posted on Jul, 6 2003 @ 12:03 AM
It functions as the final filtering process for all gathered stimuli and sensory detection. Whats most interesting is that its filtering process is
conditioned by genetics, early schooling, parenting and random occuring social imprints.
An example of this could be that if you were raised by conservative parents the chances are you will imprint their "reality tunnel". This
typically means that all further stimuli you receive, in this wonderful universe, will be colored (to some extant) by a conservative viewpoint.
Another example of this could be that if your first sexual experience was with a hispanic girl. This imprint could show up later on by the way you
choose potential mates. You might only be attracted to women with dark skin and hair.
Are these filters nessecary? Of course they are. If we didn't have some filters in place, our minds could only perceive chaos from the constant
bombardment of stimulation.
These filters, imprints and reality-tunnels through time become more engraved in the developing personality. Eventually they appear to the
perceiver as "objective" reality and all argument or discourse is conducted through this rigid filtering process.
The point of post is to realize that our brains reject FAR more stimulation that they process. Of what they process, our rigid filtering system
acts as an amplifier for those prejudices already in place. Subsequently, less and less "real information" makes it way through to the growth and
development centers.
Perhaps it would be of benefit to re-read this or any thread posted here with these concepts in mind....
Then tell me what you know for certain.
[You are all absolutely free]
[Edited on 6-7-2003 by Voice_of Doom]