posted on Oct, 21 2018 @ 01:59 AM
Greetings and salutations! I have lurked in anonymity for quite some time and finally decided to stop being a coward and join. Now I know we will have
differences in what we believe or how we loom into things, but that does not mean we can't remain cordial with one another.
To tell you all a bit about myself;
I hold an interest in many things that are discussed here, space and politics for example, and stumbled quiet happily upon this site. I enjoy a good
debate from time to time, and am humble enough to admit whenever I have been proven incorrect on something. My political beliefs are definitely
something most would disagree with; I am a benign authoritarian. Why? I'll explain should anyone show interest in the subject.
I have the highest hopes that we will expand our mental fortitude by sharing our views and opinions, as well as our hopes and dreams.
A Humble Servant of Life,