posted on Jul, 4 2003 @ 11:10 PM
I define a Pauline conversion as life changing experience in which God uniquely reveals Himself to the person having the experience. Pauline
conversions are intensely personal and really serve only for the edification of the person directly concerned. Such experiences do not really aid
other believers who typically respond with something on the order of "cool". They still believe. When the experience is related to the
non-believer, they tend to want to hand you over to the men in white coats. They still do not believe. Hence the only person who is changed is the
one to whom it occurs. Consider the conversion of Paul, struck blind on the road to Damascus and hearing the voice of Christ. Did relating details
of his encounter change ever change the belief of anyone - probably not. The believer still believed and uttered the Aramaic equivalent of "cool".
The non-believers just thought he had suffered from sunstroke and was delusional. Such was my conversion, a very intense and personal experience.
However I rarely discuss the details because it normally does no good, the believer still believes, the non-believer scoffs and still does not
believe. My question is this: Are there any believers on this forum who have had a similar conversion experience by which they have come to know God
and would they like to share that exprience with others. I guarantee that I will not scoff or laugh at you. Perhaps I might even post my experience.
Unfortunately, we can expect the "skeptics" to post their usual snide comments but we care bear with those who wish to show their ignorance.