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Why don't you believe these women?

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posted on Sep, 25 2018 @ 01:38 PM

originally posted by: Malcador

originally posted by: FyreByrd
Why are women not believed when sexual assault or harassment are on the public table?

Why? What do you think?

Some facts to consider before responding:

Campus Sexual assault

One in 5 women and one in 16 men are sexually assaulted while in college

More than 90% of sexual assault victims on college campuses do not report the assault

63.3% of men at one university who self-reported acts qualifying as rape or attempted rape admitted to committing repeat rapes

Crime reports

Rape is the most under-reported crime; 63% of sexual assaults are not reported to police

The prevalence of false reporting is between 2% and 10%. ===== For example, a study of eight U.S. communities, which included 2,059 cases of sexual assault, found a 7.1% rate of false reports (k). A study of 136 sexual assault cases in Boston found a 5.9% rate of false reports (j). Researchers studied 812 reports of sexual assault from 2000-03 and found a 2.1% rate of false reports.

Do you seriously believe that most women would subject themselves to public ridicule to sabotage a man?

Why is it always about women it comes to sexual harrassment and assault? I've been sexually harassed dozens of times and sexually assaulted(raped) twice.

By women.

And EVERY man I know has been sexually harassed and many assaulted.

Until this is a recognized problem for both groups I'm not interested in furthering the "poor, delicate women" narrative.

Women are just as predatory sexually as men are and yet NEVER get called out for it and the vast majority of women see absolutely no problem (grabbing butt or crotch etc) doing things to men that they insist that no man should ever do to them.

No ladies I dont find it awesome or hilarious you grab my ass or crotch at the bar or stick your tongue in my ear. And I definitely dont enjoy some drunken slag accusing me of being a f****t because I didnt enjoy getting mauled and sexually assaulted by some drunken pig that thinks that every man wants to have sex with her because she has a vagina.

The one way nature of this topic precludes me from giving a damn about when it happens to women.

Wake up ladies. It ain't all about you.

Oh and the false accusation "stats". Complete garbage.

As are the 1 in 5 stats. You mean to tell me that US colleges have the same rates of sex crime as Somalia or Afghanistan?
Yeah sure, totally believable.

Would you be in favor of the women who abused you being placed on the Supreme Court? if not would you speak out during their confirmation? To make this easier on you, pretend that the nominee who raped ou is a Democrat.

posted on Sep, 25 2018 @ 02:04 PM

originally posted by: angeldoll
a reply to: Khaleesi

Yes. The problem is we need an investigation, and the "president" and his "congress" refuse to authorize one.
How are we supposed to find evidence and verify the allegations without an investigation?

And yet everybody keeps saying there is "NO evidence". No corroboration?


What's wrong with this picture?

How about the FBI not having jurisdiction? It isn't a Federal crime. How about the fact that it might not even be a crime at all? It may not meet the LEGAL definition for a crime where it happened. You can't tell me that there isn't somebody in the jurisdiction where the incident happened who would have started an investigation just to score Liberal brownie points.

posted on Sep, 25 2018 @ 02:06 PM
a reply to: sligtlyskeptical

I don't know, does he know the year it happened and can anyone he claims saw it agree?

posted on Sep, 25 2018 @ 02:08 PM

originally posted by: sligtlyskeptical

originally posted by: Malcador

originally posted by: FyreByrd
Why are women not believed when sexual assault or harassment are on the public table?

Why? What do you think?

Some facts to consider before responding:

Campus Sexual assault

One in 5 women and one in 16 men are sexually assaulted while in college

More than 90% of sexual assault victims on college campuses do not report the assault

63.3% of men at one university who self-reported acts qualifying as rape or attempted rape admitted to committing repeat rapes

Crime reports

Rape is the most under-reported crime; 63% of sexual assaults are not reported to police

The prevalence of false reporting is between 2% and 10%. ===== For example, a study of eight U.S. communities, which included 2,059 cases of sexual assault, found a 7.1% rate of false reports (k). A study of 136 sexual assault cases in Boston found a 5.9% rate of false reports (j). Researchers studied 812 reports of sexual assault from 2000-03 and found a 2.1% rate of false reports.

Do you seriously believe that most women would subject themselves to public ridicule to sabotage a man?

