posted on Jul, 5 2003 @ 01:43 AM
You all make excellent points. Even if such a supercomputer were to exist, it would still be a means of physical control. Physically toying with the
economic system by requiring folks to get implants. It is extremely difficult to control enormous populations by PHYSICAL methods.
Instead, they are using psychological methods (and getting away with it, because we enjoy it!). They have conditioned us to spend our money using
credit cards because it is more convenient for us. Internet credit card sales contribute significantly, this is the reason the Internet is allowed to
stick around. It directly benefits those in control, any way you cut it. Controlling us via psychological means (i.e. HAARP, behavioral
conditioning) is much more efficient AND effective. As long as they continue to reinforce us, we will continue to use their methods of convenience.
The recent media push for cell phones & cell phone use (i.e. "Can you hear me now?"-- what comes next?...) is probably involved as well, although
I'm still researching that portion.
We are a technologically addicted society. Technology is a wonderful behavioral reinforcer, however.