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Blatant Hypocrisy and Projection

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posted on Oct, 16 2018 @ 05:29 PM
a reply to: Quadrivium

Oh dear, I think someone is in denial. Why, you’ve got a very famous racist from the great state of South Carolina who recently killed 9 black people worshipping in their own church. Let me tell you, he ain’t the only one, he’s just one of the worst.

posted on Oct, 16 2018 @ 07:04 PM

originally posted by: IAMNOTYOU

originally posted by: Quadrivium

originally posted by: IAMNOTYOU

originally posted by: Quadrivium

originally posted by: blueman12

originally posted by: Quadrivium
My Opinion:

Liberals are adults that have never fully matured mentally. Somewhere between the ages of 13 and 17 their mentality stopped developing and they are stuck at that awkward state between puberty and adulthood.
They are very much like the headstrong teenager whom thinks they know better than the wiser more experience parent and rebel when things don't go their way.

That is all.


That's a very immature statement and just shows how little you interact with intelligent liberals/democrats. Just as republicans aren't all racist uneducated rednecks; all liberals aren't Marxist government needing snowflakes.

I honestly can't believe that people like you have to belittle your political competitioin so much to the point of saying their intelligence and maturity is of a rebelious teenager.

It only goes to show your intelligence and maturity when you condense people into these box's to fit your own world view.

Not belittling.

It is just my opinion, as I stated.

This comes from the liberals I have delt with over the years.

However, I will concede that I have not met all liberals. Most of the time, when posting this, I usually state "most" liberals.

Thank you for pointing out my error.

Shouldnt it be "most liverals i have meet" ?

You should read this too

The assumption that all members of a group are the one and same person, all alike, is the understanding of a child that hasn't been taught any better.

Perhaps you missed this part?

However, I will concede that I have not met all liberals. Most of the time, when posting this, I usually state "most" liberals.

I will state that every liberal I have met in my life has been this way. Not most, ALL.

But as I said I have not met them all so I can not say all are this way.

That is exactly the part i speak of. But if youre saying that ALL liberals you have meet, are mentally deranged, then youre are correct in the wording.

This is what you said

Liberals are adults that have never fully matured mentally. Somewhere between the ages of 13 and 17 their mentality stopped developing and they are stuck at that awkward state between puberty and adulthood. They are very much like the headstrong teenager whom thinks they know better than the wiser more experience parent and rebel when things don't go their way.

So you are like a hitler guy, mentally deranged people shouldnt be allowed to vote, right?
Do you think they are better of dead, so you can get youre "pure" blood to rule the world, or what is youre plan to get rid of those terrible people who are unfit for voting?

What can i say, i think you should go visit a doctor, i dont think youre well and "all there"

I never said any of that and it is sad if you actually think that is what I meant. It just goes further in proving my point.

posted on Oct, 16 2018 @ 07:32 PM

originally posted by: kaylaluv
a reply to: Quadrivium

Oh dear, I think someone is in denial. Why, you’ve got a very famous racist from the great state of South Carolina who recently killed 9 black people worshipping in their own church. Let me tell you, he ain’t the only one, he’s just one of the worst.

Let me tell you a little about my world view there snowflake.

I was born and raised in a predominantly black community, In fact the only other white family was my cousin and his family.
We grew up with all black friends and never a problem. We went to a school that was 75% black and everyone got along great.

We were all poor and that was our main worry.

I am a conservative libertarian that believes in SMALL government.
It is the liberal left in this country (mostly whites) that see black people as inferior. They do not think they have a chance of making it on their own and think blacks need a "hand up" because they can't do it for themselves.
Do you know how demeaning that is?

White liberals are the reason Trump won.
It is time to have a reality check.

It seems that you and those like you are the worse kind of liberal. You project your own feelings on to others. I can honestly say that the most racist people I have ever met have been from the big cities or up north.
They do not understand reality. They just go off of what they are told.

I would trust a black man in the south more than I ever would a white liberal.
So, maybe I am racist. I do not like some white people.

I have lived here most of my life. I have traveled all over the world and I can honestly say that liberals are the root of racism on both sides.

