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Chilling Mind Control and Robotic Kavanaugh Protesters

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posted on Oct, 6 2018 @ 12:23 PM
a reply to: xtradimensions

This is actually a common practice at protests. Because the person speaking doesn't have amplification, the crowd repeats what they say so everyone can hear. Really not rare at all. Just saying.

posted on Oct, 6 2018 @ 01:14 PM

originally posted by: AutisticEvo

originally posted by: xtradimensions
a reply to: MRinder
Maybe they are getting paid. I thought the “leaders” appear to be college-professor types, but I am sure being paid isn’t out of the realm of possibility.

you can goto craigslist and Jobs2Careers, Indeed, or any large job classified database and type in "ACTIVIST". see most protestors are not paid but the organizers are paid.
in certain hotzones or places of trending political interest organizations will pay "Actors" to organize or antagonize in larger numbers.
the reason for violence or destruction of property is to draw media attention,
once media is showing the protests the average naive person sees all these angry people and assumes that their countrymen are genuinely upset over something.

when in truth maybe 10% of those present at a protest are actually ticked about some perceived injustice, the rest are there to draw attention to an issue.

I usually will study photos and even have members of Anon community helping create a compiled database of the photographs to begin investigating to see who the "Travelers" are based on identifyiing them in different protests through photography.

You can always look for the organized groups and look at their signs and flags, do they appear of professional quality or made by machine rather than a box of markers? if so then that required money to put together, Red Flags, Masks and such could be ordered online but to have an entire group bedecked in professional flags and signs is usually a strong indicator that they have been financed by some party or organization for their participation....

its not hard to finger a paid group, now eyeballing their actual leader is more difficult, as I have noticed some organizers hover "Near" the group they are overseeing but will appear to be a photographer who just happens to be near them while in every shot you see them in they never seem to be taking photos. also look for headsets and ear pieces that would indicate they are in communication with someone directing the protest group or an unidentified party giving directions from elsewhere.

heres a list of what should give you an idea of what paid activists get paid on average

I like what you're doing, it's inspiring too me, keep up the good work.

You sound situational aware and are investing your time and effort into gathering operational intelligence, you would be an asset in a crisis situation. Any group worth being with in a SHTF scenario would need guys like you to help out.

posted on Oct, 6 2018 @ 01:14 PM
Collectivism at work...

The one thing that unites humanity most is an outside threat. The msm and universities have large groups of misguided individuals under the impression that anything that is conservative and has a penis is somehow a threat.

To what I ask?

The very system we helped create?

These people are delusional now to a level I didn't know existed.

posted on Oct, 6 2018 @ 02:08 PM

originally posted by: MichiganSwampBuck

originally posted by: AutisticEvo

originally posted by: xtradimensions
a reply to: MRinder
Maybe they are getting paid. I thought the “leaders” appear to be college-professor types, but I am sure being paid isn’t out of the realm of possibility.

you can goto craigslist and Jobs2Careers, Indeed, or any large job classified database and type in "ACTIVIST". see most protestors are not paid but the organizers are paid.
in certain hotzones or places of trending political interest organizations will pay "Actors" to organize or antagonize in larger numbers.
the reason for violence or destruction of property is to draw media attention,
once media is showing the protests the average naive person sees all these angry people and assumes that their countrymen are genuinely upset over something.

when in truth maybe 10% of those present at a protest are actually ticked about some perceived injustice, the rest are there to draw attention to an issue.

I usually will study photos and even have members of Anon community helping create a compiled database of the photographs to begin investigating to see who the "Travelers" are based on identifyiing them in different protests through photography.

You can always look for the organized groups and look at their signs and flags, do they appear of professional quality or made by machine rather than a box of markers? if so then that required money to put together, Red Flags, Masks and such could be ordered online but to have an entire group bedecked in professional flags and signs is usually a strong indicator that they have been financed by some party or organization for their participation....

its not hard to finger a paid group, now eyeballing their actual leader is more difficult, as I have noticed some organizers hover "Near" the group they are overseeing but will appear to be a photographer who just happens to be near them while in every shot you see them in they never seem to be taking photos. also look for headsets and ear pieces that would indicate they are in communication with someone directing the protest group or an unidentified party giving directions from elsewhere.

heres a list of what should give you an idea of what paid activists get paid on average

I like what you're doing, it's inspiring too me, keep up the good work.

