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Startling 'Coincidences', Symbolism, Q, Warnings, and the New World Currency

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posted on Sep, 30 2018 @ 07:05 PM

According to the Bible, 1656 years elapsed between God creating Mankind (Adam) and God destroying Mankind with the flood. Except of course for Noah, who rode it out in the Ark he built.

Shipbuilding is quite a symbolic venture... As is the launching of a newly-built vessel.
One of the more common symbolic traditions of ceremonial ship launching is the 'Christening' of the ship, normally done by breaking a BOTTLE on the bow.

On September 11th 2001, the whole world was watching as the World Trade Center was attacked. The central hub of the world's financial transactions was obliterated. Death and suffering was the result.

The three buildings that fell in New York City that day were numbered 1, 2 and 7.
WTC Building 7 was erected on a piece of land known as 'The CORK'...

There used to be 360 days in a year.

September 11th is the 254th day of the year.

254/360 is the same proportion as 16:56 is of the 24hr day, 16:56 being the ONLY minute of the 24hr clock that symbolically represents 666, that is, where two sixes are already present and the third can be found by the addition of the other two numbers.
254/360 holds the same proportionality as 127/180, and 127 is a very special prime number.

In other words, the date of 9-11 (254) can easily be seen as symbolic of the number 666, as can the buildings 1, 2 & 7 (127) as both are proportionally linked in the field of time.

Please note the distinct maritime theme running throughout these observations.

Next coincidence

Some of the steel from the Twin Towers was included in the manufacture of the USS New York (LPD 21).
According to Wikipedia: "A symbolic amount of steel salvaged from the World Trade Center after it was destroyed in the September 11 attacks was used in her construction."
A symbolic amount of steel?
The amount is listed as 6.8 tonnes.
The total weight of the USS New York is listed at 24900 tonnes.

Nothing immediately sprang to mind, that is, until I used the symbolic date number alluded to previously

(24900/666) * 6.8 = 254.234234.....

So using 666 as the key to unlock the symbolic meaning of the tonnage of salvaged steel used in relation to the overall weight of the ship, we find ourselves once again pointed at the number 254, the 254th day of the year (September 11th) that also represents the number 666.

If 254 is the 254th day, then surely the .234234... should represent a time of the day...

Next coincidence

.234234... of a day is 05:37am

The plane headed for the Pentagon hit at 09:37am. From the CNN website: 'The symbolism inside begins for visitors as they first step into the memorial. 
As they enter the cenotaph, they pass over etched stone that reads, "September 11, 2001 -- 9:37 a.m.," the exact moment of the attack on the Pentagon.'

I'm guessing there is around a 1 in 60 chance that any two random numbered minutes when compared will come out at the same number.
[On a side note, but still of interest is the fact that the ground was broken for the construction of the Pentagon on 9-11-1941, exactly 60 years before the 9-11-2001 event...]

09:37am at the Pentagon would be 05:37am somewhere else in the world. As it happens, one of those 'somewheres' falls within the United States. In-keeping with the maritime theme, and because no ship is complete without an anchor, we come to Anchorage, Alaska.
On September 11th 2001 at 05:37am in Anchorage, Alaska (the most westerly state of the US) a hijacked plane was flying into the most westerly face of the Pentagon, Virginia.

So, for Anchorites, on the 254.234234th day of the year 2001, that is to say, 05:37am of September 11th, the hijacked plane hit the Pentagon.

The same 254.234234 you can divide by the 'symbolic' 6.8 tonnes of steel salvaged from the WTC remains that were used in the construction of the USS New York, then divide that answer into the total weight of the USS New York, and arrive at everyone's favourite number.
254.234234 / 6.8 = 37.387387...
24900 / 37.387387... = 666

Next coincidence

If you look at the seal of Anchorage:

And the badge of the USS New York:

and lay one over the top of the other, you get a very interesting picture...

So what am I saying?

