posted on Oct, 3 2018 @ 03:03 PM
It's pretty sad when you call your own people, your own race cockroaches if they're republican. I'm not even kidding.
Seriously? is this your first day here? Every single day, multiple times a day on multiple threads you Trump supporters demean fellow Americans.
Hell the President of the United States demeans Americans... POW's, disabled, Gold star families, victims of sexual assault and you cheer him him and
each other on like high school cheerleaders. Not to mention calling every Democrat in America a multitude of not so nice names.
But OMG somebody called the republicans a bad name and you start a thread over it and it has at least 3 pages of triggered hypocrites crying over
it... lol.....
Seriously you guys make me sick. Seriously you all act so high and mighty, so self righteous that you are OK with the President of the United States
demeaning other Americans.
How many of you said Dr. Ford would not show up to the hearing? You were all F'ing wrong weren't you?
You all still think Kav should be on the supreme court even though you watched him lose his cool and temper on live Tv because trumps said so.
Will any of you that have said all dems are idiots or retarded also agree that all Muslims are terrorist? Will you?
how many of you rally for Kav saying innocent until proven guilty and lock her up at the same time?
I think you all have a seat on the Harper Valley PTA lol....