were in a stairway, getting it on. (I know, probably to much info.) I told her we had to get back up to the party. Got up there and it was a welcome home party for my dad. He was there, standing drinking coffee, but did not acknowledge me or say anything. I told some people that this is not right, something is wrong. I was standing next to the food table, and it hit me. I yelled out "He is supposed to be DEAD!" My aunt, who is still alive was next to me, her husband who passed 15 years ago was next to her, stuffing his face. LOL My aunt said "it's OK, he is back now, everything is fine".

When I yelled out "he is supposed to be DEAD!" I had this wave of feeling. Anger, fear, sorrow, and guilt that I was saying he was supposed to be dead, when he was alive in the dream. All the feelings all rolled into one, just bam! I woke up with that feeling, and it has been with me all day.

Wife says it's dinner time, but I will be back in a bit.

posted on Oct, 23 2018 @ 04:28 PM
a reply to: MrRCflying

The first dream, was the night after his passing, it is the strange one. My wife, mother and I were in his car, he was driving. We were on a country road with a hill on our left, and a steep decline, almost a cliff on our right. There was snow and slush on the road, and snow was piled up against the guard rail. We came around a corner and there was a fat lady in pink sweatpants and zip up sweat shirt riding one of those mobility scooters in the road. My dad swerved to the right, and up the embankment of snow. We went over the edge, and I felt like I was falling during the dream. The car came down flat at the bottom, cushioned by several feet of snow. We were all OK. My dad opened the door and yelled up at the lady, and asked her to go get us some help. She just said "nah..." and went on her way with the scooter.

Falling is a very common dream. Your dad's death left you feeling out of control. When a loved one dies, it does somewhat feel like you are just falling. The good news is that the car landing safely shows that you and your family and your mom will be ok. You know you will be ok, but maybe feel a little guilt or are not ready to feel OK. The lady in the mobility scooter (an ugly emotion/fat lady ugly pants, helpless scooter) could be your feelings of helpless toward your dad's death, both unable to help, and unable to save him.

posted on Oct, 23 2018 @ 04:34 PM
a reply to: JAGStorm

Well, I had that one mostly figured out. I figured the falling and landing safe was that everything would be OK, even though it felt out of control. I could not figure the meaning of the lady on the scooter though. What you said makes sense.

posted on Oct, 23 2018 @ 04:51 PM
a reply to: MrRCflying

Second dream, a couple of weeks ago. My mother and I had taken my dad to the doctors, when he had something happen. Similar to what his cause of death was. The doctors kept telling us that he would not make it. He suddenly woke up, and was fine. It skipped to several weeks after, and he was normal, no problems. When I woke up and realized he was gone, it crushed me.

I think this one is your mind just wishing the doctor was wrong and that it was all a mistake. It shows you miss him a lot and have a lot of emotions regarding his death. It also might be your mind wondering if there was some kind of medical mistake made that could have possibly contributed to your dad's death.

Some people believe seeing a dead relative alive in a dream means something once lost will return.

posted on Oct, 23 2018 @ 04:54 PM
a reply to: MrRCflying

Double rainbow outside just now! "What does it mean?? What does it mean??" LOL
edit on 23-10-2018 by MrRCflying because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 23 2018 @ 04:58 PM
a reply to: JAGStorm

Makes sense to me. Just wishing for a different outcome. I just wish I did not feel so crushed when I woke up from it.

posted on Oct, 23 2018 @ 04:58 PM
a reply to: MrRCflying

Third Dream.

Whenever there are dreams about school I always associate that with anxiety.

You being in high school maybe shows that you do not want to "adult". The scene with your wife reinforces that those were good times, pleasurable times, being a kid not having to worry about things.
Basically you are not ready to deal
with the death of your father, yet you are being called back into the adult world (being called to go to the party). In your dream it appears that everyone else seems to be handling the death of relatives (even your aunt) except you.

edit on 23-10-2018 by JAGStorm because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 23 2018 @ 05:05 PM
a reply to: JAGStorm

Hmmm... I have to think on this one a while. I am 44, married 20 years, with 3 boys. I still feel like a kid though. I own my own small business that builds components for RC vehicles, especially planes. So I guess you could say I am in the toy business. I am an adult, but don't want to grow up. Ask my wife. LOL

School was not a good time for me though.

posted on Oct, 23 2018 @ 05:16 PM
a reply to: MrRCflying

school = anxiety
I understood it to mean the time before your fathers death not literally your time in school. (I absolutely hate when I have dreams of me back in my school days)

There is a saying that girl is not a woman until her mom dies. I think the same could be said for men with their dads.

Maybe this is your struggle, Realizing your own mortality, fearing that you have to grow up?

posted on Oct, 23 2018 @ 05:22 PM
a reply to: JAGStorm

Could be. I have had anxiety issues around death in the past.

Thank you JAG, for your help with interpreting them. I appreciate it. I have to go for some family time now.

If there are any mediums out there that would like to ask him a question for me, I would love to hear from you!

posted on Oct, 23 2018 @ 05:31 PM
a reply to: MrRCflying

Have you considered seeking out a real shaman?

Hard too find, but in my opinion, they are the "real deal", good luck anyways.

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