Most white Liberals claim to be all for equal rights but they honestly think that minorities need further help because they are inferior.......RACISM.
Grow up. You seem to be just the kind of person I referenced in my first post. I tried not to make this personal but sometimes, when dealing with people who act like children, the need arises.

posted on Oct, 16 2018 @ 08:57 PM

originally posted by: Quadrivium

originally posted by: IAMNOTYOU

originally posted by: Quadrivium

originally posted by: IAMNOTYOU

originally posted by: Quadrivium

originally posted by: blueman12

originally posted by: Quadrivium
My Opinion:

Liberals are adults that have never fully matured mentally. Somewhere between the ages of 13 and 17 their mentality stopped developing and they are stuck at that awkward state between puberty and adulthood.
They are very much like the headstrong teenager whom thinks they know better than the wiser more experience parent and rebel when things don't go their way.

That is all.


That's a very immature statement and just shows how little you interact with intelligent liberals/democrats. Just as republicans aren't all racist uneducated rednecks; all liberals aren't Marxist government needing snowflakes.

I honestly can't believe that people like you have to belittle your political competitioin so much to the point of saying their intelligence and maturity is of a rebelious teenager.

It only goes to show your intelligence and maturity when you condense people into these box's to fit your own world view.

Not belittling.

It is just my opinion, as I stated.

This comes from the liberals I have delt with over the years.

However, I will concede that I have not met all liberals. Most of the time, when posting this, I usually state "most" liberals.

Thank you for pointing out my error.

Shouldnt it be "most liverals i have meet" ?

You should read this too

The assumption that all members of a group are the one and same person, all alike, is the understanding of a child that hasn't been taught any better.

Perhaps you missed this part?

However, I will concede that I have not met all liberals. Most of the time, when posting this, I usually state "most" liberals.

I will state that every liberal I have met in my life has been this way. Not most, ALL.

But as I said I have not met them all so I can not say all are this way.

That is exactly the part i speak of. But if youre saying that ALL liberals you have meet, are mentally deranged, then youre are correct in the wording.

This is what you said

Liberals are adults that have never fully matured mentally. Somewhere between the ages of 13 and 17 their mentality stopped developing and they are stuck at that awkward state between puberty and adulthood. They are very much like the headstrong teenager whom thinks they know better than the wiser more experience parent and rebel when things don't go their way.

So you are like a hitler guy, mentally deranged people shouldnt be allowed to vote, right?
Do you think they are better of dead, so you can get youre "pure" blood to rule the world, or what is youre plan to get rid of those terrible people who are unfit for voting?

What can i say, i think you should go visit a doctor, i dont think youre well and "all there"

I never said any of that and it is sad if you actually think that is what I meant. It just goes further in proving my point.

Oh, but iam not a liberal...
So you think that mentally disabled people with and understanding of a 13 year old should be allowed to vote? Cause that is what you say they all are.

I make the comparison with hitler, because he thought that all jews was lesser people, like you think all liberals are lesser people. You may have more in common with the guy than you think

edit on 16-10-2018 by IAMNOTYOU because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 16 2018 @ 09:00 PM

originally posted by: IAMNOTYOU

originally posted by: Quadrivium

originally posted by: IAMNOTYOU

originally posted by: Quadrivium

originally posted by: IAMNOTYOU

originally posted by: Quadrivium

originally posted by: blueman12

originally posted by: Quadrivium
My Opinion:

Liberals are adults that have never fully matured mentally. Somewhere between the ages of 13 and 17 their mentality stopped developing and they are stuck at that awkward state between puberty and adulthood.
They are very much like the headstrong teenager whom thinks they know better than the wiser more experience parent and rebel when things don't go their way.

That is all.


That's a very immature statement and just shows how little you interact with intelligent liberals/democrats. Just as republicans aren't all racist uneducated rednecks; all liberals aren't Marxist government needing snowflakes.

I honestly can't believe that people like you have to belittle your political competitioin so much to the point of saying their intelligence and maturity is of a rebelious teenager.

It only goes to show your intelligence and maturity when you condense people into these box's to fit your own world view.

Not belittling.

It is just my opinion, as I stated.

This comes from the liberals I have delt with over the years.

However, I will concede that I have not met all liberals. Most of the time, when posting this, I usually state "most" liberals.

Thank you for pointing out my error.

Shouldnt it be "most liverals i have meet" ?

You should read this too

The assumption that all members of a group are the one and same person, all alike, is the understanding of a child that hasn't been taught any better.