You sound situational aware and are investing your time and effort into gathering operational intelligence, you would be an asset in a crisis situation. Any group worth being with in a SHTF scenario would need guys like you to help out.

Other forums monitor craislist and the other sites, and post notifications when there are job adverts calling for "actors".
That event where a woman was killed by a speeding car was one of those events where they were looking for actors on both sides (nationalists and antifa). The same companies that sell Antifa T-shirts are also the same ones that sell anti-Antifa T-shirts, so someone is profiting from spreading anarchy from both sides.

posted on Oct, 6 2018 @ 02:16 PM

originally posted by: JAY1980
Collectivism at work...

The one thing that unites humanity most is an outside threat. The msm and universities have large groups of misguided individuals under the impression that anything that is conservative and has a penis is somehow a threat.

To what I ask?

The very system we helped create?

These people are delusional now to a level I didn't know existed.

Left-wing parties are always an aggregate of different political factions that felt disadvantaged (disabled, ethnic minorities, immigrants, alternative lifestyles - GLTB, unions, public sector workers) but could unite together to achieve one goal - to get into power. But they still had a totem pole depending on who was in power at the top committees. All of the different subfactions have been fighting each other: transgender vs. transvestite, transvestite vs. drag, transgender vs. lesbian, religious ethnic groups vs. alternative lifestyles, minorities vs. white privilege, self employed vs. unions.

posted on Oct, 6 2018 @ 03:05 PM

originally posted by: sine.nomine
a reply to: xtradimensions

This is actually a common practice at protests. Because the person speaking doesn't have amplification, the crowd repeats what they say so everyone can hear. Really not rare at all. Just saying.

well thanks for explaining this to us uninformed ones, now i can safely go to sleep without the fear of being zombied

posted on Oct, 6 2018 @ 03:06 PM
yeah and mind controlled robotic right wingers who blindly support this guy and are willing to defend him at all cost

every single one of you are just as crazy

posted on Oct, 6 2018 @ 05:52 PM
a reply to: toysforadults

Crazy for defending someone accused of something he didn't do, alright...

Oh is it because he's now unfit because he lost his temper? I'll falsly accuse you of rape and see how well you can keep your calm.

posted on Oct, 6 2018 @ 11:25 PM

originally posted by: toysforadults
yeah and mind controlled robotic right wingers who blindly support this guy and are willing to defend him at all cost

every single one of you are just as crazy

I am no right winger unless we who like small Gov with very limited powers are your definition, then I am guilty. You appear to be for totalitarianism where the Gov has power to shut people up, take their guns and steal their money for 'the betterment of mankind'. More power is bad it corrupts just as we have witnessed it being corrupted in DC by the Progs in both parties.

edit on 6-10-2018 by Justoneman because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 6 2018 @ 11:41 PM
The protesters are just as scary as the defenders, defending a anti Constitutionalist swamp monster.

posted on Oct, 6 2018 @ 11:48 PM

originally posted by: projectvxn

That second video was one of the most hilarious things I've seen in a while. Thank you.

It looks like establishment actors playing their part in the script.
Better be quick to defend Kavanaugh like the masters on your team tell you to do.
Don't think about it, just do it!

Who cares of his past with regards to being against the Constitution.

