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The Tavistock Institute

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posted on Oct, 7 2018 @ 01:53 PM
a reply to: Silk

Youtube: Tavistock Institute for Global Manipulation.

I can't do the link. Sorry. The video has a music track playing called "Yes it can happen " (1983) listed at the end of the video.
edit on 7-10-2018 by maya27 because: quotation marks added.

posted on Oct, 7 2018 @ 01:53 PM
a reply to: Silk

Does it have anything to do with the forgotten languages website, or nodespaces application?

posted on Oct, 7 2018 @ 02:55 PM

There is a way to get through this website. I've noticed links w/in links gets to the meat...

And this:
edit on 10/13/2014 by JimNasium because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 7 2018 @ 02:59 PM
a reply to: maya27


posted on Oct, 7 2018 @ 06:44 PM
a reply to: maya27

Here's the embed and a couple of more I found. Haven't checked the other two out yet, but Ed from the Outer Dark is usually interesting.

The third I'm looking forward to watching because it's from Iona Miller and her ex (Richard Alan Miller) was definitely associated with some of the MK projects. I had an interesting day with him a few years back that just kind of happened and I'm pretty sure his head was also tinkered with.

There's definitely some cray-cray disinformation sewn into the available materials on Tavistock to dissuade and provide cover, but it's pretty easy to see most of it and there's no doubt that the institute has committed mind crimes against humanity and are--to a great part--responsible for the break down of much of our society.

edit on 7-10-2018 by The GUT because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 7 2018 @ 07:04 PM
a reply to: The GUT

Thanks Gut for putting the Video up. I will take a look at the others you posted tomorrow. It's late here in the UK.

posted on Oct, 7 2018 @ 08:50 PM
a reply to: Silk

Hello there Silk, I shall see what I can find and hope it will serve the purpose for which you have posted this thread. I would prefer to link full papers and articles, however most of the papers linked below are behind paywalls, apologies.

Without further ado, here are some links which hopefully are the types of things for which you are searching:

This paper reviews the contribution of the Tavistock Institute of Human Relations to the development of industrial sociology. Four major contributions are discussed: the development of an `open socio-technical systems' model of the industrial organization; the study of industrial work groups, particularly with reference to different forms of social organization within the same technological limits; the elaboration of ideas concerning management organization; and discussion of the sources of resistance to change in organizations, and means for handling them.

Research and Consultancy in Industrial Enterprises A review of the contribution of the Tavistock Institute of Human Relations to the development of industrial sociology

This paper deals with how organizations and the individuals within them deal with change:

Drucker (1969) claims that the coming Age of Discontinuity will lead to further growth in the discussion of organizational change. Discussion, however, is not enough. It will have to be followed by action. Many people who talk about change think of it as applying to others rather than to themselves. It is natural that organizational change should tend to be welcomed by those who will benefit and resisted by those who will have to give up established attitudes and behavior. In terms of exchange theory (Strauss, 1970), the latter will need to be rewarded so that they are motivated to change. Rewards may be tangible. They may also be related to less material needs, such as self-esteem, participation, and autonomy, or a desire to operate on the basis of valid information.

Group Feedback Analysis as a Method of Action Research

This is from the Google Scholar summary of what seems like an interesting paper, again it is paywalled:

… JN Druckman distinguishes two kinds of frames: 'frames in communication' ('words, images, phrases, and … According to JN Druckman: 'Manipulation occurs when an elite influences a citizens … J. Sachs, J. Stiglitz, F. Fukuyama25), think tanks (eg The Tavistock Institute, The RAND …


The "overton window" is that range of possibilities people are willing to accept and if one is looking to move that window in one direction or another, the manipulation of those who hold the particular views become necessary.

This paper delves into the subject of group training as opposed to individual training:

Group relations training originated about 60 years ago (Miller,1989) and has its philosophical and theoretical roots in psycho-dynamics. It is based upon Freud’s writings as the father of psychoanalysis (Czander, 1993), and incorporates the work of Melanie Klein on child and family psychology (De Board, 1978), Ferenczi on object relations (De Board,1978) and Bertalanaffy on systems thinking (Czander, 1993; De Board, 1978; Hirshhorn,1993).

The role of sense of coherence in group relations training

This paper, again, deals with group dynamics:

Presents a review of the history, theory, and research of small group intervention. Topics include the concept of feedback, early laboratory studies, network studies, group-induced conformity, evaluation studies, and utopian research.

Intervention Techniques Small Groups

I could continue along these lines but I'm not sure is this is what you're looking for if if I'm way off base. Will wait to see what your response is before I continue in this direction or see if I should change things up a bit.
edit on 7-10-2018 by jadedANDcynical because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 8 2018 @ 01:23 AM
What comes to mind when I think
Of Tavistock Institute and Word and mind manipulation, I think of the conspiracy that they created The Beatles and The Rolling Stones to influence masses in certain directions through their music, I think of the hippie movement and mind altering drugs, the Aquarian I way off?

posted on Oct, 8 2018 @ 01:41 AM
a reply to: Silk

Hello, welcome back! Nice thread, brings more to the table about the subject.

