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I so sadden to see what has happen to the unmotivated Americans in a disaster

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posted on Oct, 13 2018 @ 07:27 AM
a reply to: Strate8
Great post. We should always keep the positive side in mind as well. Sometimes disasters actually help to build bonds in a community and what you've related is an excellent example of that.

BTW, please check your PMs.

edit on 13/10/18 by JustMike because: I fixed a typo.

posted on Oct, 13 2018 @ 07:37 AM

originally posted by: dreamingawake
A lot of those affected the worst were living in poverty stricken areas. Not all are moochers, despite even being pointed out here, it needs to be reflected upon, some genuinely need help. The biggest ones to add blame to are the looters, especially those taking items that they don't need, who are also stealing from the worst off.

Overall these survivors need answers, not blame. They need help, and compassion.

It's mounting to be Andrew all over again if not for the above.

It was two days after Hurricane Michael, and Eddie Foster was pushing his mother in a wheelchair down a thoroughly smashed street, his face creased with a concentrated dose of the frustration and fear that has afflicted much of the Florida Panhandle since the brutal storm turned its coast to rubble.

He was in a working-class neighbourhood called Millville, where many residents said they were becoming desperate for even basic necessities. Foster, 60, and his 99-year-old mother had no car, no electricity. The food had spoiled in his refrigerator. The storm had ripped off large sections of his roof. He had no working plumbing to flush with. No water to drink. And as of Friday afternoon, he had seen no sign of government help.

In Panama City, people pitched in when they could. Some even opened stores that lacked electricity: A Sonny’s barbecue restaurant fired up its smokers in the parking lot, feeding many who gathered in the late morning in a line that was at least 100 grateful residents long.

But the line was also full of hugs and tearful reunions, and across the broken region, residents exhibited selflessness and sweat as they began the long slog of putting it all back together.
Continued - Source

Thank you for posting this.

It's easy to blame and criticize when not all of the facts are presented and there is no context for the negative stories being reported. I know the area quite well and inland, there are an awful lot of working class and even folks living in poverty that may have had no where to evacuate family north, no hotels available, no gas, maybe no car even.

If someone needs my help it would be impossible for me to say "well, you're appear to be a fat lazy bastard so suffer, it's your own fault". Not that anyone is implying that they would do that but, some folks sound rather harsh and judgmental IMO.

posted on Oct, 13 2018 @ 07:47 AM
If you actually believe all of those stereotypes apply to all Americans. You’ve been on the Internet far to long. Threads like these are usually a set up. So go ahead and post statistics on obesity, statistics on the amount of television watched, or use statistics about physical activity.

Lather rinse repeat .

I almost forget. I’ve been through five hurricanes with one direct hit. People always complain that things are not moving fast enough. Katrina came across the Florida Southern peninsula first. All the electrical lineman FEMA personnel and other first responders. We’re dealing with that when Katrina hit New Orleans. The people in New Orleans started complaining that they help wasn’t arriving fast enough. So they pulled out of southern Florida and went to New Orleans. Then the people in southern Florida were saying the help wasn’t arriving fast enough .

When you’re hungry, tired and have no electricity. The help never arrives fast enough even if it’s an ice storm up north . There’s only so much to go around
edit on 13-10-2018 by Fallingdown because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 13 2018 @ 08:19 AM
OP, this type media coverage is yet another example of main stream media focusing on the negative in their attempts to further divide the US.

For every citizen demanding aid come to them, there are dozens (or more) out searching for ways to rescue/help others. National/world media won’t show them, but local/state media will...quite frequently.

I live in Texas. After our big hurricane last year, every day we saw positive local stories/footage about positive rescue efforts, and I’m about 600 miles from where hurricane hit. A lot of these rescues were done by good ole beer drinking Texans, many quite large. All heavy people are not incapable of work or self-sufficiency. Unfortunately, many US citizens have been “trained” to act in the manner you questioned. Rest assured, they are the minority of our population.

posted on Oct, 13 2018 @ 08:25 AM

originally posted by: TheConstruKctionofLight
a reply to: Raggedyman

sorry they have to be baled out of their constant suffering by the West,

Oh shucks where's your Christian spirit. How bout staying on topic

I don't see how suggesting third world countries needing handouts is diminishing my Christian spirit
I am just stating a fact

posted on Oct, 13 2018 @ 09:44 AM
a reply to: Tanga36

But that's not even entirely true.

We shop mostly produce and the meat counter. We average around $130 now to feed three people.

The stuff you say is twice as expensive? If you know how to cook, it lasts far longer than one meal, so the cost spreads out.

The true expense is your protein, but there are even ways to stretch that.