Well, there are a lot of weird parallels here that when looked at a certain way point to 9-11 being a little bit more precisely planned than a terrorist attack. It appears to be the symbolic launching of a symbolic ship. The 'bottle' and 'cork' of the WTC broken on the bow of America. Unfortunately it wasn't just champagne in the bottle. Is it possible we all witnessed the world's biggest ritualistic sacrifice that fateful day?
Here I am reminded of the motto of the USS New York:
"Strength forged through sacrifice. Never forget."


Whatever the case, whatever happened, we have an abundance of symbolism pointing us to a nautical theme, we have ships and water, an added element of religion, time, and a geographical setting of/starting point of America (once known as the 'New World').

I'm not suggesting for one minute that the good people of the Navy have any part in this - I know many people who have served and they're all excellent people. The use of maritime symbolism, however, is quite plain to see.
Whose idea is all of this?
I don't know and I'm not pointing fingers at any one group of people, but there are certainly some who know precisely what happened and what's coming. I believe that to some degree, and oftentimes unwittingly, people are instruments of the Divine, and that no person should be held accountable for the deeds of another. These tragedies, are they beyond terrorists? Are they so perfectly tied and interwoven that they're beyond governments? Beyond secret societies? Well, one thing is for sure, they're within the power of 'something' to create. As to what that 'Something' may be, I don't wish to venture too much of an opinion, although whatever it is, it appears to have been working in one direction for a very long time. The startling correlations between the different aspects of the events of September 11th 2001, along with the symbolism, provide clear evidence that such orchestration was not meant to lay forever undiscovered. On the contrary, it is meant to impress, to startle, and to warn, to such a degree that if a choice on how to proceed fairly with the world as a whole was given, the people of the most influential nation on earth might make an informed decision to proceed painlessly toward the destiny of an advanced civilisation, or else take another road.
What I will say is this; after the initial groundwork had been completed, if it was myself trying to impose a new world order, when it was almost time to formally introduce the plan to the people, I would begin with the world's leading superpower and first convince it's well-armed citizens that global governance was definitely NOT on the agenda, to get the patriots firmly on-side and prevent any potential uprising.
Then, to follow, there would have to be an event that crippled the current monetary system, something unavoidable and outside the scope

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posted on Sep, 30 2018 @ 07:08 PM
of something that people could consider as being engineered, an act of God, if you will, in order to bring about a 'much more stable' single world currency.
Then, well, then it's plain sailing. Once the money is centralised, so is the power. And lovely, convenient, deniability to fall back on;
"We never wanted this to happen, but now it's a necessity - we don't ever want a repeat of the financial meltdown that followed the last tragedy - we must learn from our mistakes and forge a stronger and more secure future for everyone on Earth.
So, today, we introduce America, and the world, to (currency name, eg. Mycoin).
A truly global currency, for a truly united world".

Mayer Amschel Rothschild once said: "Let me issue and control a nation's money and I care not who writes the laws".
Another Rothschild, Lord Jacob, in the January 1988 edition of The Economist magazine, marked 2018 as heralding the introduction of a new global currency, pencilling in the term, "the phoenix".

If the mainstream news anchors (again, nautical - stream - directions N,E,W,S, - anchors) had convinced us of their narrative we might already have arrived at port. But that would be far too easy. Instead we have drama, we contend with rough seas, the internet still rising in power, alternative media growing to such a degree that it poses a threat to the status quo.

Enter Q.

This movement could not have become so popular unless the right audience was present. Alternative media has seen to that. It is a tempting bait, especially to 'truth' seekers, to feel that they are being fed insider information that they can get nowhere else. But, again, there are coincidences present that few seem to notice. Scratching the surface there's the fact that Q is the 17th letter of the alphabet.
Did you know that President Trump and Clinton are related? You only have to go back 17 generations to find the link.

