posted on Oct, 24 2018 @ 12:51 PM
Having paid attention to this issue the following can be stated:
This country is a nation of immigrants, unless a person is an native American, whose ancestor came here thousands of years ago via the Bearing
Straights land bridge, all of our ancestors came here from another country, some fleeing from oppressive policies, or seeking for freedoms, building a
country that would enshrine and cherish those freedoms. And that was an idea, which was sent far and wide, like a light in the dark, to all corners
of the world. In that idea, there was no mention of what all a person could do, but it was that it was a land of second chances, where a person could
work hard and achieve their dreams.
There are several problems here. The main problem is the truth, and that is many of the current immigration problems and policies go back to earlier
administrations, starting in the 1940’s. And it progressively got worse over there years, with far worse US policies during the cold war and the
results of those policies are now being seen today. During World War II, the US invited migrant workers into the country, to help with the farms, but
after the war, did not stop the policies, but offered special visa’s and waivers. During the Cold War, the US policy was to stop the influence of
the Soviet Union, which resulted in dictators being kept in power in many of the Central American countries. And when civil wars broke out, the US
did not want to deal with a mess that it created. Later on when MS 13, first became a problem in the US, as it was formed on the streets of the US,
the US deported those members back to their home countries, shipping it mess back to other countries, rather than deal with the problem.
Another problem is that the immigration system is in shambles. Not enough persons to deal with the sheer number of people. Interpreters and lawyers
are in short supply, and the judges are too few and expecting to clear far more cases than they can handle. The investigators are also in short
supply and the border patrol are facing equal shortages, to where it is a system that is imperil. Added to the fact that the immigration department
itself is underfunded. Even if a person comes through legally, it could take years for them to get approved, due to the underfunding and lack of
persons, and still in that time frame be deported.
Another aspect that is not reported on, but the reality is that a good 40% of the illegal immigrants who are here in the USA, came legally, just
overstayed their visa’s and never went home. They did not walk across the border, but flew in, came in through the front door. Those are never
addressed, and often are ignored or under reported.
The solution is going to hurt, the first is that the government has to admit the truth, and stop lying to the public, instead of using it as a
political crutch. In all of these years, the federal government could have stopped this at any time and has chosen to ignore it. Congress does
nothing about it, in all of that time, rather putting a bandage on the issue but never solves it.
The first thing is that we need to know the truth, not a political slant. The second is that the system needs to be addressed and looked at, and
fixed. Perhaps say proper funding to the system, more judges, and courts, and investigators, and all of that.