posted on Sep, 30 2018 @ 07:16 PM
One night, I had a dream. The kind that was structured and cohesive. Nothing odd or random going on.
A man took me on a walk through the hills and showed me a group of men running up the hill, in the distance.
There they are he said.
We walked towards them. Time moved and felt normal.
I couldn't see who the men were. They then disappeared over the hill. We kept walking.
There was nothing else going on, no traffic, no wildlife, no wind.
We reached a small house and entered the doorway into a room full of people I didn't know.
One man walked up to me, well built, strong and tall. He shook my hand and smiled.
A man next to me smiled and said, you've just met David.
Now, this is not the name they said. I wont disclose this as he is famous where I'm from. I didn't recognise him though. I should have from the
name, but I didn't.
I woke up and thought, that was very real. It stayed with me for days.
The following week, I went to a spiritualist church for the first time as I was invited by a medium who told me I had the gift.
I didn't really know what to do or say. The woman running the group went round the room asking people to say something, anything.
Most people talked about themselves and what they believed. One person spoke about a dream.
It was then my turn, so I told them about the dream.
One of the girls, Karen, smiled at me and asked if I knew who it was I met. I said no.
She told me who it was. I was stunned. Mainly because I didn't realise who it was or recognise them in the dream.
She was a family friend of David and grew up with him. He was a famous sportsman who died suddenly at a youngish age. I had been to see him several
times with my dad, who had seen him play many times before I was old enough to attend.
This group I was with was people who were interested in mediumship/spiritualism.
The woman running the group asked If I had a message for Karen from David. I didn't. They asked me to relax and see what came into my mind.
I could only see yellow flowers and heard a voice saying thank you. So I told them.
Karen confirmed she had placed yellow flowers on the grave at the funeral.
I had given my first message from the other side and met one of my heroes. That was the beginning and more dreams followed over the years.
I never met any other famous people though.