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Woman accusing Kavanaugh of sexual misconduct comes forward

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posted on Sep, 16 2018 @ 05:05 PM
We now know the woman whom Kavanaugh allegedly molested during high school as Christine Blasey Ford, a clinical psychology professor at Palo Alto University in California, and two years younger than Kavanaugh. This happened many, many years ago but actions from someone's past must be considered, especially when that person could land a vital position, with no term limit.

Ford said that Kavanaugh pinned her to the bed, molested her and covered her mouth when she tried to scream. It was another boy, who was in the room, that broke them up. She did not speak about this to anyone until 2012, when she and her husband saw a therapist for couples counseling. Her husband also recalls the issue coming up in therapy and AP has verified the therapist notes from the sessions as well.

Ford’s husband, Russell Ford, also told the newspaper that his wife described during therapy being trapped in a room with two drunken boys and that one of them had pinned her to a bed, molested her and tried to prevent from screaming. He said he recalled his wife using Kavanaugh’s last name and expressing concern that Kavanaugh — then a federal judge — might someday be nominated to the Supreme Court.

The therapist’s notes say four boys were involved, but Ford says that was an error by the therapist. Ford says four boys were at the party, but only two boys were in the room at the time.

Ford had contacted the Post through a tip line in early July after it had become clear that Kavanaugh was on Trump’s shortlist to fill a vacancy but before the Republican president nominated him, the newspaper said.

At the same time, and before Kavanaugh's nomination, she contacted her representative in Congress, Ann Eshoo, who in turn contacted Feinstein. Kavanaugh has denied these allegations and 65 women have written a letter that he has always been respectful to them.

Considering that multiple people have had conversations about this incident, years prior to the nomination, it lends credence to the story that the professor is telling the truth. And yes, people can rehabilitate and change, and Kavanaugh may be a better man today, but my experience tells me those who wish to hide things, instead of being honest and dealing with the fallout, tend to have not changed that much.

Both Eshoo and Feinstein said Sunday that they supported Ford’s decision to come forward.

Ford told the Post she changed her mind about coming forward after watching portions of her story come out without her permission. She said if anyone was going to tell her story, she wanted to be the one to tell it.

Associated Press

Another one for the #metoo movement. Tell me folks, should an incident that happened decades ago be taken into account when considering a Supreme Court judge?

Personally, this man creeps me out. Not because he makes weird faces like Strzok did during his hearing, but because he does not react at all. He's like a photograph of a man. Always poker faced, and perfectly groomed for years with perfect positions, and then with a shady background and volumes of missing pages.

I'll leave you with a thought a friend of mine told me yesterday -- the first question to ask Kavanaugh during his confirmation hearings:

"Would you, as a judge, rule on a case if you knew it had 90,000 documents missing?"

+28 more 
posted on Sep, 16 2018 @ 05:08 PM
a reply to: Kharron

You do realize that this is an old ploy that the left always does when they do not like a candidate.

Read up on Clarence Thomas and what the left pulled on him, for instance.

But as you point out in the end of your OP, none of that will matter because you have been told to dislike him.

And for the record, the Dems had already said that they would vote no and had at their disposal over a million documents already.

He's getting confirmed next week, tbw.

So have fun with that...

+11 more 
posted on Sep, 16 2018 @ 05:11 PM
And all of that doesn’t matter one iota. Kavanaugh going to be a supreme court justice and there’s not a damn thing the left can do about it .

posted on Sep, 16 2018 @ 05:11 PM
a reply to: Lumenari

How would you feel if you were molested years ago and not believed when you finally decided to come forward about it ?

posted on Sep, 16 2018 @ 05:15 PM
a reply to: Lumenari

Your apathy regarding having people of morals in critical positions is astounding.

Leave partisanship behind for one moment in your life, and look at this for what it is. A man is very likely capable of inflicting harm on another person. Tens of thousands of pages about his past and his decisions are missing.

Why do we have to be brainwashed by partisanship that he is a good person and will judge with compassion, if we are not allowed to know about his past? Who would buy this crap unless they had to support him... because politics.

edit on 16-9-2018 by Kharron because: (no reason given)

+31 more 
posted on Sep, 16 2018 @ 05:17 PM

originally posted by: hopenotfeariswhatweneed
a reply to: Lumenari

How would you feel if you were molested years ago and not believed when you finally decided to come forward about it ?

How would you feel if someone accused you of sexual assault, and you didnt do it?
edit on pm99201818America/Chicago16p05pm by annoyedpharmacist because: comma

posted on Sep, 16 2018 @ 05:17 PM
a reply to: annoyedpharmacist

Pissed off.