I've looked into in the past due to it being the blame for quite a few things. Some sources I found said it was not responsible for Australia and England's gun control, or so the sources say there's no correlation to it, and that they are less active now, etc. That seems to be one sided, maybe pre released propaganda could have been released for example, influencing a bill's outcome, more. Anyway, was my initial take on it, thanks again.

posted on Oct, 8 2018 @ 03:08 AM
a reply to: shellyhk

Right on. In a manner of speaking.

posted on Oct, 11 2018 @ 05:29 AM
a reply to: shellyhk
This could be of interest:

The Tavistock Institute is spoken about in this video.
It is amazing how many pop stars from the sixties had a parent that was high up in the military - also spoken about in the video.
edit on 11-10-2018 by Itisnowagain because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 11 2018 @ 11:58 AM
I was searching for COINTELPRO and like conspiracies when I happen to stumble upon this thread.

Wow! This is the first time I've heard about this company. And from the links you guys provided it really looks shady for an NGO, although personally I think majority of NGOs around the world are just fronts for either money laundering or spy/intelligence related activities.

Has anybody tried searching the deepweb for this group? Or maybe public records as to where they get majority of their funding, their board of directors, etc.?

Thanks for posting. Will also look into it.

posted on Oct, 11 2018 @ 12:26 PM
a reply to: Silk

Good to see you back around
I know you've been scarce lately.

This is one of those subjects I've flirted with in the past, but never could get much traction. Like so many subjects ATS is known for, the white noise and hooey (deliberate and otherwise) engulfs the topic to the point you can't distinguish the facts from the woo.

At some point, I had decided whatever the underlying truth was, it probably wasn't worth the effort. Not enough juice from the squeeze, if you will.

Now it does interest me greatly that you've been one degree of separation from the Institute, so I look forward to whatever you can add.

As to your question >staff hat< I'm sure we can accommodate a request to move a thread to RATS at a point you think it may be necessary.

posted on Oct, 12 2018 @ 12:50 PM
Timely thread.

I have recently been pondering the topics of "magick" and the occult mindset of the world elite.
In my mind when we are talking about propaganda or mass thought control we are actually talking about a form of Magick. I think what we classically think of as magick i.e. ritual , spells, incantations and such, are largely a form of focusing exercise that focuses the will of the magick user. While this process may actually take advantage of some force that we are as yet unaware of what is happening is a manifestation of the will of the user.
Well what is thought control?
Manifestation of the will of the people doing the controlling.
It takes advantage of the power of suggestion and maybe other forces that we are unaware of to manipulate large populations into acting according to the will of the controller.
Putting fancy names like "Social Engineering" on it just makes it nice for college egg heads to write papers about it.
Its still boils down to a type of magick.

So what does that mean?
We are aware that when popular people speak that their words have effects on people. Its more easy to understand that concept. What I think people need to be aware of is that something like Tavistock is not all there is too it.
I think there is a process that combines the two things I mentioned above to achieve more wide scale manipulation.

Propaganda or Social Engineering works by invoking emotional responses to words or phrases in the people who hear the message. SO what puts the emotional response in place to be evoked?
Of course it can be everyday mundane things but there is no way to guarantee that an audience has all experienced a specific emotional response that is powerful enough to have the impact that you want.
So this has an obvious tie in to large orchestrated events like mass attacks or demonstrations, but what about some other source of emotional response?
Well I think that's where the ritual magick part comes into play. I think that's what the elite are doing when they conduct rituals and ceremonies. I think they are aware of some force that can be called upon to impart emotional responses into mass populations that they can then directly manipulate via media messaging.

posted on Oct, 12 2018 @ 12:52 PM

originally posted by: shellyhk
What comes to mind when I think
Of Tavistock Institute and Word and mind manipulation, I think of the conspiracy that they created The Beatles and The Rolling Stones to influence masses in certain directions through their music, I think of the hippie movement and mind altering drugs, the Aquarian I way off?

Google the Laurel Canyon conspiracy. You are closer to the truth than you may be aware of.

posted on Oct, 12 2018 @ 01:19 PM
Dave Mcgowan spoke a bit about the group. Weird scenes inside the canyon and Programmed to kill. They seem to have helped create the hippies, who knew?

An interview with Dave.

edit on 12-10-2018 by Jonjonj because: addition

edit on 12-10-2018 by Jonjonj because: (no reason given)

edit on 12-10-2018 by Jonjonj because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 12 2018 @ 10:52 PM
a reply to: Silk

In particular Im looking for information pertaining to the use of word manipulation and thoughts

For broadcasting augmented thoughtforms: Radionics.

You might find this relevant to the above.

Be careful guys Tavistock is dangerous.

posted on Oct, 13 2018 @ 04:33 AM

originally posted by: Silk
In particular Im looking for information pertaining to the use of word manipulation and thoughts.

Its a bit of a reach I know but I worked with him over a few years on a homegrown project that was intended to - we he said build a "cosmic tour" or "cruise"based upon a group of subscribers.