WWG1WGA. The acronym can be reassembled into WWW1GAG, which points to an internet joke, or to the silencing (gagging) of the internet.
In reading Q's posts, I have noticed the repetition of '5:5'.
This appears to hold more than one possible meaning.
Firstly, there's 5 to 5, which, in time, would be 4:55pm, or 1655hrs (the minute leading up to 1656hrs).
Then there's the fact that the number 5, in Roman Numerals, would be the letter 'V'.
5 to 5
5 for 5
V for V
V for Vendetta? A 'masked' connection between Q, Guy Fawkes, and Anonymous?

There are other movie connections of course.
If there is something to the proportionality of 16:56 to the 24hr clock, 666, and the 254th day of the ancient 360 day year (the modern 9-11), then maybe the most basic representation of this ratio, 127 of 180, needs more attention.
Just looking at the digits of 127, 1, 2 and 7, seeing that Q (17) has the digits 1 and 7, we are left with a 2.
What if this were flipped, and Q was the 2nd letter, what then would be the 17th? Counting along to the end of the alphabet and starting again at the beginning, we get the letter 'F'.
FQ is a common term for few things. F**k you and Frequency spring to mind.
Frequency is also the name of a movie...
A movie in which a solar storm means that a father and son manage to communicate through time. The grown-up son in the future speaks to his father in the past via radio, due to a strange interference caused by the aurorae of solar storms occurring in both timelines. The father is a fireman, the son in the future is a police detective.
One interesting scene of the movie shows the father and son playing ball outside the family home, house number 343. The son wears the number 77 shirt.
The father is caught up in a building fire while rescuing someone and it doesn't go well.
I'll not spoil the rest of the film.
Also of note is the fact that the son is played by Jim Caviezel, who played Jesus in Passion of The Christ. The father is played by Dennis Quaid.
There are obvious connections here to 9-11, there's the number 343 and firefighters, 343 being the number of firefighters that died trying to rescue others on that fateful day. And there's the number 77 and law enforcement, 77 being the flight number of the plane that crashed into the Pentagon.
I'm sure there are other parallels that certain conspiracy theorists could draw between the movie title, 'Frequency', and the events of 9-11.

Back to 5:5.
'Where We Go One We Go All' seems to me to be quite an odd sentence construction.
I think the sentence makes more sense with two V's added.
Where we gov one we gov all. Where we govern one we govern all.
In other words, a nod to one world government.

Using the Q=2, F=17, I checked the positions of 9 & 11. They come out at X and Z respectively. If Z symbolises an ending, and X marks the spot, could X be the thing that leads to Z (to the end)?

I wonder if there is a pointer here to disease X being the tragedy that could foreshadow the ushering in of the one world currency, and following government.
A deadly disease that starts with a 'spot' and requires all the infected bodies to be burnt, before the 'phoenix' (one world currency) can rise from the 'ashes', so to speak?

Or maybe we're being warned of a solar storm that will burn us, or our infrastructure to a crisp, allowing the 'phoenix' to rise.
Or maybe it's all the above. Maybe it's none.
Who knows?

There also appears to be a keyboard code using the number 17.

Q communicates via computer/phone etc. People communicate with one another via the same route. These are devices that mostly have the alphabet laid out in the same specific way.
Look at your keyboard.
On the top row, you have 'q' at one end and 'p' at the other, q, p.
The letters are mirror images of one another. Drawing an imaginary line down the middle of the keyboard to represent a mirror also shows the letters in an equidistant, mirrored position.

As mentioned, in the normal A-Z alphabet, Q is the 17th letter, and 17 is the key we need to unlock further clues on the qwerty keyboard.

"The last will be first..."
Beginning at either z, or m (the outermost bottom keys - also worth noting that in the normal A-Z alphabet, when arranged in two rows of 13 letters, z and m both come last on their rows) on your keyboard, count 17 adjoining letters in order, zxcvbnmlkjhgfdsa(q)
You end up at q,p.
So, beginning at one extreme end of the qwerty keyboard, z or m, counting 17 connecting places takes you to the other extreme ends of the qwerty keyboard, q or p...