Perhaps you missed this part?

However, I will concede that I have not met all liberals. Most of the time, when posting this, I usually state "most" liberals.

I will state that every liberal I have met in my life has been this way. Not most, ALL.

But as I said I have not met them all so I can not say all are this way.

That is exactly the part i speak of. But if youre saying that ALL liberals you have meet, are mentally deranged, then youre are correct in the wording.

This is what you said

Liberals are adults that have never fully matured mentally. Somewhere between the ages of 13 and 17 their mentality stopped developing and they are stuck at that awkward state between puberty and adulthood. They are very much like the headstrong teenager whom thinks they know better than the wiser more experience parent and rebel when things don't go their way.

So you are like a hitler guy, mentally deranged people shouldnt be allowed to vote, right?
Do you think they are better of dead, so you can get youre "pure" blood to rule the world, or what is youre plan to get rid of those terrible people who are unfit for voting?

What can i say, i think you should go visit a doctor, i dont think youre well and "all there"

I never said any of that and it is sad if you actually think that is what I meant. It just goes further in proving my point.

Oh, but iam not a liberal...
So you think that mentally disabled people with and understanding of a 13 year old should be allowed to vote? Cause that is what you say they all are.

Voting is only a workable concept if the people are highly educated and can make good choices.

Having an uneducated population vote is essentially rolling the dice and getting random answers with no valid reasoning or logic behind them.

posted on Oct, 16 2018 @ 09:03 PM

originally posted by: muzzleflash

originally posted by: IAMNOTYOU

originally posted by: Quadrivium

originally posted by: IAMNOTYOU

originally posted by: Quadrivium

originally posted by: IAMNOTYOU

originally posted by: Quadrivium

originally posted by: blueman12

originally posted by: Quadrivium
My Opinion:

Liberals are adults that have never fully matured mentally. Somewhere between the ages of 13 and 17 their mentality stopped developing and they are stuck at that awkward state between puberty and adulthood.
They are very much like the headstrong teenager whom thinks they know better than the wiser more experience parent and rebel when things don't go their way.

That is all.


That's a very immature statement and just shows how little you interact with intelligent liberals/democrats. Just as republicans aren't all racist uneducated rednecks; all liberals aren't Marxist government needing snowflakes.

I honestly can't believe that people like you have to belittle your political competitioin so much to the point of saying their intelligence and maturity is of a rebelious teenager.

It only goes to show your intelligence and maturity when you condense people into these box's to fit your own world view.

Not belittling.

It is just my opinion, as I stated.

This comes from the liberals I have delt with over the years.

However, I will concede that I have not met all liberals. Most of the time, when posting this, I usually state "most" liberals.

Thank you for pointing out my error.

Shouldnt it be "most liverals i have meet" ?

You should read this too

The assumption that all members of a group are the one and same person, all alike, is the understanding of a child that hasn't been taught any better.

Perhaps you missed this part?

However, I will concede that I have not met all liberals. Most of the time, when posting this, I usually state "most" liberals.

I will state that every liberal I have met in my life has been this way. Not most, ALL.

But as I said I have not met them all so I can not say all are this way.

That is exactly the part i speak of. But if youre saying that ALL liberals you have meet, are mentally deranged, then youre are correct in the wording.

This is what you said

Liberals are adults that have never fully matured mentally. Somewhere between the ages of 13 and 17 their mentality stopped developing and they are stuck at that awkward state between puberty and adulthood. They are very much like the headstrong teenager whom thinks they know better than the wiser more experience parent and rebel when things don't go their way.

So you are like a hitler guy, mentally deranged people shouldnt be allowed to vote, right?
Do you think they are better of dead, so you can get youre "pure" blood to rule the world, or what is youre plan to get rid of those terrible people who are unfit for voting?

What can i say, i think you should go visit a doctor, i dont think youre well and "all there"

I never said any of that and it is sad if you actually think that is what I meant. It just goes further in proving my point.

Oh, but iam not a liberal...
So you think that mentally disabled people with and understanding of a 13 year old should be allowed to vote? Cause that is what you say they all are.

Voting is only a workable concept if the people are highly educated and can make good choices.

Having an uneducated population vote is essentially rolling the dice and getting random answers with no valid reasoning or logic behind them.