Why is it always about women it comes to sexual harrassment and assault? I've been sexually harassed dozens of times and sexually assaulted(raped) twice.

By women.

And EVERY man I know has been sexually harassed and many assaulted.

Until this is a recognized problem for both groups I'm not interested in furthering the "poor, delicate women" narrative.

Women are just as predatory sexually as men are and yet NEVER get called out for it and the vast majority of women see absolutely no problem (grabbing butt or crotch etc) doing things to men that they insist that no man should ever do to them.

No ladies I dont find it awesome or hilarious you grab my ass or crotch at the bar or stick your tongue in my ear. And I definitely dont enjoy some drunken slag accusing me of being a f****t because I didnt enjoy getting mauled and sexually assaulted by some drunken pig that thinks that every man wants to have sex with her because she has a vagina.

The one way nature of this topic precludes me from giving a damn about when it happens to women.

Wake up ladies. It ain't all about you.

Oh and the false accusation "stats". Complete garbage.

As are the 1 in 5 stats. You mean to tell me that US colleges have the same rates of sex crime as Somalia or Afghanistan?
Yeah sure, totally believable.

Would you be in favor of the women who abused you being placed on the Supreme Court? if not would you speak out during their confirmation? To make this easier on you, pretend that the nominee who raped ou is a Democrat.

Of course, that all makes the assumption that the person being nominated actually abused or raped you.

There is nothing to prove this happened beyond her word in either of these cases with plenty of reason to doubt including people named who say they don't recall it taking place *in both cases*.

posted on Sep, 25 2018 @ 02:13 PM

originally posted by: angeldoll
a reply to: Grambler

If she wants to get to the bottom of this, why not come out immediately and testify?

If you were a woman and this had happened to you, you would know why.

And go sit in front of all those old men who don't give a rat's ass about whether it happened or not?
Do you not understand that they DON"T CARE?

I can't believe she is going to do that to herself. God Bless Her for trying.

Oh, she's trying all right, but not in the way you mean it.

You do realize that they offered her several options to present her testimony and one of them was for staffers to go to her to take her side of the story?

She couldn't even do that!

She's stalling because she knows her story is full of holes and doesn't want to go on the record under oath.

posted on Sep, 25 2018 @ 02:24 PM
I don’t believe these women because they conveniently waited for decades until their accusations could be wielded as a weapon against a man who has been nominated to the highest court. I don’t believe the accusations are automatically true just because they are made by females, and not inconsequentially Democrats. I don’t believe these women because they so far have no proof, and didn’t report the incidents at the time. I don’t believe these women because the liberal political machine has become so enraged and irrational that they seem to be of the mindset that any means justifies any end as long as it suits their political leanings. I don’t believe these women because to blindly believe any accusation without proof or evidence makes every male—every husband, every son, every father—a target for any angry, irrational, pussy-hat wearing, self-proclaimed “nasty”, ideological female who decides that she is going to take him down. As a mother of two sons, as a wife of a good man, as the daughter of the most moral man I have ever known, I refuse to allow baseless claims made decades after an alleged incident to become the bar for what is to be believed and used to ruin a man’s life and disparage his reputation.

If and when these women come forward with proof and evidence, I will reconsider.

posted on Sep, 25 2018 @ 02:29 PM

originally posted by: FyreByrd

Do you seriously believe that most women would subject themselves to public ridicule to sabotage a man?

Yes I do.

We have a term for this in psychology. It's a thing. We call it "aggressive vulnerability". It took me a long time as a male to understand the female mind. You see in a males world. We get mad at one another and someone may punch the other male in the face or there might be a fight. Afterwords that's pretty much it. That's our form of bullying.

In the female world they don't do this. When they bully or attack someone they use rumor. Rumor is their form of attack. So yes I absolutely believe a female would use vulnerability to attack a man. After all it's her word against his. The proper thing to do would have been to report it to police. If that wasn't done I don't think it should ever be in the media.

It is character assassination to attack someone plain and simple and has absolutely no use other then slander. There needs to be a law that this cannot be done without a prior police report being filed that a sexual assault took place. Because this is a tool to attack people with slander. The public is prone to immediately believe someone is a bad person due to rumor.