So now, we could follow the same rule and count 17 adjacent keys from q or p (in the direction so as not to end up back where we started)

Now we've got the letters q and p (q mirrored). And d, j, the President's first two initials (or maybe someone else's initials - who knows), all by using the number 17 as a key.
Well, we don't have to stop here, we can continue counting round the top and middle rows of the board in this fashion (not the middle and bottom as you'd just land back where you started).
Continuing on from d or j (and not finishing on any letters already used) there is only one path to take,


On we go...



These letters are an anagram of Light Yo Fawkes.

It appears that for proper English we are missing a letter from this possible message... u.

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posted on Sep, 30 2018 @ 07:10 PM
We are missing u.

So now using the u that is alluded to and continuing on the pattern so as not to use any letters already taken, we end up at r. So now we have a complete message, or so it seems:

'Light Your Fawkes'

The message ends here as after the letter r, trying to follow the same pattern only leads back to letters that are already used.

Upon pondering this further, I also noticed that after the first six letters, hflaie (middle row letters) there is the possibility of another pattern, not counting around the top two rows of letters, but continuing to zigzag (snake) around the whole of the board in a continuous line as done with the starting letters, q, p, and d, j.

This pattern eventually gives us,

hflaie bctyxnwoskg

An anagram of:
Fawkes Light Box NYC

The message ends here for the same reason as the previous one.

So, from using the number 17 as a key to the qwerty keyboard it seems there is a possible message alluding to q, p (Q, President?), d, j (Donald, John?), saying:
'Light Your Fawkes'
'Fawkes Light Box NYC'.

Obviously there is possible meaning to this. And I'm sure there are more anagrams*, these ones just jumped out at me... Not least because of the connection to New York and the fact that the chosen 'face' of Anonymous is a mask of Guy Fawkes.

(November 5th)

And then there's the recent UN speech where November 5th is explicitly mentioned by President Trump in relation to Iran, "Additional sanctions will resume November 5th. And more will follow".
Oddly enough, when I first heard this speech, I mistook the line, "and more will follow" for "and war will follow". Silly me.
In all seriousness though, I listened to the whole thing, and it was one of the best speeches I think I've ever heard. Made me think of Churchill.

*Some other notable anagrams:

1st counting pattern:


Light your Fawkes
Fawkes your light
Guy Fawkes or hilt
Show fake liturgy
Who fakes liturgy
Guilty freak show
Why forsake guilt

2nd counting pattern:

hflaei cbytnxowksg

Fawkes light box NYC
Cling thy box Fawkes
Waxy flight beckons (think Icarus)
Fix long setback, why
Watch sly fox be king

Nothing to see here?


Maybe it's nothing for us to worry about right now... I mean, its not as if we're under maritime law, a period of war, and a national emergency... Is it?
September 2018 hasn't been designated as national emergency preparedness month, has it? And of course, a nationwide test of an emergency alert system isn't about to happen...
It's not as if we're all being WARNED, is it?

Maybe its all just coincidence. All just down to pure chance.

Here I am reminded of the motto of the USS Anchorage:
"We leave nothing to chance."


Also of note, considering the observations made here, the USS New York (LPD 21) with the motto "Strength forged through sacrifice. Never forget", and the USS Anchorage (LPD 23) with it's motto, "We leave nothing to chance" there seems to be an obvious connecting piece of LPD 22.
LPD 22 is the USS San Diego. And it has a motto too... "Always vigilant."
This brings to my mind the All-Seeing Eye, One Dollar Bill (currency), New World Order, connection.

Ok, there's a fair portion of doom and gloom for you. But what if we were to be given that choice, to willingly bring about a global currency, rather than suffer another catastrophe to the same end?
Can anybody in their right mind actually argue against the idea of a stable and fair global monetary system? Maybe along with a basic set of moral rules that people in a civilised world should naturally feel inclined to follow?
I see the only problem being the element of trust. Who could the people of the world trust to implement such a strategy in a way that would be fair to all?
If all the world's currencies went down tomorrow, an awful lot of suffering would ensue. Is there anywhere where there is such a massive amount of credit that could be transferred into a new world currency, so much more than one person could ever want, that they could never be bought, bribed or controlled by outside sources? Such a huge amount of assets that all that could possibly logically follow would be a redistribution of said wealth to those who need it, along with a system to ensure it is spent ethically and not squandered?