This took the form of a large number of word associations and images.

Just interested if anyone else has come across this organisation and any information to be had ?



Ex Colleagues - its grey to start off with but I may ask for RATS later? Thanks Guys

I am not sure if this is the kind of thing you are looking for but I was reading a paper the other day and this caught my attention...

Clancy et al. (2003) used a variant of the Deese/Roediger-McDermott (DRM) paradigm (Deese. 1959, Roegider and McDermott, 1995) to investigate this possibility. The paradigm involves the presentation of word lists to participants. Within each list, all the words presented are associated with a single theme word, often referred to as the critical lure, that is itself not presented. For example, the list might include the words sour, candy, bitter and sugar, all of which strongly suggest the word sweet, although the word sweet would not itself be presented. On subsequent recall and recognition tests, a substantial proportion of the participants are likely to report that the word sweet was in fact presented.

Psychological aspects of the alien contact experience (Christopher C French et al, 2008)

Even if not specifically what you're looking for, it seems the kind of thing that the Tavistock lot might be interested in...

Because the DRM paradigm is easy to use, produces a clear and robust effect, and because Roediger and McDermott included full copies of the lists they used in their 1995 paper, the paradigm has become a popular research tool to help answer a number of questions.

False memory research has important implications for the criminal justice system, and the DRM paradigm has been a useful tool for assessing factors that might influence false memory formation. Using the DRM paradigm, scientists have been able to show that, while learning under stress reduces overall recall, it does not influence false recall or recognition. This suggests that victims and witnesses of stressful crimes are no more likely to create false memories of the crime than they are to create false memories of other everyday events.[14]

Investigating the controversial issue of recovered memories for childhood sexual abuse, researchers have turned to DRM lists. Researchers have shown that individuals claiming to have recovered previously forgotten memories of childhood sexual abuse are more likely to falsely recall and recognise critical lures than individuals that have always known they were sexually abused as a child. These results were taken to suggest that individuals who report recovered memories may have difficulty with source monitoring, and thus may regularly adopt internally generated ideas as genuine memories.[15]

Scientists from the University of Missouri have used the DRM paradigm to look at brain activity for real and false memories. They found evidence that suggests different brain processes may underlie the retrieval of real and false memories, with false-memory retrieval showing distinctly different patterns of neural activity to retrieval of real memories.[16]

The DRM paradigm has also been used to probe a number of other psychological issues including: the methods used to recall information from memory;[17] how stereotypes influence human thought;[18] the thought process employed by drug addicts;[19] how children develop thought processes;[20] and the types of impairments suffered by patients with amnesia.[21]

posted on Oct, 21 2018 @ 08:30 PM
When you speak of word manipulation and thoughts, are you looking for something like a language of double-speak, wherein thoughts can be altered or read through the use of common language but on a "higher level"?

In other words, please elaborate, and if what I know/have experienced has any merit I might go into it more.

posted on Oct, 21 2018 @ 10:06 PM

originally posted by: Dragoon01
Timely thread.

I have recently been pondering the topics of "magick" and the occult mindset of the world elite.
In my mind when we are talking about propaganda or mass thought control we are actually talking about a form of Magick. I think what we classically think of as magick i.e. ritual , spells, incantations and such, are largely a form of focusing exercise that focuses the will of the magick user. While this process may actually take advantage of some force that we are as yet unaware of what is happening is a manifestation of the will of the user.

Right on. The mage--especially the black magic practitioners--delve deeply into both personal and group psychology as part of their bag of tricks. Further the bond between "spies"--that is to say the intelligence community--and "magic"is a long and natural affiliation. We can trace easily back to John Dee and to the present.

Crowley's definition of "magick" is to the point in the regards you reference:


Magick is the Science and Art of causing Change to occur in conformity with Will.

(Illustration: It is my Will to inform the World of certain facts within my knowledge. I therefore take “magickal weapons”, pen, ink, and paper I write “incantations”—these sentences—in the “magickal language” ie, that which is understood by the people I wish to instruct I call forth “spirits”, such as printers, publishers, booksellers and so forth and constrain them to convey my message to those people. The composition and distribution of this book is thus an act of Magick by which I cause Changes to take place in conformity with my Will.)

In one sense Magick may be defined as the name given to Science by the vulgar.


ANY required change may be effected by the application of the proper kind and degree of Force in the proper manner, through the proper medium to the proper object.

(Illustration: I wish to prepare an ounce of Chloride of Gold. I must take the right kind of acid, nitro-hydrochloric and no other, in a vessel which will not break, leak or corrode, in such a manner as will not produce undesirable results, with the necessary quantity of Gold: and so forth. Every change has its own conditions.

In the present state of our knowledge and power some changes are not possible in practice we cannot cause eclipses, for instance, or transform lead into tin, or create men from mushrooms. But it is theoretically possible to cause in any object any change of which that object is capable by nature and the conditions are covered by the above postulate.)
edit on 21-10-2018 by The GUT because: (no reason given)

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