We protect the names of sexual assault victims, the accused should also be protected until they are shown to be guilty. This has become a form of gender hate speech. Where one gender can attack the other as a last resort if all else fails.
edit on 25-9-2018 by Pimpintology because: format

posted on Sep, 25 2018 @ 02:36 PM
When you wait 36 years so a profit can be had upon the accusations release, the motives outweighs the reliability of the account.

posted on Sep, 25 2018 @ 03:14 PM

originally posted by: JIMC5499

originally posted by: angeldoll
a reply to: Khaleesi

Yes. The problem is we need an investigation, and the "president" and his "congress" refuse to authorize one.
How are we supposed to find evidence and verify the allegations without an investigation?

And yet everybody keeps saying there is "NO evidence". No corroboration?


What's wrong with this picture?

How about the FBI not having jurisdiction? It isn't a Federal crime. How about the fact that it might not even be a crime at all? It may not meet the LEGAL definition for a crime where it happened. You can't tell me that there isn't somebody in the jurisdiction where the incident happened who would have started an investigation just to score Liberal brownie points.

They didn't start an investigation because no charges have been filed.

Montgomery County Police says it hasn't heard from Ford

posted on Sep, 25 2018 @ 05:13 PM

originally posted by: sligtlyskeptical

originally posted by: Malcador

originally posted by: FyreByrd
Why are women not believed when sexual assault or harassment are on the public table?

Why? What do you think?

Some facts to consider before responding:

Campus Sexual assault

One in 5 women and one in 16 men are sexually assaulted while in college

More than 90% of sexual assault victims on college campuses do not report the assault

63.3% of men at one university who self-reported acts qualifying as rape or attempted rape admitted to committing repeat rapes

Crime reports

Rape is the most under-reported crime; 63% of sexual assaults are not reported to police

The prevalence of false reporting is between 2% and 10%. ===== For example, a study of eight U.S. communities, which included 2,059 cases of sexual assault, found a 7.1% rate of false reports (k). A study of 136 sexual assault cases in Boston found a 5.9% rate of false reports (j). Researchers studied 812 reports of sexual assault from 2000-03 and found a 2.1% rate of false reports.

Do you seriously believe that most women would subject themselves to public ridicule to sabotage a man?

Why is it always about women it comes to sexual harrassment and assault? I've been sexually harassed dozens of times and sexually assaulted(raped) twice.

By women.

And EVERY man I know has been sexually harassed and many assaulted.

Until this is a recognized problem for both groups I'm not interested in furthering the "poor, delicate women" narrative.

Women are just as predatory sexually as men are and yet NEVER get called out for it and the vast majority of women see absolutely no problem (grabbing butt or crotch etc) doing things to men that they insist that no man should ever do to them.

No ladies I dont find it awesome or hilarious you grab my ass or crotch at the bar or stick your tongue in my ear. And I definitely dont enjoy some drunken slag accusing me of being a f****t because I didnt enjoy getting mauled and sexually assaulted by some drunken pig that thinks that every man wants to have sex with her because she has a vagina.

The one way nature of this topic precludes me from giving a damn about when it happens to women.

Wake up ladies. It ain't all about you.

Oh and the false accusation "stats". Complete garbage.

As are the 1 in 5 stats. You mean to tell me that US colleges have the same rates of sex crime as Somalia or Afghanistan?
Yeah sure, totally believable.

Would you be in favor of the women who abused you being placed on the Supreme Court? if not would you speak out during their confirmation? To make this easier on you, pretend that the nominee who raped ou is a Democrat.

If I couldn't prove it (which I would not be able to) I wouldn't say anything. What would be the point? And that would be on me for not filing charges to begin with.

posted on Sep, 25 2018 @ 05:22 PM

originally posted by: angeldoll
a reply to: Grambler

If she wants to get to the bottom of this, why not come out immediately and testify?

If you were a woman and this had happened to you, you would know why.

And go sit in front of all those old men who don't give a rat's ass about whether it happened or not?
Do you not understand that they DON"T CARE?

I can't believe she is going to do that to herself. God Bless Her for trying.

Nice sexism you got. Hopefully you didn't pass that twisted thinking on to your children. You assume that because they're old men (kudos to you for not including white in your slur) they don't care about women.

It's the same diseased mindset that insists that all women MUST be believed no matter what on anything they say.