There is a big difference from being uneducated, and mentally dissabled with an understanding of a 13 year old kid, who cant learn.

posted on Oct, 16 2018 @ 10:10 PM

originally posted by: IAMNOTYOU

originally posted by: Quadrivium

originally posted by: IAMNOTYOU

originally posted by: Quadrivium

originally posted by: IAMNOTYOU

originally posted by: Quadrivium

originally posted by: blueman12

originally posted by: Quadrivium
My Opinion:

Liberals are adults that have never fully matured mentally. Somewhere between the ages of 13 and 17 their mentality stopped developing and they are stuck at that awkward state between puberty and adulthood.
They are very much like the headstrong teenager whom thinks they know better than the wiser more experience parent and rebel when things don't go their way.

That is all.


That's a very immature statement and just shows how little you interact with intelligent liberals/democrats. Just as republicans aren't all racist uneducated rednecks; all liberals aren't Marxist government needing snowflakes.

I honestly can't believe that people like you have to belittle your political competitioin so much to the point of saying their intelligence and maturity is of a rebelious teenager.

It only goes to show your intelligence and maturity when you condense people into these box's to fit your own world view.

Not belittling.

It is just my opinion, as I stated.

This comes from the liberals I have delt with over the years.

However, I will concede that I have not met all liberals. Most of the time, when posting this, I usually state "most" liberals.

Thank you for pointing out my error.

Shouldnt it be "most liverals i have meet" ?

You should read this too

The assumption that all members of a group are the one and same person, all alike, is the understanding of a child that hasn't been taught any better.

Perhaps you missed this part?

However, I will concede that I have not met all liberals. Most of the time, when posting this, I usually state "most" liberals.

I will state that every liberal I have met in my life has been this way. Not most, ALL.

But as I said I have not met them all so I can not say all are this way.

That is exactly the part i speak of. But if youre saying that ALL liberals you have meet, are mentally deranged, then youre are correct in the wording.

This is what you said

Liberals are adults that have never fully matured mentally. Somewhere between the ages of 13 and 17 their mentality stopped developing and they are stuck at that awkward state between puberty and adulthood. They are very much like the headstrong teenager whom thinks they know better than the wiser more experience parent and rebel when things don't go their way.

So you are like a hitler guy, mentally deranged people shouldnt be allowed to vote, right?
Do you think they are better of dead, so you can get youre "pure" blood to rule the world, or what is youre plan to get rid of those terrible people who are unfit for voting?

What can i say, i think you should go visit a doctor, i dont think youre well and "all there"

I never said any of that and it is sad if you actually think that is what I meant. It just goes further in proving my point.

Oh, but iam not a liberal...
So you think that mentally disabled people with and understanding of a 13 year old should be allowed to vote? Cause that is what you say they all are.

I make the comparison with hitler, because he thought that all jews was lesser people, like you think all liberals are lesser people. You may have more in common with the guy than you think

Actually I said they were ADULTS whos mentality stopped developing between the ages of 13 and 17.
Are you sure you're not a liberal?

posted on Oct, 17 2018 @ 04:28 AM

originally posted by: Quadrivium

originally posted by: IAMNOTYOU

originally posted by: Quadrivium

originally posted by: IAMNOTYOU

originally posted by: Quadrivium

originally posted by: IAMNOTYOU

originally posted by: Quadrivium

originally posted by: blueman12

originally posted by: Quadrivium
My Opinion:

Liberals are adults that have never fully matured mentally. Somewhere between the ages of 13 and 17 their mentality stopped developing and they are stuck at that awkward state between puberty and adulthood.
They are very much like the headstrong teenager whom thinks they know better than the wiser more experience parent and rebel when things don't go their way.

That is all.


That's a very immature statement and just shows how little you interact with intelligent liberals/democrats. Just as republicans aren't all racist uneducated rednecks; all liberals aren't Marxist government needing snowflakes.

I honestly can't believe that people like you have to belittle your political competitioin so much to the point of saying their intelligence and maturity is of a rebelious teenager.

It only goes to show your intelligence and maturity when you condense people into these box's to fit your own world view.

Not belittling.

It is just my opinion, as I stated.

This comes from the liberals I have delt with over the years.

However, I will concede that I have not met all liberals. Most of the time, when posting this, I usually state "most" liberals.

Thank you for pointing out my error.