Thing is that most people are either ignorant about cooking, don't want to cook, or they do what you do and get turned off by cost without considering how long the food they're buying at that price could be made to last.

posted on Oct, 13 2018 @ 09:45 AM
a reply to: Lab4Us

Some of the first video was Cajun Navy I think. Cajun Navy are regular joes with boats looking to help.

posted on Oct, 13 2018 @ 05:27 PM
I eat everything I want, early 30's and have always been 155. Has never changed no matter what I do. I never get sick. Drink copious amounts of coffee, copious amounts of MJ, and copious amounts of cigarettes, and alcohol, but I can still run very well and work out very well.

I was built well!

posted on Oct, 13 2018 @ 06:47 PM
op just hates fat people, previous threads he had some balls and would just say it.
no one cares, just say it.

posted on Oct, 14 2018 @ 03:33 AM

originally posted by: Rikku
op just hates fat people, previous threads he had some balls and would just say it.
no one cares, just say it.

My point of the thread was "what happened to the American Diet". Has nothing with what your comment is all about.

posted on Oct, 14 2018 @ 04:34 AM
a reply to: musicismagic

i dont think anything bad happened. since the are unmotivated i think they probably watched movies and played some games.

posted on Oct, 14 2018 @ 04:49 AM

originally posted by: SR1TX
I eat everything I want, early 30's and have always been 155. Has never changed no matter what I do. I never get sick. Drink copious amounts of coffee, copious amounts of MJ, and copious amounts of cigarettes, and alcohol, but I can still run very well and work out very well.

I was built well!

Well things change after you turn 40, i thought the same thing. I'm 45 now and damn was I wrong. So in another 10 years or so you will see a significant change we haven't beaten the aging process as yet.

posted on Oct, 14 2018 @ 04:55 AM

Honestly I think it just goes to what MSM wants to portray at the time to serve their agenda. Maybe they wanted to portray Americans as a fat, lazy, helpless society when that is anything but the truth.

Again, I have to refer to the Hurricane Harvey example. That hurricane hit at the height of the BLM movement when we were all supposed to be at our most divided. Go back to MSM news at the time. Houston (and Texans) coming together at that time destroyed the narrative of a divided society. Houston is extremely diverse but one thing has always brought us together there and that is work! We work hard and we appreciate anyone else who does too regardless of their background or appearance.

Our own leadership in government was horribly prepared but the thing they did right was the asked citizens for help. It was crazy, I remember it well. They literally said, if you have a boat or vehicle and are capable come out and help us. Be safe but we need the help. Imagine that! Government empowering citizen Joe & Jane to get out and help others instead of waiting for big gov to come in and save the day. It was crazy, we felt empowered and a whole city full of people got out there and worked to help each other.

Ton of fit people in Florida near the beaches that I guess MSM didn't want to focus on.....

posted on Oct, 14 2018 @ 05:04 AM

originally posted by: hopenotfeariswhatweneed

originally posted by: SR1TX
I eat everything I want, early 30's and have always been 155. Has never changed no matter what I do. I never get sick. Drink copious amounts of coffee, copious amounts of MJ, and copious amounts of cigarettes, and alcohol, but I can still run very well and work out very well.

I was built well!

Well things change after you turn 40, i thought the same thing. I'm 45 now and damn was I wrong. So in another 10 years or so you will see a significant change we haven't beaten the aging process as yet.

You're not kidding. Since July I have spent the better part of my time sedentary, which is very unusual for me. My 9-5 is at a desk but, my second job is in the building/remodeling field so I was able to maintain my weight and maintain good muscle tone/strength. I spent every weekend or free time hiking, camping just outside having fun. I have been dealing with some family issues so I've been driving and flying (20+ hours /week), staying at hotels and only working my 9-5 and happened to catch a glimpse of myself in shorts the other day and I have chicken legs now.
Years ago, being inactive for a few months wouldn't have had that effect but, now that I am quite a bit north of 40...well I see the change.
From now on, instead of strolling past the gym on the way to the hotel bar admiring the equipment and cleanliness I better get my rear in there and DO something.
When things settle and I can get back to the woods and mountains, hopefully, physically things should improve.

posted on Oct, 14 2018 @ 05:17 AM
a reply to: TNMockingbird

It's full on isn't it, my whole life I have struggled to maintain my weight, not overweight but underweight , my girlfriend was laughing at my new belly, I've stacked on 10kg in a short time and my diet hasn't really changed, and the niggling injuries aren't helping either I just don't seem to heal as fast, not to mention being poked and prodded by doctors.

I hope you heal your way back to that clean mountain air.

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