posted on Jul, 4 2003 @ 07:12 PM
My son slept-walk a LOT when he was young. He would come down stairs, talk to me...and woo-hoo! no one's home. Pupils dilated the size of quarters.
It was pretty freaky.
He would also tend to sleep walk into our bedroom and just stand there asleep by the bed. Can't tell you how many nights this would scare me awake
(which is an odd thing...seems we can sense some one in the room even if we are asleep....hmmm) and I would jerk awake and sometimes whack him because
I would wake up dreaming somebody was in there to get me! THAT would make me feel real bad!
Anyway, when he got older he started talking about the fact that he could remember these events and would be dreaming while he was,
in essence, it was like he was awake, but still asleep. It is very hard to explain, isn't it!?!