Shouldnt it be "most liverals i have meet" ?

You should read this too

The assumption that all members of a group are the one and same person, all alike, is the understanding of a child that hasn't been taught any better.

Perhaps you missed this part?

However, I will concede that I have not met all liberals. Most of the time, when posting this, I usually state "most" liberals.

I will state that every liberal I have met in my life has been this way. Not most, ALL.

But as I said I have not met them all so I can not say all are this way.

That is exactly the part i speak of. But if youre saying that ALL liberals you have meet, are mentally deranged, then youre are correct in the wording.

This is what you said

Liberals are adults that have never fully matured mentally. Somewhere between the ages of 13 and 17 their mentality stopped developing and they are stuck at that awkward state between puberty and adulthood. They are very much like the headstrong teenager whom thinks they know better than the wiser more experience parent and rebel when things don't go their way.

So you are like a hitler guy, mentally deranged people shouldnt be allowed to vote, right?
Do you think they are better of dead, so you can get youre "pure" blood to rule the world, or what is youre plan to get rid of those terrible people who are unfit for voting?

What can i say, i think you should go visit a doctor, i dont think youre well and "all there"

I never said any of that and it is sad if you actually think that is what I meant. It just goes further in proving my point.

Oh, but iam not a liberal...
So you think that mentally disabled people with and understanding of a 13 year old should be allowed to vote? Cause that is what you say they all are.

I make the comparison with hitler, because he thought that all jews was lesser people, like you think all liberals are lesser people. You may have more in common with the guy than you think

Actually I said they were ADULTS whos mentality stopped developing between the ages of 13 and 17.
Are you sure you're not a liberal?

So if they stopped mentally developing, it would make them disabled, right, and with and understanding like a KID, right?

Iam not a liberal, but i got a feeling that wont matter to you. You need to fit me in a box, so youre "brain" can handle that i dont agree with you, when you say half the nation is mentally dissabled.
Are you sure it is not you who are mentally dissabled, with the understanding of kid?

posted on Oct, 17 2018 @ 07:38 PM

originally posted by: IAMNOTYOU

originally posted by: Quadrivium

originally posted by: IAMNOTYOU

originally posted by: Quadrivium

originally posted by: IAMNOTYOU

originally posted by: Quadrivium

originally posted by: IAMNOTYOU

originally posted by: Quadrivium

originally posted by: blueman12

originally posted by: Quadrivium
My Opinion:

Liberals are adults that have never fully matured mentally. Somewhere between the ages of 13 and 17 their mentality stopped developing and they are stuck at that awkward state between puberty and adulthood.
They are very much like the headstrong teenager whom thinks they know better than the wiser more experience parent and rebel when things don't go their way.

That is all.


That's a very immature statement and just shows how little you interact with intelligent liberals/democrats. Just as republicans aren't all racist uneducated rednecks; all liberals aren't Marxist government needing snowflakes.

I honestly can't believe that people like you have to belittle your political competitioin so much to the point of saying their intelligence and maturity is of a rebelious teenager.

It only goes to show your intelligence and maturity when you condense people into these box's to fit your own world view.

Not belittling.

It is just my opinion, as I stated.

This comes from the liberals I have delt with over the years.

However, I will concede that I have not met all liberals. Most of the time, when posting this, I usually state "most" liberals.

Thank you for pointing out my error.

Shouldnt it be "most liverals i have meet" ?

You should read this too

The assumption that all members of a group are the one and same person, all alike, is the understanding of a child that hasn't been taught any better.

Perhaps you missed this part?

However, I will concede that I have not met all liberals. Most of the time, when posting this, I usually state "most" liberals.

I will state that every liberal I have met in my life has been this way. Not most, ALL.

But as I said I have not met them all so I can not say all are this way.

That is exactly the part i speak of. But if youre saying that ALL liberals you have meet, are mentally deranged, then youre are correct in the wording.

This is what you said

Liberals are adults that have never fully matured mentally. Somewhere between the ages of 13 and 17 their mentality stopped developing and they are stuck at that awkward state between puberty and adulthood. They are very much like the headstrong teenager whom thinks they know better than the wiser more experience parent and rebel when things don't go their way.

So you are like a hitler guy, mentally deranged people shouldnt be allowed to vote, right?
Do you think they are better of dead, so you can get youre "pure" blood to rule the world, or what is youre plan to get rid of those terrible people who are unfit for voting?

