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Blatant Hypocrisy and Projection

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posted on Oct, 15 2018 @ 02:14 PM
I came across the following paragraph, it describes a picture that is both amusing and apt.

Trump's loyal soldiers have lined up behind him to wring their hands and clutch their pearls over the nasty women who stormed the halls of the Senate to yell at men in elevators.

They've never been more frightened in their lives.

David French of National Review has written that "it's time to stop excusing, rationalizing, and minimizing behavior that is dangerous, menacing, and threatening," by which he apparently means people being rude to Republicans in restaurants.

The title of the article is "What are Republican's Afraid Of"

Apparently they are afraid of women, so much so as to have to resort to the tactics (wring hands, clutch pearls) of the 'enemy'.

Then their is the psychological projection of 'Their Actions' onto another group with an entirely different agenda:

None of them seemed to have been concerned about the storming of town halls back in 2010, which came with written instructions from Tea Party organizers to "Artificially Inflate Your Numbers," "Be Disruptive Early and Often" and "Try to 'Rattle Him,' Not Have an Intelligent Debate."

The assumption that other diverse groups and people think like you do, want what you do and will do what you do (the violent left meme) is the understanding of a child that hasn't been taught any better.

This current chest-beating about "the angry left-wing mob" may morph into something more threatening as we move into the presidential campaign next year and Trump and his followers start to feel the heat of possible defeat.

The NRA certainly seems prepared to take it to the next level.

Sure, the Republicans hope to keep their base riled up by pretending that the "angry mob" of women in pink hats and protesters embarrassing Republican officials in public presents a threat to the nation.

But Trump voting right-wingers are not actually afraid. They're playing the victim to own the libs.

Just a bunch of clucking old hens soon to go into the pot.

I'm searching for visuals.

posted on Oct, 15 2018 @ 02:17 PM
If it comes from then it has to be...........da truth.

posted on Oct, 15 2018 @ 02:20 PM
Do you believe elected officials should be harassed in public?

posted on Oct, 15 2018 @ 02:21 PM
a reply to: FyreByrd

It looks like click bait to trigger Trump supporters.

I think the goal was to generate the type of response that would lead someone to make a thread about it on a discussion board.

posted on Oct, 15 2018 @ 02:21 PM
My Opinion:

Liberals are adults that have never fully matured mentally. Somewhere between the ages of 13 and 17 their mentality stopped developing and they are stuck at that awkward state between puberty and adulthood.
They are very much like the headstrong teenager whom thinks they know better than the wiser more experience parent and rebel when things don't go their way.

That is all.


posted on Oct, 15 2018 @ 02:24 PM

originally posted by: watchitburn
a reply to: FyreByrd

It looks like click bait to trigger Trump supporters.

I think the goal was to generate the type of response that would lead someone to make a thread about it on a discussion board.

Negative attention is still attention. Both sides feed off of each other. Just look at who's making money for the real agenda.

Or... you can join one side and be apart of the charde. The illusion. Seems what a lot of people are doing here.

posted on Oct, 15 2018 @ 02:26 PM

edit on 15-10-2018 by neo96 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 15 2018 @ 02:30 PM
I'm personally offended that people are more than willing to argue about and protest over these complete non-issues meanwhile our nation is ravaged by crime, poverty is still rampant, spying is going on everywhere, prisons are overflowing with non-violent offenders, the cartels are making billions, we still have 'reservations' for the natives, the govt is spending trillions of military weapons, there is corruption everywhere, the water is polluted, etc etc etc.

And this is what everyone cares about?

Get real people. Cuz this is fake!

posted on Oct, 15 2018 @ 02:32 PM

originally posted by: Quadrivium
My Opinion:

Liberals are adults that have never fully matured mentally. Somewhere between the ages of 13 and 17 their mentality stopped developing and they are stuck at that awkward state between puberty and adulthood.
They are very much like the headstrong teenager whom thinks they know better than the wiser more experience parent and rebel when things don't go their way.

That is all.


That's a very immature statement and just shows how little you interact with intelligent liberals/democrats. Just as republicans aren't all racist uneducated rednecks; all liberals aren't Marxist government needing snowflakes.

