posted on Nov, 16 2018 @ 01:55 PM
POSSIBLE SPOILER ALERTS - (though really, it's my own guesswork)
He’s “died” 3 or 4 times so far. I think it’s a safe bet he ain’t dead this time.
Yeah, folks seem to forget he's the god of trickery. Thanos killed an Asgardian meat popsicle made to LOOK like Loki. (it was a good play, the only
way to make Thanos think he was dead.) Loki is many things, but he's not an idiot. He would never try to go toe to toe with an obviously superior foe
in combat. I think he's very much alive.
It's going to be cheesy, but I think Thanos will die at the hands of the combined might of the heroes involved. (that way, Marvel can safely have none
of the heroes as the "killer").
Ant Man's Quantum Realm and related technology is likely going to come into play (for our heroes to go to the 90's). I have a feeling that Strange
actually sent the Time stone back in time (to the 90's, aka Captain Marvel), and it was actually already active when he gave it to Thanos (which ended
up short circuiting his gauntlet when he did the snap). That was the alternative Strange saw as the only way they can win, when he looked at all the
I think Stark is going to tweak the Pimm tech to make devices like the regulator, that allow them to all go back in time. I think this is why the
Captain Marvel movie is set in the 90's, so that they can plant a lot of things in there for the eventual sequel to Infinity War, and have them in
place. So when it comes out, we'll be able to see little hints they were there.
I'm assuming we'll see some flashback scene where Strange was briefed on some of the more major world threats that occurred, so that's how he's aware
of Marvel's deeds in the past. (maybe even something they do in Infinity War keeps the events of the Captain Marvel movie, from even
happening....hence why nobody in the current Infinity War universe recalls a PREVIOUS alien invasion of Earth....