posted on Oct, 8 2018 @ 11:56 AM
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Hi Disraeli,
I agree with you that things were tight but not impossible, however my thesis involves a lot of uses regarding dates, so i had better set the scene
for Vidovdan 1914.
Two bullets fired on a Sarajevo street on a sunny June morning in 1914 set in motion a series of events that shaped the world we live in today,
W.W.1., W.W.2., the Cold War, and our difficulties in the Middle East all trace their originto the gunshots that interrupted that summer day, 28th
June 1914, Saint Vitus Day.
The victims, Arch-duke Ferdinand, on his wedding anniversary, heir to the throne of the Austro-Hungarian Empire and his wife Sophie were shot by 19
year old Gavrilo Princip who burned with the fire of Slavic nationalism, he envisioned the death of the Arch-duke as the key that would unlock the
shackles binding his people to the Austro_Hungarian Empire. He was well picked as most of the conspirators were dying from TB, therefore didn't mind
being martyers, very clever Mr Dimitrijevic and the probably metaphysical Black Hand Society.
Serbia figured prominently in the plot, providing the guns, ammunition and training that made the assassination possible, they may also have seen a
symbolic connectionto the Battle of Kosovo Poyle, so in theory used that date for this auspicious event in history.
Gavrilo Princip become an unwitting "Pied Piper", as this assassination precipitated the Austro-Hungarian declaration of war against Serbia and
started the involuntary dance of death or Saint Vitus Dance of W.W.1.