Just admit that you might be a virulent misandrist and we can have an honest conversation.

posted on Sep, 25 2018 @ 07:20 PM
a reply to: sligtlyskeptical

I’ve had a few grab me without consent in bars. If they were SCOTUS nominations I would brag to my buddies about the time Justice so and so wanted my d so she grabbed it and winked at me in a dive bar.

posted on Sep, 25 2018 @ 07:22 PM

originally posted by: Malcador

originally posted by: angeldoll
a reply to: Grambler

If she wants to get to the bottom of this, why not come out immediately and testify?

If you were a woman and this had happened to you, you would know why.

And go sit in front of all those old men who don't give a rat's ass about whether it happened or not?
Do you not understand that they DON"T CARE?

I can't believe she is going to do that to herself. God Bless Her for trying.

Nice sexism you got. Hopefully you didn't pass that twisted thinking on to your children. You assume that because they're old men (kudos to you for not including white in your slur) they don't care about women.

It's the same diseased mindset that insists that all women MUST be believed no matter what on anything they say.

Just admit that you might be a virulent misandrist and we can have an honest conversation.

One of my close friends was accused of raping a girl when we were in high school. We all hooked up with this girl and we figured she was just regretting her decision. However, it could have ruined him. Unfortunately for her, her friends backed him and told the police she was on top during the act...

posted on Sep, 25 2018 @ 07:22 PM

originally posted by: Throes
a reply to: sligtlyskeptical

I’ve had a few grab me without consent in bars. If they were SCOTUS nominations I would brag to my buddies about the time Justice so and so wanted my d so she grabbed it and winked at me in a dive bar.

How would you feel if a man had felt you up, would you still be bragging about it to your mates ?

posted on Sep, 25 2018 @ 07:36 PM

originally posted by: hopenotfeariswhatweneed

originally posted by: Throes
a reply to: sligtlyskeptical

I’ve had a few grab me without consent in bars. If they were SCOTUS nominations I would brag to my buddies about the time Justice so and so wanted my d so she grabbed it and winked at me in a dive bar.

How would you feel if a man had felt you up, would you still be bragging about it to your mates ?

Nope, being heterosexual I’d knock the guy out.

posted on Sep, 25 2018 @ 09:26 PM

originally posted by: xtradimensions
I don’t believe these women because they conveniently waited for decades until their accusations could be wielded as a weapon against a man who has been nominated to the highest court. I don’t believe the accusations are automatically true just because they are made by females, and not inconsequentially Democrats. I don’t believe these women because they so far have no proof, and didn’t report the incidents at the time. I don’t believe these women because the liberal political machine has become so enraged and irrational that they seem to be of the mindset that any means justifies any end as long as it suits their political leanings. I don’t believe these women because to blindly believe any accusation without proof or evidence makes every male—every husband, every son, every father—a target for any angry, irrational, pussy-hat wearing, self-proclaimed “nasty”, ideological female who decides that she is going to take him down. As a mother of two sons, as a wife of a good man, as the daughter of the most moral man I have ever known, I refuse to allow baseless claims made decades after an alleged incident to become the bar for what is to be believed and used to ruin a man’s life and disparage his reputation.

If and when these women come forward with proof and evidence, I will reconsider.


Maybe we should try using Eunuchs for all Govt workers?

edit on 9 25 2018 by burgerbuddy because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 25 2018 @ 09:40 PM
a reply to: FyreByrd

Do you seriously believe that most women would subject themselves to public ridicule to sabotage a man?

Have you ever read the hateful, sexist comments on Trumps Twitter account! The answer is a resounding YES!

Court evidence #1:

edit on 25-9-2018 by thepixelpusher because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 25 2018 @ 09:43 PM
a reply to: burgerbuddy

Didn't they do that in Imperial China for a long time?

posted on Sep, 25 2018 @ 10:15 PM

originally posted by: ketsuko
a reply to: burgerbuddy

Didn't they do that in Imperial China for a long time?

Yup and it didn't turn out as well as they thought.

They were the original deep state.

I'm sure "phantom limb" was well documented back in the day.

posted on Sep, 25 2018 @ 11:05 PM
a reply to: angeldoll

We don't do witch hunts. Well, we used to avoid them at all costs, now they're the political tool of the failed democratic party. If she has evidence she can present it and file charges, that would spark an investigation. You don't seem to understand due process and when it is your turn, you'll wish you did.
edit on 25-9-2018 by Dfairlite because: (no reason given)

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