posted on Oct, 11 2018 @ 05:07 PM
a reply to:
That's not true. Radio stations pay an annual fee, actually multiple fees to ASCAP, SESAC, and whole host of artist,writers, and performers guild's
all based on the annual ad revenue. They do not pay a fee for each song. Use to have to keep a daily log of songs played that was approximate to what
was actually aired, this log determined the approximate number of times any song was played, which determined the proceeds for artist and writers
Ten minutes is actually good for a request, takes that long to find a slot, remember you are not the only person making request so I am impressed. As
for Stairway to Heaven being over played, it was, back when records were used it was a good song at 8 minutes plus depending on which version as lots
of songs have radio mixes, to take a smoke break or yes for a bathroom break. Nothing like a mad dash back to the studio to start the next song. I am
impressed you were able to actual have someone pick up the phone as 9 out 10 times, every line is on hold since shows are prerecorded now days.
Most local PD's have little input to playlist, almost all done by corporate committees now days. Radio has changed dramatically, almost to the point
of being dead. They don't wanna pay jocks anymore, lots of shows are not even local anymore. Radio has always been designed to capture as many as they
can and keep them listening, so you want a recognizable song playing every time someone turns it on. Commercials or ads are how the bills get paid and
it's not much anymore, competition from the internet, newspapers, and television is fierce.
I am hopefully that it will return, local ownership is a must but deregulation back in the 90's changed it to corporate entities owning and
controlling every station in a market. Some markets are totally owned by two massive media companies that own 200 plus all across the country and they
could care less about what's on the air other than ads and lots of them.