Yah Yah, Go Red Team!

posted on Oct, 7 2018 @ 12:10 AM

originally posted by: Dr UAE

originally posted by: sine.nomine
a reply to: xtradimensions

This is actually a common practice at protests. Because the person speaking doesn't have amplification, the crowd repeats what they say so everyone can hear. Really not rare at all. Just saying.

well thanks for explaining this to us uninformed ones, now i can safely go to sleep without the fear of being zombied

Dude, I'm a conservative. But this thread is ridiculous. I like the right because they think and adapt. This is a stupid hit piece. You should all be ashamed of yourselves. Grow up. We're better than this.

posted on Oct, 7 2018 @ 08:12 AM

originally posted by: sine.nomine

This is actually a common practice at protests. Because the person speaking doesn't have amplification, the crowd repeats what they say so everyone can hear. Really not rare at all. Just saying.

That is something I didn't consider because I have not experienced that but it makes sense. Especially since they are repeating directions, which would be kind of weird details to try and brainwash someone with. Thank you for pointing that out.

edit on 7-10-2018 by twigbaby because: formatting error

posted on Oct, 7 2018 @ 08:59 AM
a reply to: twigbaby

I found the fact that they had to repeat fairly simple instructions to be odd and disturbing...these aren’t preschool or elementary kids, so why do they have to repeat simple instructions, as they do in the first clip? Is it any wonder that the protesters literally screamed and cried when their protests didn’t receive their desired response, when they are treated like toddlers? I live in a town with a very liberal small university, and over the past two decades, the students have become so oblivious to the outside world that they quite literally step off the curb and walk out into traffic and get hit by cars..and this isn’t even at corners or crosswalks, but they wander out into traffic in the middle of the a toddler would. It is like they have been spoon fed and trained to repeat whatever they are told to say, and if someone isn’t there directing them, they are incapable of thinking or acting like a mature adult. I see all of this behavior as an effect that liberal universities have as a result of their hive-like mentality.

Maybe it is “normal” at these events to repeat everything their leader is saying...but it still seems strange and disturbing to me.

edit on 7/10/2018 by xtradimensions because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 7 2018 @ 09:12 AM
a reply to: sine.nomine
If you think this is a hit piece then move along to another thread. I posted the video because it seems disturbing and strange to me that adults have to repeat like robots instructions and whatever their leaders tell them to like “we will go to Heidi Heitkamp’s offcie“ and only one of them even realized that Heitkamp agreed with them already. Just because it is normal at these crazy protests doesn’t make it any less weird or disturbing, to me at least. When groups become unable to think for themselves and blindly repeat anything their leaders tell them to repeat, I see it as a problem whether they are conservative or liberal.
And seriously, as a fellow conservative, if your best response and most thought-out response is “grow up”, then you need to rethink your playground retorts because they aren’t at all mature.

edit on 7/10/2018 by xtradimensions because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 7 2018 @ 10:29 AM
a reply to: xtradimensions

I'm merely stating that there is a purpose behind your proposed sheeplike behavior. Think logically. Look at history, no matter how recent. This is not new. I know I'm going against the grain here, but this thread is dumb. This happens at protests. There is a reason for this behavior and it makes sense. People just want to hear what is said.

If you can't understand that it's only because you refuse to understand that. And that's on you. It's a common practice.

posted on Oct, 7 2018 @ 10:30 AM
Islam starting to look better by the minute.

posted on Oct, 7 2018 @ 10:32 AM

originally posted by: Lysergic
Islam starting to look better by the minute.

Someone's taken too much lysergic....

posted on Oct, 7 2018 @ 11:19 AM
just doing as the indoctrination centers, (sorry i means schools), have taught them to do. to blindly follow their betters and learn what they need to by rote so they can be sure to pass tests

posted on Oct, 7 2018 @ 11:33 AM
Verbal instruction so there's no phone record of it.
Smart tactics but it's still a rent-a-mob of screeching harpies.
"Look at us! look at us! We believe survivors! Whose court? Our court!" Etc. etc. etc.
Nicely printed signs and t-shirts saying "Be a Hero".
Comes with free grande coffee from Starbucks.

Authentic protest I respect, this kind of conjured crap is sickening.
Donna Brazille; "speaking truth to power". LOL!
Lipstick on pigs is all I have to say.

edit on 7-10-2018 by Asktheanimals because: (no reason given)

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