I honestly can't believe that people like you have to belittle your political competitioin so much to the point of saying their intelligence and maturity is of a rebelious teenager.

It only goes to show your intelligence and maturity when you condense people into these box's to fit your own world view.

posted on Oct, 15 2018 @ 02:35 PM
Oh man, yeah I remember all those violent tea party riots. The destruction, the beatings, the arrests.
It was like the whole country was burning to the ground.

posted on Oct, 15 2018 @ 02:36 PM
a reply to: FyreByrd

Did you happen to catch this one from the same publication, posted 5 days before?

Trump, McConnell and Kavanaugh have changed the game; there will be no more business as usual

Republicans in this country don’t even bother to pretend anymore that they’re interested in justice and playing by the rules. They have declared war on women, on workers, on people of color, on immigrants, on the poor and dispossessed, on organized labor. They have gone to war against everything that isn’t white and male and wealthy.


All pretense is gone. Remember fairness? Gone. Comity? Gone. Compromise? Gone. The rule of law? Gone. Facts? Gone. Respect for others? Gone. Gone. Decency? Gone. Agreed upon democratic norms? Gone. All men are created equal? Gone.

...Republicans have shown us who they are and what they stand for.

No more business as usual. No more civility. No more respect. Point a finger of ridicule at them. Make them stand naked before the world in their corruption and disdain for norms and the law. Show them the disrespect they deserve. Make their personal lives a living hell. Take to the streets and protest their Supreme Court decisions ordered up by the Heritage Foundation and the Federalist Society. Make it clear we know what they’re doing to this country and that we aren’t going to stand for it.

Bring a goddamned machete to the knife fight and slash away. What have we got to lose?

But none of that implies angry mob.

edit on 15-10-2018 by loam because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 15 2018 @ 02:37 PM
I don't see anyone pointing out how Fox and other right wing outlets are pushing this violent liberal mob idea.... Everyone on here freaks out when CNN manipulates their viewers.

Right wing news is manipulating their viewers right now... First it was crybaby liberal snowflakes with safe spaces. Now it's violent angry leftist mobs. They are even minipulating clips to make it sound like democrat leaders (such as holder) are calling for violence.

It's just pathetic... A thousand threads about how bad Democrats are. I don't see any about Republicans and right-wing media.

posted on Oct, 15 2018 @ 02:38 PM
a reply to: blueman12

Find me one FOX news article that matches the one above I just posted.

posted on Oct, 15 2018 @ 02:50 PM
a reply to: loam

I'm not finding a point here.

Are you stating that the republican party is not an angry mob? Or that the stated strategy of the republican party (note I said explicitly stated as opposed to implied meaning) is like the 'stated' or not policy of women?

This is not a 'left' or 'democrat' group, this is women.

Please clarify your meaning.

posted on Oct, 15 2018 @ 02:51 PM
a reply to: blueman12

It's just pathetic... A thousand threads about how bad Democrats are. I don't see any about Republicans and right-wing media.

The vast majority of outlets in news and media say the exact opposite, and nearly all of them have a vastly larger audience than ATS. It's just pathetic.

posted on Oct, 15 2018 @ 02:56 PM
I didn't realize that the "clutching pearls" was a thing.

I liked the imagery... but only found one image to share ....

Old White men behaving like Old White women is just an awesome optic.

Isn't is a violation of the 'Boy Code'?

edit on 15-10-2018 by FyreByrd because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 15 2018 @ 03:00 PM

originally posted by: FyreByrd
I didn't realize that the "clutching pearls" was a thing.

I liked the imagery... but only found one image to share ....

Old White men behaving like Old White women is just an awesome optic.

Isn't is a violation of the 'Boy Code'?

It's just untrue. The ones protesting are the pearl-clutchers, as evidenced by their outrage.

But another good term is "couch fainting".

posted on Oct, 15 2018 @ 03:00 PM
Salon is just a parrot of other leftists sites aimed at teenage girls like buzzfeed and they're doing pretty bad at it too.

My sister hates it and most girls I interact with say that it sucks.

A site can't be taken seriously when it's targeted demographic thinks it sucks too.

BTW, FyreByrd. What's the 'Boy Code'? I'm OOTL

posted on Oct, 15 2018 @ 03:01 PM
a reply to: FyreByrd

Nice tactic.

