Some people who have walked free from a term of incarceration will tell you that the true feeling of liberation which they came to encounter is a
beautiful sensation
Being reintroduced back into the free world suddenly re-involves your personal freedom to choose your new direction , all those choices become yours
once again, and all at once.
Looking back , you have survived a hard time , and looking forward, you are now stronger and wiser , and on a high , since liberation is having its
The urge to party , to let down one's hair and dance , is strong . Other people's thoughts and mundane lives all become secondary to this feeling of
lasting happiness and deep satisfaction .
The significant others you meet will notice the shining in your eyes , and your exuberence may become contagious or even sexually attractive to others
, because you once again have contacted directly with your deep vitality and natural buoyancy.
Your regrets and previous problems become a part of the past when you gain a new start , your hopes and aspirations take over instead .
There is nothing quite like liberation , but nevertheless it takes incarceration to realise it . Even those who had a hard time in captivity have
enough relief to raise a smile , to shed a tear in compassion for themselves , and they will know they can build up to strength again , and be
thankful that their experiences didn't kill them . A good example is Terry Waite , just look at the smile upon his face upon release and you will
The great thing about the experience of incarceration is that one day , the experience of liberation follows from it.
And similarly ,
The great thing about being lied to, is that one day , you will reunify with the truth, in much the same way as a captive reunifies with their
freedom .
When you walk away from the lies of liars which held you back , stopped your progress , hindered your escape ,
You will realise that the real truth was never corrupted , but it just waited for you to come back to it , from where you were wandering away from it
, towards
where liars misdirected you . When you discount the lies and turn around , the fallacies become small , old , shrivelled , and inconsequential going
further . You can once again get on with your life in peace and satisfaction that there is meaning life despite the attempts of wrongdoers with their
strange plans
You will realise that the truth was always constantly reliable , when you come back to it , and it is a welcoming home to those have missed it , those
who needed it , in their lives .
The process of liberation and enlightenment is about letting go , about accepting , about opening your mind , and about moving forwards . It's about
you having learned from your mistakes , if you were in prison , and it's about you recognising and being trusted to deal with your illness , if you
were in hospital .
We all need to know these things because the normalcy of mundane life teaches us little . Experience however , even of the experiences of others ,
gives us knowledge , power , wisdom , and true freedom. And these are things we want in our lives , and for our family , our friends , our species ,
our progress .
It was one small step for man , but one giant lie to mankind . But that is OK , excellent in fact , because we know where these manifest lies , this
mass incarceration of the minds of mankind will lead eventually , soon perhaps . And that is to good things we will like , and better experiences we
will enjoy . To emancipation, to the experience of liberation and to the hard won feeling of true freedom . To winning our consciousness back .
edit on 17-9-2018 by DoctorBluechip because: (no reason given)