What can i say, i think you should go visit a doctor, i dont think youre well and "all there"

I never said any of that and it is sad if you actually think that is what I meant. It just goes further in proving my point.

Oh, but iam not a liberal...
So you think that mentally disabled people with and understanding of a 13 year old should be allowed to vote? Cause that is what you say they all are.

I make the comparison with hitler, because he thought that all jews was lesser people, like you think all liberals are lesser people. You may have more in common with the guy than you think

Actually I said they were ADULTS whos mentality stopped developing between the ages of 13 and 17.
Are you sure you're not a liberal?

So if they stopped mentally developing, it would make them disabled, right, and with and understanding like a KID, right?

Iam not a liberal, but i got a feeling that wont matter to you. You need to fit me in a box, so youre "brain" can handle that i dont agree with you, when you say half the nation is mentally dissabled.
Are you sure it is not you who are mentally dissabled, with the understanding of kid?

Those are your words and your opinion.
Regardless of what either of us think, they are adults and the right to vote is theirs.

posted on Oct, 18 2018 @ 02:09 AM

originally posted by: Quadrivium

originally posted by: IAMNOTYOU

originally posted by: Quadrivium

originally posted by: IAMNOTYOU

originally posted by: Quadrivium

originally posted by: IAMNOTYOU

originally posted by: Quadrivium

originally posted by: IAMNOTYOU

originally posted by: Quadrivium

originally posted by: blueman12

originally posted by: Quadrivium
My Opinion:

Liberals are adults that have never fully matured mentally. Somewhere between the ages of 13 and 17 their mentality stopped developing and they are stuck at that awkward state between puberty and adulthood.
They are very much like the headstrong teenager whom thinks they know better than the wiser more experience parent and rebel when things don't go their way.

That is all.


That's a very immature statement and just shows how little you interact with intelligent liberals/democrats. Just as republicans aren't all racist uneducated rednecks; all liberals aren't Marxist government needing snowflakes.

I honestly can't believe that people like you have to belittle your political competitioin so much to the point of saying their intelligence and maturity is of a rebelious teenager.

It only goes to show your intelligence and maturity when you condense people into these box's to fit your own world view.

Not belittling.

It is just my opinion, as I stated.

This comes from the liberals I have delt with over the years.

However, I will concede that I have not met all liberals. Most of the time, when posting this, I usually state "most" liberals.

Thank you for pointing out my error.

Shouldnt it be "most liverals i have meet" ?

You should read this too

The assumption that all members of a group are the one and same person, all alike, is the understanding of a child that hasn't been taught any better.

Perhaps you missed this part?

However, I will concede that I have not met all liberals. Most of the time, when posting this, I usually state "most" liberals.

I will state that every liberal I have met in my life has been this way. Not most, ALL.

But as I said I have not met them all so I can not say all are this way.

That is exactly the part i speak of. But if youre saying that ALL liberals you have meet, are mentally deranged, then youre are correct in the wording.

This is what you said

Liberals are adults that have never fully matured mentally. Somewhere between the ages of 13 and 17 their mentality stopped developing and they are stuck at that awkward state between puberty and adulthood. They are very much like the headstrong teenager whom thinks they know better than the wiser more experience parent and rebel when things don't go their way.

So you are like a hitler guy, mentally deranged people shouldnt be allowed to vote, right?
Do you think they are better of dead, so you can get youre "pure" blood to rule the world, or what is youre plan to get rid of those terrible people who are unfit for voting?

What can i say, i think you should go visit a doctor, i dont think youre well and "all there"

I never said any of that and it is sad if you actually think that is what I meant. It just goes further in proving my point.

Oh, but iam not a liberal...
So you think that mentally disabled people with and understanding of a 13 year old should be allowed to vote? Cause that is what you say they all are.

I make the comparison with hitler, because he thought that all jews was lesser people, like you think all liberals are lesser people. You may have more in common with the guy than you think

Actually I said they were ADULTS whos mentality stopped developing between the ages of 13 and 17.
Are you sure you're not a liberal?

So if they stopped mentally developing, it would make them disabled, right, and with and understanding like a KID, right?

