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Peter Jennings on the Daily Show tonight!

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posted on Feb, 24 2005 @ 12:25 AM

Originally posted by joepits
Saw it. IT was pretty pathetic how jon stewart made a joke of the whole thing and the audience laughed along with him.

Peter jennings read off some letter someone sent him and it mentioned the shadow government and everyone laughed.

[edit on 24-2-2005 by joepits]

Yeah and it was his post Verbatim......

posted on Feb, 24 2005 @ 12:41 AM
I mean, it is pretty funny, guys. You can't take stuff so seriously. That's why they laugh.

Whether it's all real or not, until it's proven, there's no taking it seriously.

I'm sure Stewart knows there's more to it than what he's letting on, but it's a comedy show, fellas.

Let it go.

posted on Feb, 24 2005 @ 12:51 AM

Originally posted by Lartsa Cleargleam
I mean, it is pretty funny, guys. You can't take stuff so seriously. That's why they laugh.

Whether it's all real or not, until it's proven, there's no taking it seriously.

I'm sure Stewart knows there's more to it than what he's letting on, but it's a comedy show, fellas.

Let it go.

I think most people know deep inside that there is something up with the government. Thats why they laugh so easily when its talked about it. Laughter is a sign of denial and fear.

posted on Feb, 24 2005 @ 01:03 AM
He didn't mention ATS

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I assume that ATS owns the copy write and will be contacting Comedy Central.

[edit on 24-2-2005 by Seth76]

posted on Feb, 24 2005 @ 01:06 AM

Originally posted by Lartsa Cleargleam
I mean, it is pretty funny, guys. You can't take stuff so seriously. That's why they laugh.

Whether it's all real or not, until it's proven, there's no taking it seriously.

I'm sure Stewart knows there's more to it than what he's letting on, but it's a comedy show, fellas.

Let it go.

But yet thats why were all here. This is why a site like this exists, and continues to grow and be successful. I have always wondered, like some here Im sure, as to when "Mainstream" would pick up on it. Now they are, yet some still question why, or what for. You let go, you give up.

posted on Feb, 24 2005 @ 01:27 AM
i just finnished watching the replay in mountian time and when i heard him talk about the blog i instantly remembered reading it on ats, to bad he didnt mention that's were his son got it from though


posted on Feb, 24 2005 @ 01:55 AM
For this subject, any publicity is good publicity at this point, IMO. The reality of this subject has been so squashed by the media that the only bits and pieces of ETs/UFOs that do make it into mass consumption now are fictional entertainment that uses snippets of material taken from the myriad of information on this subject. More and more the only material concerning the reality of the subject is stuck on cable stations dedicated to debunking the topic. Some of which are Disney owned like ABC. A special on a broadcast station is different. It can be seen by anybody with a television. And therefore has far more purpose in its airing.

Even if the special turns out to be a completely negative debunking show on ABC it shows that there is still enough public interest that concerns the powers that be to the point that continued debunking needs to be done. While that remains to be seen if this is the case for this particular ABC special, I really don't have a problem with it if it is. Its high profile enough for me no matter the outcome.

As for Jennings and the ATS quote. Its good to read that his son at least is interested enough to hunt down the text and Jennings actually reading it. Shows that the media in some way does pay attention to conspiracy chatter. I guess they have to know their enemy no matter how weak it may be.

[edit on 24-2-2005 by Frith]

posted on Feb, 24 2005 @ 06:39 AM

Originally posted by TrickmastertricK

Originally posted by Lartsa Cleargleam
I mean, it is pretty funny, guys. You can't take stuff so seriously. That's why they laugh.

Whether it's all real or not, until it's proven, there's no taking it seriously.

I'm sure Stewart knows there's more to it than what he's letting on, but it's a comedy show, fellas.

Let it go.

But yet thats why were all here. This is why a site like this exists, and continues to grow and be successful. I have always wondered, like some here Im sure, as to when "Mainstream" would pick up on it. Now they are, yet some still question why, or what for. You let go, you give up.

I don't get it. What am I supposed to be letting go and giving up? I believe in this stuff as much as the next ATS'er, but I'm not going to get my knickers all tightened when someone makes fun of the subject material because, hey, life is funny.

No laughter = only tears and heartache.

Try to balance it out, chief.

posted on Feb, 24 2005 @ 06:45 AM
I'd like to see him read my Roswell threads, hehe....

posted on Feb, 24 2005 @ 07:32 AM
move along people theres nothing to see here, move along. Go back to your shallow existance, becouse what you dont know wont hurt you.

People laugh becouse they are idiots and when the sigh in the studio says laugh they laugh, when it says applause they clap. They laugh at jokes about Iraq (yeah who cares theres a slaughter going on, look at it from the bright side), they laugh at Bush (who cares the idiot runs the most powerfull country in the world, its funny). Brainwashed chunky charlie parasites, god i love that word.

They say jump and you say what?