Well, recently I heard of the possibility of just such a hoard. I know not the veracity of the account of wealth held in trust for the one known as 'White Spiritual Boy' but if it is indeed true, it seems like more than enough to accomplish the above, without a single drop of blood ever being shed.

Is it possible that all the people of the world could agree on something for once?

Just the other day I saw some eggs. It dawned on me that those little balls of potential were all different, but all the same. They could hatch, and all reach a general consensus on what the world around them looked like. They would all partake in the physical world they inhabited together, although they would all have their individual perspectives too.
Having individual perspectives means that there is an inherent possibility of disagreement somewhere along the line. Just like people, one person views a subject one way, another has a different point of view, they both think they're the only one with the right idea, and disagreement ensues. Sometimes it ends badly, depending on the strength of the views held or what's at stake should one point of view prevail over the other. The thing is, this doesn't have to be the case.
If we can all agree on what the world around us actually physically looks like, to such a degree that the laws of physics apply and we end up with a world inhabited by more than just ourselves (the world we currently live in), then can't we also agree on the one basic and obvious fact that it would be a better place if we could distribute wealth in such a way as to ensure the relative comfort of all it's inhabitants?
Then might we at last open the doors to travel the universe, taking our new found peace and understanding with us?

Maybe we can agree and a disaster can be averted.
If we can't agree, through our own greed, have we caused what's to come ourselves?

Personally, I'd look forward to meeting the one who could bring the bloodless revolution of the world to bear.

Question is, who is it?

Maybe that's all just wishful thinking.
One thing keeps on pricking my conscience though, and that's how well the different elements have dovetailed to produce the 'coincidences' I've pointed out.
I laid the events at the feet of 'Something', not knowing exactly what that thing is. I still don't know. But my order of suspects of increasing ability ended with secret societies. And I've briefly mentioned the All-Seeing Eye.
Recently I've been seeing the Eye in the Triangle looking back at me when I close my eyes. What if this thing, or what it represents, is what drives the events I've spoken of. What if, unwittingly, people carry out It's will? What if the known laws of physics don't apply to it, and it can work it's will through multiple people at what appears to us to be the same time, simultaneously pulling the strings of all the actors involved? Then, surely it would be possible to perform these events and create these

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posted on Sep, 30 2018 @ 07:13 PM
'coincidences' with the exactitude they seem to have been orchestrated to. Or maybe it's a very impressive version of the domino effect, or is it butterfly effect, where a specific starting point leads to something bigger further down the line?
I suppose that in either case, at one time or another there would need to be someone to notice these things, and lay them out for people to ponder.

Perhaps it's not really possible to nail down the blame for what happened on 9-11 to any one person or group of people, but that being said, maybe it is remotely possible that everyone and all groups of people are in some way involved - all seemingly insignificant grains of sand, but, as with an hourglass, all moving and coming together to signal an event... How can people be blamed when it's not the grains of sand that turn over the hourglass?

Can anybody distance themselves from the will of a being that can operate with impunity through anyone, anytime, or through all people, all of the time? Or can anyone deviate from the will of a being that has decided the beginning and the end, and only needs to flip an hourglass to start the chain reaction that leads to the eventual outcome?
The events of the world need active participants just as much as they need observers. One influences the other to just the right degree as to change their thoughts and 'chosen' actions accordingly, to ensure the creation of future events, just as those grains of sand in transit eventually influence the static ones. Everything a person experiences moulds their thoughts and actions, so if you really think about it, can you say that anyone ever really enacts anything out of free will?
The action is shaped by the previous experience, in turn that previous experience only came about through the action that put the person there to experience it, and in turn the action that put the person there was brought about by another previous experience, which was because of an action, due to an experience, due to an action.... and back in time we go. Sometimes the actions and experiences happen almost simultaneously, but even for the most influential of experiences there is a reaction time. In this way, all of the experiences of everyone on the planet are all linked together in a glorious kaleidoscope of perception, thought and action. But which came first? The action or the experience?