Iam not a liberal, but i got a feeling that wont matter to you. You need to fit me in a box, so youre "brain" can handle that i dont agree with you, when you say half the nation is mentally dissabled.
Are you sure it is not you who are mentally dissabled, with the understanding of kid?

Those are your words and your opinion.
Regardless of what either of us think, they are adults and the right to vote is theirs.

If they are so mentally disabled they need a guardian, they dont have the right to vote. And that is how you describe them.
I think you generalize to much, but if you have to, you should call them "uneducated" instead, or something similiar, not mentally disabled, as you do know.

posted on Oct, 18 2018 @ 05:04 AM

well you said projection?

posted on Oct, 18 2018 @ 06:50 AM

originally posted by: IAMNOTYOU

originally posted by: Quadrivium

originally posted by: IAMNOTYOU

originally posted by: Quadrivium

originally posted by: IAMNOTYOU

originally posted by: Quadrivium

originally posted by: IAMNOTYOU

originally posted by: Quadrivium

originally posted by: IAMNOTYOU

originally posted by: Quadrivium

originally posted by: blueman12

originally posted by: Quadrivium
My Opinion:

Liberals are adults that have never fully matured mentally. Somewhere between the ages of 13 and 17 their mentality stopped developing and they are stuck at that awkward state between puberty and adulthood.
They are very much like the headstrong teenager whom thinks they know better than the wiser more experience parent and rebel when things don't go their way.

That is all.


That's a very immature statement and just shows how little you interact with intelligent liberals/democrats. Just as republicans aren't all racist uneducated rednecks; all liberals aren't Marxist government needing snowflakes.

I honestly can't believe that people like you have to belittle your political competitioin so much to the point of saying their intelligence and maturity is of a rebelious teenager.

It only goes to show your intelligence and maturity when you condense people into these box's to fit your own world view.

Not belittling.

It is just my opinion, as I stated.

This comes from the liberals I have delt with over the years.

However, I will concede that I have not met all liberals. Most of the time, when posting this, I usually state "most" liberals.

Thank you for pointing out my error.

Shouldnt it be "most liverals i have meet" ?

You should read this too

The assumption that all members of a group are the one and same person, all alike, is the understanding of a child that hasn't been taught any better.

Perhaps you missed this part?

However, I will concede that I have not met all liberals. Most of the time, when posting this, I usually state "most" liberals.

I will state that every liberal I have met in my life has been this way. Not most, ALL.

But as I said I have not met them all so I can not say all are this way.

That is exactly the part i speak of. But if youre saying that ALL liberals you have meet, are mentally deranged, then youre are correct in the wording.

This is what you said

Liberals are adults that have never fully matured mentally. Somewhere between the ages of 13 and 17 their mentality stopped developing and they are stuck at that awkward state between puberty and adulthood. They are very much like the headstrong teenager whom thinks they know better than the wiser more experience parent and rebel when things don't go their way.

So you are like a hitler guy, mentally deranged people shouldnt be allowed to vote, right?
Do you think they are better of dead, so you can get youre "pure" blood to rule the world, or what is youre plan to get rid of those terrible people who are unfit for voting?

What can i say, i think you should go visit a doctor, i dont think youre well and "all there"

I never said any of that and it is sad if you actually think that is what I meant. It just goes further in proving my point.

Oh, but iam not a liberal...
So you think that mentally disabled people with and understanding of a 13 year old should be allowed to vote? Cause that is what you say they all are.

I make the comparison with hitler, because he thought that all jews was lesser people, like you think all liberals are lesser people. You may have more in common with the guy than you think

Actually I said they were ADULTS whos mentality stopped developing between the ages of 13 and 17.
Are you sure you're not a liberal?

So if they stopped mentally developing, it would make them disabled, right, and with and understanding like a KID, right?

Iam not a liberal, but i got a feeling that wont matter to you. You need to fit me in a box, so youre "brain" can handle that i dont agree with you, when you say half the nation is mentally dissabled.
Are you sure it is not you who are mentally dissabled, with the understanding of kid?

Those are your words and your opinion.
Regardless of what either of us think, they are adults and the right to vote is theirs.

If they are so mentally disabled they need a guardian, they dont have the right to vote. And that is how you describe them.
I think you generalize to much, but if you have to, you should call them "uneducated" instead, or something similiar, not mentally disabled, as you do know.


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