...I bet they dont say read Gazroks posts, it might fry that lonely braincell.

posted on Feb, 24 2005 @ 08:57 AM
Besides saying his son found Dr. Love's post and emailed it to him, did Jenning's comment on it at all?

Unfortunately I missed the Daily Show last night.

posted on Feb, 24 2005 @ 09:32 AM
Im definitely going to be watching the Peter Jennings special tonight.

Sad to hear that so many people don't take it seriously.

posted on Feb, 24 2005 @ 09:50 AM
John Stewart is about as dumb and ignorant as Bill Maher when it comes to UFOs & ETs.

posted on Feb, 24 2005 @ 09:54 AM

Originally posted by meshuggah1324
John Stewart is about as dumb and ignorant as Bill Maher when it comes to UFOs & ETs.

That's true, wasn't it you that got through to Maher?

Seriously comedians are not our window to mainstream I'd think. They can't take anything seriously.

Except that SVU guy. Actor now, but used to be a comedian. Had a Sci Fi show for a minute on conspiracies too. But he booked comedian panels. Dumb format.

posted on Feb, 24 2005 @ 09:55 AM

Originally posted by nukunuku
move along people theres nothing to see here, move along. Go back to your shallow existance, becouse what you dont know wont hurt you.

People laugh becouse they are idiots and when the sigh in the studio says laugh they laugh, when it says applause they clap. They laugh at jokes about Iraq (yeah who cares theres a slaughter going on, look at it from the bright side), they laugh at Bush (who cares the idiot runs the most powerfull country in the world, its funny). Brainwashed chunky charlie parasites, god i love that word.

They say jump and you say what?

'Why?' I tend to ask that question a lot anyway, though.

In any case, if you want to mope around all day because the world sucks, go right on ahead with your bad self. I get tired of moping, myself.

Children are dying in Iraq = tears and heartache.
Bush's policies, grammar, and facial expressions = tears and heartache.
Government cover-up of extra-terrestrial life and technology = you guessed it.

How are you making a difference? Sure as hell not by posting on this message board swaying a few minds here and there. How am I making a difference? Sure as hell not the same.

How can we make a difference? Sadly, most of us can't. Most of us are powerless and would/will die trying. So, that leaves us with this:

Either get off of your ass and try your best to be one of those few that can make a difference for the better or, if you so choose, sit around and cry all day about what you're powerless to change.

Satire (a la The Daily Show) is a beautiful thing, my man. Try to lighten up. Save your tears for those that are close to you. I don't have time or energy to cry for the millions that die of AIDS every few seconds (blatant exaggeration, but it's all relative after a while).

Pain is in human nature. As is suffering.

Maybe after World War 5 one set of our EBE buddies will show us how to love. And perhaps how to groove, also. Some of us need the latter a little more, I've noticed.

posted on Feb, 24 2005 @ 09:59 AM
Uh....this is un-freakin'-believable. I don't watch that show regularly, but I'll definitely watch it tonight. Even if they made fun of it, which you had to know they would, it still means something to me. I sure hope 'they' aren't looking for me now.
If I meet a mysterious end in the near future, I just want to let everybody know how much I enjoy ATS. Thanks for the support.


posted on Feb, 24 2005 @ 10:03 AM
I think when we see thing like this reach mainstream media, even comedians, it means that people are aware. Last night Leno made a Ufo joke. He said something was seen over L.A. today(gesturing a Ufo). "The Sun!" (sorry for butchering the joke..its funny because its been raining all week there).
Later on Conan, guest Christina Richi jokes that she is a hybrid, shes cute but I can see it
Comedy is an art, like any other art, it imitates life. Don't be upset that people laugh during a show that is supposed to be funny. Be upset if people laugh during a press conference for disclosure.

posted on Feb, 24 2005 @ 10:07 AM

Originally posted by Dr Love
Uh....this is un-freakin'-believable. I don't watch that show regularly, but I'll definitely watch it tonight. Even if they made fun of it, which you had to know they would, it still means something to me. I sure hope 'they' aren't looking for me now.
If I meet a mysterious end in the near future, I just want to let everybody know how much I enjoy ATS. Thanks for the support.


Welcome back Dr Love...where ya been?
You were all over the place last night on TV.
Check the threads.

posted on Feb, 24 2005 @ 10:19 AM

Originally posted by RANT
Welcome back Dr Love...where ya been?
You were all over the place last night on TV.
Check the threads.

The power was out when I got in to work this morning. When the power finally came back on, I logged in to my computer, got on ATS, and the power shut off again!!!!! When I finally logged on a second time and saw all the U2Us, I knew something was up. Believe me, I was just as surprised as everbody else. And to those who question if I sent that to Peter Jennings, let me just say that I wouldn't even know how to contact Mr. Jennings if my life depended on it.

Special thanks to the mods for the points, maybe now I can shop in the ATS store and even have a little bit left over.


posted on Feb, 24 2005 @ 10:31 AM
Trekkies need to stop pushing UFO's and ET onto the public. The more you push ATS with UFO issues the synonymous ATS will be with "crackpot". The laughs will only get louder.

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