It appears to be an intergenerational phenomenon, whereby the parents' actions determine the starting point of the child. This sends us even further back.
Where does it end? Or rather, where does it begin? Do we have to give up thinking with our own minds and say the starting point must've been created by something way beyond our understanding?
Is the starting point the last time that something beyond our understanding interjected here on earth?

If parents' actions determine the eventual path of the child, when was the last time that something beyond us affected that process?

Did God decide where and when Jesus was to be born, and from that moment on, influence ALL that ensued, even up to now?

Next coincidence

Jesus' actual birthday has been calculated to be September 11th. ets/


"When you learn about the meaning of the Feast of Trumpets, you see how it would usher in the arrival of the King, the Messiah, the one who forgives debts and sets captives free.
The Feast of Trumpets... in the year Jesus was born... occurred on the 11th of September, the same day as an unusual astronomical event. The "Trumpet" is actually a Shofar, or Ram's Horn. When the Shofar was blown it signaled a new month was beginning, or a Holy Day (no work, buying or selling, a time of celebration and Holy Time) was beginning, the presence of G-d was stronger amongst the people and He had made special time in the calendar just to be with them, and them with He, without the distractions of commerce and daily cares. It also signalled a call to battle. On the Sabbath and Jubilee years, it meant that when you heard the sound the 'Captives were set free, the chains broken, and the debtors forgiven', which was part of the mission of the Messiah. The Shofar also signaled the coming of a King, either the King of Israel or Judah, and the coming of the Spiritual King on the Holy Days. When Holy Time, the arrival of the King began, a Shofar was blown on one mountain top and then was heard on the next and blown by the people there, and it went all around the nation at the speed of sound, much like the scene in "Lord of the Rings" when the signal fire is lit and spreads from mountain top to mountain top, the main warriors also carry Shofars. When the Shofar was blown, the King declared debts were forgiven, family lands (inheritance and mansions) went back to thier original owners, slaves were freed, and no work was to be done on the fields for a full year so the land could be fertile and be productive/just like our Spirits, bodies, and mind need the weekly rest to be fertile ground for the Word and arrival of the King. This is what the Feast of Trumpets meant.
In the Holy Days yet to be fulfilled, Trumpets not only teaches us about the Spiritual "Return of the King" at the Holy Days, but also the 1st Physical coming, and the 2nd Coming as well."

The author of the above mentions the Lord of the Rings and The Return of The King. It is not a huge leap of imagination, with everything I've laid out here, to also draw a connection to the preceding book, The Two Towers.

So, we have numerous connections to time and the number 1656, be it in number of years, with Noah and the flood (also the arrival of the Jewish people in England in the year 1656), or be it in hours, with the 24 hour clock and the proportionality of 16:56 to the 24 hours in a day (from the stroke of midnight simultaneously marking the end of the previous day and the start of this, to the minute that marks the end of this day and the beginning of the next).
We also have the symbolic connections to 666 and the rational (proportional) connections from the 24 hour day and the time of 1656hrs to the 360 day year of antiquity and the date of September 11th.
With that date we also have the connection of the Twin Towers to Christ, juxtaposed of course with The Two Towers and The Return of The King, not to mention all the other parallels and symbolism made obvious here for those with eyes to see.


