posted on Feb, 24 2005 @ 12:11 AM
I found this e-book on the net and the author says to freely distribute it. It has herbal treatments for healing the sickness associated with
chemical spraying. It also has good information on the phenomenon in general. There is no doubt in my mind that spraying is going on. The reason
behind it I'm not sure, but whether the main objective or a side effect, people are getting sick.
It is an exe standalone e-book program. I scanned it for virus but you might want to do the same yourself before you use it.
for the Chemtrail Syndrome
by Marguerite Elsbeth, with Deb Huglin
HealingChemtrailSyndrome.EXE (executable file 0.94M)
"Chemtrails are making some people and animals, especially the old and infirm, and those with comprised immune systems, very sick. Do you have the
"Flu That's NOT the Flu"? Herein Natural Healing for the Chemtrail Syndrome, the authors share information, and natural healing remedies and
methods that have worked for them with positive results. "