Welcome to the first Ask Me Anything about the infamous Skinwalker Ranch! Our two guests have spent many days on the ranch and many years
investigating it.
George Knapp brought it to the world 20 years ago to the extent he could with the restrictions placed on him by Robert Bigelow, the former owner.
George did save all the footage he shot over those 20 years and opened that "vault of footage" up to Jeremy Corbell the filmmaker of "Patient 17"
fame and all around excellent investigative journalist.
George and Jeremy teamed up a year ago to produce "Hunt for the Skinwalker" which was released earlier this month and went straight to the top on
Amazon Prime. I'm proud to call both of these gents my friend and was honored to play a small (very small) part in the making of the movie. In
addition, a certain British Pop Star told me last night that he may be able to pop on for a minute as well, we'll see.
Now to the rules of this AMA (there's always rules)...
PLEASE limit yourself to one question so everybody has a chance at getting their question answered, I have a feeling that even though it's Saturday
this will be a pretty busy AMA.
Since there are two respondents in the AMA, if you want to ask a question of one or the other PLEASE start your question with his name, i.e.
"George, is it true that Springer taught you everything you know about Makers Mark Whisky?"
PLEASE be civil, respectful, and polite. It's fine if you disagree, just do so like a polite in a professional environment. In other words if you
wouldn't say something someone's face at your work, don't type it here, it will be removed and your ATS account will be Banned from Posting.
These guys are giving up their Saturday to be here to answer your questions, the least we can do is be polite to them.
Now, let's have a nice and informative Saturday afternoon/evening (depending on where in the world you are of course) and a FUN AMA, Enjoy!
If you want to see the movie you can get it at these links:
itunes.apple.com... (purchase includes 1-1/2 hours of bonus material including the full "fireside
vimeo.com... (purchase includes 1-1/2 hours of bonus material including the full "fireside chat)
Available also on Amazon…