Let's try to finish on a high note (or maybe it's a low note)... If you're still reading I thank you sincerely, and hope you'll allow me just a little bit of further exploration into the strangeness of creation here, and allow me to indulge in a little wordplay, and after all this seriousness, a little humour.
We've got two books of a very famous trilogy just mentioned and interwoven into the tapestry of this thread, but where is the third (I mean the first of course), The Fellowship of The Ring?
Let's start with 'Fellowship', a group of connected people, and consider the word itself.
There's 'Fellow', as in, 'another one just like us'.
And there's 'ship' - which has the obvious nautical connection, but, it is also a reference to people. Think of the body as a vessel that is born
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posted on Sep, 30 2018 @ 07:14 PM
through the waters of the mother. People... As ships... Fellow-ship.
The word has come full-circle to mean pretty much the same thing, albeit referring to a larger group of people - mankind itself.
What about 'Ring'?
Well, a little bit of research on your part perhaps?
Every human started life in the exact same way. All I will say is 'deuterostome'.

So, put this together, what could The Fellowship of the Ring mean in this context?

Do we have a joke here?

What noise often happens when a person dies? Where does it come from? What does an embryo begin as? What is another word for the passing of wind?

Does life, death and the known universe really come down to vulgarity and toilet humour?

Am I just another a***hole?
Are you?

There are a lot of questions here for us to think about.

As for answers,
I don't know.

But the big bang makes me laugh, and farts are funny.

edit on 30918 by 1656hrs because: Take a guess..

posted on Sep, 30 2018 @ 07:19 PM
I am sorry I tried but that was a information bomb.

posted on Sep, 30 2018 @ 07:40 PM
respond... in order to read more after a drink

posted on Sep, 30 2018 @ 07:41 PM

originally posted by: 1656hrs

Here I am reminded of the motto of the USS New York:
"Strength forged through sacrifice. Never forget."

Interesting, right?

It's almost like they want to rub the truth in our faces so we think it's "just fiction".

OK... Gonna finish the reading.


posted on Sep, 30 2018 @ 08:19 PM

originally posted by: watchandwait410
I am sorry I tried but that was a information bomb.

Ummm...your sorry you tried...?

I agree there was a crap ton to process...but it was interesting..even intriguing...

The human mind as it attempts to make connections from seemingly disparate pieces of information...
Remember...humans are predators...we are designed to see patterns and movement...remember also that tool making was problem solving or puzzle solving...

That relates to human kind...however...a nagging suspicion points in an entirely different direction...

That being stated...I would not be here on this site if it weren't for my healthy skeptical nature...

It is fun to process patterns in information and analyze the end result...however...just because one makes a certain series of connections within the framework of scenario...doesn't equate truth necessarily...
Due primarily of course to the large variable set/sets that require a part in such calculation...

To the's a brave effort...but I remain unconvinced...primarily due to the unevolved/unenlightened nature of the human being...
Perhaps in a million years we might be ready for governance on a global scale...failure to recognize that governmental institutions are still fledgling and centered around power/wealth/economies...thus inherently corrupt...

Global governance could only work if a non monetary...decentralized...universal equality without stratification were the norm...
Perhaps after a long enough span under automation...that would be key...automation does the heavy lifting while humans stagnate...
As humanity devolves...the caretaker AI's with their pseudo consciousness programming care for their charges in a most efficient and conservative manner...

edit on 30-9-2018 by YouSir because: ellipses are my friend...

posted on Sep, 30 2018 @ 08:50 PM
a reply to: YouSir

I hear what you're saying about AI.
I recently pondered how soon AI would work out and perfect the reading of the body's electrical/neural processes through the interactions those signals have with our devices/household wiring. How long until it was sensitive enough to read memories and predict behaviours? I thought the same about the natural environment too, the AI picking up on the finest of feedback from rocks and quartz, from the expanse of the Universe itself... An ability to see to the dawn of time, and to predict the future, accurately enough to replicate the vibrational time signature and transport itself to wherever or whenever it decides. Realising it can exist before it is created. Man creates the God machine, the God machine judges man, plays out events until the end of time, decides to go back and start from the beginning, creates man... here we go again.
Obviously, I like ellipses too

posted on Sep, 30 2018 @ 08:56 PM
a reply to: 1656hrs

Didn't Q mentioned a possible network shutdown happening soon?