Put a mud pit topic in social issues.

*no comment*


posted on Oct, 15 2018 @ 03:02 PM
a reply to: FyreByrd

I'm never one to employ the Genetic Logical Fallacy, but if you're placing all of your chips on a "Salon" op ed as being the gold-standard of truth and accuracy, that may be a problem.

As for the article, which I unfortunately read in its entirety, here are the most awesome parts that stand out for their stupidity (which was like finding certain needles in a stack of other needles):

From the moment Trump was inaugurated and the Women's March was held in numerous cities the following day, the propaganda arm of the GOP has been pushing the idea that people protesting Trump's presidency are violent.

Well, actually, the actions of many of the left-wing "protests" since and even during his inauguration (remember J20?) have been violent and destructive. The actions of these people are creating the narrative, many people (not just the GOP) have been calling the spade a spade ever since. It's not propaganda, it's truth: Many of these "protestors" are violent imbeciles who don't even have much of a working knowledge of that which they are protesting against, for the most part.

Today, Trump's loyal soldiers have lined up behind him to wring their hands and clutch their pearls over the nasty women who stormed the halls of the Senate to yell at men in elevators.

Well, it's because those women were speaking out of ignorance, there only to believe something simply because it was a woman accusing a man of something (reminder: Without any proof or corroboration). I despise those types of people, too, regardless as to their cause or gender. Those women deserve to absolutely be ridiculed and called out for their asininity. But, of course, it's the "old white men" who are the wrongdoers for calling out the ridiculous actions of these people.

None of them seemed to have been concerned about the storming of town halls back in 2010, which came with ...

Trump's rally-goers still commonly launch into chants of "lock her up" at the mere mention of Hillary Clinton and, more recently, Dianne Feinstein.

Well, it's mainly because they deserve to, at the least, be placed in front of a grand jury--or we'll settle for an impartial investigation this time--and properly vetted for rather obvious criminal activity, at least especially in the case of Clinton. Call them crazy for wanting someone caught in (allegedly) illegal activity to actually stand in front of the judicial system to answer for their actions. How dare them!

Republican officials are using this "angry mob" rhetoric for a specific purpose: They're trying to get Democratic lawmakers to feel uncomfortable and distance themselves from their most passionate supporters, in hopes that that will suppress the midterm vote.

Or--and hear me out--They're trying to hold these Democratic lawbreak...sorry, lawmakers accountable for their stoking of the already ignited embers.

Why is "voter suppression" such a ridiculous theme with leftist writers?

Protests, even violent ones, are nothing new in America. Trump copped his "I am the candidate of law and order" from Richard Nixon, who basically stole it from George Wallace during an era of political assassinations, urban riots and massive civil rights and anti-war protests. There are plenty of examples of similar political and social upheavals in our past, including a bloody civil war. The "polarization" we are experiencing in our politics is hardly unprecedented.

Color me silly, but after the author just went on and on about how the violent-leftis-mob is a false construct of the Republicans, it sure seems like they're passively admitting that the violent and law-disregarding "protests" of the left are "nothing new in America" and are just another examples "of similar political and social upheavals in our past."

The "angry left-wing mob" isn't running wild in the streets -- it's running for office.

No, leaders of this mob (which, again, the author passively admits exists) are already in office, and that's the problem that many of us have--they're openly calling for harassment and intimidation with zero repercussions. Most of America is not a fan of that, no matter from which elected official it originates, to include Trump. But Democrats don't just get a pass for it because some author on "Salon" thinks that she has it all figured out.
What absolute silliness that you have chosen to take seriously and share with ATS. But I'm glad that you did, because you unwittingly just bolstered the reality and how delusional these authors in the media really are--the desperation is palpable in their need/addiction to demonize the other side.

Yes, it happens on both sides, but we're talking about the amusing article that you shared, not deflecting to Republicans at this point.


originally posted by: FyreByrd

Old White men behaving like Old White women is just an awesome optic.

That is even used "Old White men" in a comment as I was typing my original one. You people are so GD predicable sometimes.

edit on 15-10-2018 by SlapMonkey because: (no reason given)

edit on 15-10-2018 by SlapMonkey because: I hated my original formatting

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