posted on Jul, 4 2003 @ 07:09 PM
Possible good news has been released for many women who are
physically unable to bear children. Scientists claim that
humans may be able to successfully transplant a womb from one
woman to another in as few as three years from now. The
revolutionary procedure would aid thousands of women of child-
bearing age who have perfectly good ovaries, but no womb.
Many animal experiments have dismissed any concerns that womb
transplants could not produce healthy babies. An expert from
Sweden says that one of the best candidates to be an organ
donor would be the patient's own mother. In other words, a
pregnant woman would be carrying her own child in the same one
that carried her.
As radical as this procedure may sound, experts go on even
further to say that it may be technically possible one day
to transplant a womb into a man. With the use of hormone
injections, a male pregnancy would have the ability to succeed.
However, the procedure runs into a very serious ethical
dilemma. Should the surgery be performed on humans, it would
be the first organ transplant which is not needed to cure a
life-threatening illness. Thus, an ensuing debate over whether
such major surgery can be justified is likely to develop. In
addition, all major abdominal surgery carries a risk of death
or serious injury.
Do you support the idea of womb transplantation?