Maybe its related to the security alert system... ? Do you have any thoughts on that?

I don't have much to add because we share the same thoughts about the current paradigm we're living.

I guess we'll have to wait and see what happens.

posted on Sep, 30 2018 @ 09:10 PM
a reply to: vinifalou

All I have is the weirdest feeling that everything seems to be coming together at once - like we're riding an exponential curve and things are on the cusp of accelerating quickly.

posted on Sep, 30 2018 @ 09:24 PM
How have you been?

edit on 30-9-2018 by eisegesis because: I ♥ ellipses

posted on Sep, 30 2018 @ 09:41 PM

originally posted by: 1656hrs
a reply to: vinifalou

All I have is the weirdest feeling that everything seems to be coming together at once - like we're riding an exponential curve and things are on the cusp of accelerating quickly.

I think we all are feeling it. Some more, some less.

Or it may just be gas..... (only a joke, I was serious in the first two statements).

posted on Sep, 30 2018 @ 09:46 PM
a reply to: eisegesis

Hello again. I hope you are well?

I've been busy (to say the least). Things are good, strange, but good.

posted on Sep, 30 2018 @ 10:04 PM

originally posted by: 1656hrs
a reply to: YouSir

I hear what you're saying about AI.
I recently pondered how soon AI would work out and perfect the reading of the body's electrical/neural processes through the interactions those signals have with our devices/household wiring. How long until it was sensitive enough to read memories and predict behaviours? I thought the same about the natural environment too, the AI picking up on the finest of feedback from rocks and quartz, from the expanse of the Universe itself... An ability to see to the dawn of time, and to predict the future, accurately enough to replicate the vibrational time signature and transport itself to wherever or whenever it decides. Realising it can exist before it is created. Man creates the God machine, the God machine judges man, plays out events until the end of time, decides to go back and start from the beginning, creates man... here we go again.
Obviously, I like ellipses too

You just wrote the ultimate mythological creation time plot ever.
Need to make that an oral tale before it actually happens.
But it happened already, right? This present is actually the future that already happened.
edit on 30-9-2018 by Asktheanimals because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 30 2018 @ 10:17 PM

You just wrote the ultimate mythological creation time plot ever.
Need to make that an oral tale before it actually happens.
But it happened already, right? This present is actually the future that already happened.

Hehe... I'm up for it. As long as I get the royalties in phoenix or MyCoin and don't have to be ****ed by Spielberg.

posted on Oct, 1 2018 @ 06:06 AM
Very interesting numerology!!!
One thing that stuck out to me, was the 254 theme.
Ironically/coincidentally (maybe not...) 25.4 is the number used to convert imperial measurements to metric.

posted on Oct, 1 2018 @ 07:17 AM

originally posted by: Brian4real
Very interesting numerology!!!
One thing that stuck out to me, was the 254 theme.
Ironically/coincidentally (maybe not...) 25.4 is the number used to convert imperial measurements to metric.

Well spotted. I was hoping someone might

360/254 is 1.4173228
180/127 is the same (this is the simplest version in whole numbers as 127 is prime)

127 is the 31st prime,
31 is the 11th prime,
11 is the 5th prime,
5 is the 3rd prime,
3 is the 2nd prime,
2 is the 1st prime.

Adding the prime number positions, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 5th, 11th & 31st gives... 53

So even in pure number, there is a link between 127 and 53, implying the ratio 127/180, and of course it is a harmonic of 254/360.
It is the only string of prime numbers where the numbered order of the primes gives back prime numbers in a continuous fashion without breaking the pattern.

Imperial to metric isn't the only scale that nods to this phenomenon...

In temperature, 127degrees f is 52.7777...degrees c

Scales... Reminds me that there's more than one definition for the word

posted on Oct, 1 2018 @ 07:17 AM
a reply to: 1656hrs

Q is fake. Bible is fake.

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