+4 more 
posted on Sep, 16 2018 @ 05:18 PM

originally posted by: hopenotfeariswhatweneed
a reply to: Lumenari

How would you feel if you were molested years ago and not believed when you finally decided to come forward about it ?

How would you feel if you did nothing and were accused of molestation?

ETA:My best friend was brought up on those charges. He was in Iraq at the time...he committed suicide to save his family. The accuser admitted after the fact she made it up.
edit on 16-9-2018 by theatreboy because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 16 2018 @ 05:20 PM

originally posted by: annoyedpharmacist

originally posted by: hopenotfeariswhatweneed
a reply to: Lumenari

How would you feel if you were molested years ago and not believed when you finally decided to come forward about it ?

How would you feel if someone accused you of sexual assault, and you didnt do it?

I’d welcome an investigation so I could clear my name.

posted on Sep, 16 2018 @ 05:20 PM

originally posted by: Kharron
We now know the woman whom Kavanaugh allegedly molested during high school as Christine Blasey Ford, a clinical psychology professor at Palo Alto University in California, and two years younger than Kavanaugh. This happened many, many years ago but actions from someone's past must be considered, especially when that person could land a vital position, with no term limit.

Ford said that Kavanaugh pinned her to the bed, molested her and covered her mouth when she tried to scream. It was another boy, who was in the room, that broke them up. She did not speak about this to anyone until 2012, when she and her husband saw a therapist for couples counseling. Her husband also recalls the issue coming up in therapy and AP has verified the therapist notes from the sessions as well.

Ford’s husband, Russell Ford, also told the newspaper that his wife described during therapy being trapped in a room with two drunken boys and that one of them had pinned her to a bed, molested her and tried to prevent from screaming. He said he recalled his wife using Kavanaugh’s last name and expressing concern that Kavanaugh — then a federal judge — might someday be nominated to the Supreme Court.

The therapist’s notes say four boys were involved, but Ford says that was an error by the therapist. Ford says four boys were at the party, but only two boys were in the room at the time.

Ford had contacted the Post through a tip line in early July after it had become clear that Kavanaugh was on Trump’s shortlist to fill a vacancy but before the Republican president nominated him, the newspaper said.

At the same time, and before Kavanaugh's nomination, she contacted her representative in Congress, Ann Eshoo, who in turn contacted Feinstein. Kavanaugh has denied these allegations and 65 women have written a letter that he has always been respectful to them.

Considering that multiple people have had conversations about this incident, years prior to the nomination, it lends credence to the story that the professor is telling the truth. And yes, people can rehabilitate and change, and Kavanaugh may be a better man today, but my experience tells me those who wish to hide things, instead of being honest and dealing with the fallout, tend to have not changed that much.

Both Eshoo and Feinstein said Sunday that they supported Ford’s decision to come forward.

Ford told the Post she changed her mind about coming forward after watching portions of her story come out without her permission. She said if anyone was going to tell her story, she wanted to be the one to tell it.

Associated Press

Another one for the #metoo movement. Tell me folks, should an incident that happened decades ago be taken into account when considering a Supreme Court judge?

Personally, this man creeps me out. Not because he makes weird faces like Strzok did during his hearing, but because he does not react at all. He's like a photograph of a man. Always poker faced, and perfectly groomed for years with perfect positions, and then with a shady background and volumes of missing pages.

I'll leave you with a thought a friend of mine told me yesterday -- the first question to ask Kavanaugh during his confirmation hearings:

"Would you, as a judge, rule on a case if you knew it had 90,000 documents missing?"

What's sad is something that may or may not have occurred decades ago is in the news and current Catholic priests molesting hundreds, maybe thousands, is not even a blip on your radar.

My guess is that there is some truth and some not to this story.

What is funny is that it is suddenly coming out. I am always skeptical of stories that just happen to come out when there is a political angle at stake.

My other guess....nothing will come of this and Kavanaugh will be appointed without issue.

posted on Sep, 16 2018 @ 05:21 PM

originally posted by: theatreboy

originally posted by: hopenotfeariswhatweneed
a reply to: Lumenari

How would you feel if you were molested years ago and not believed when you finally decided to come forward about it ?

How would you feel if you did nothing and were accused of molestation?

What's your point, should we dismiss all allegations of sexual assault on women ?

posted on Sep, 16 2018 @ 05:21 PM
a reply to: hopenotfeariswhatweneed

" How would you feel if you were molested years ago and not believed when you finally decided to come forward about it ?

I Dunno , but Why would I Wait So Many Years to Tell Anyone about it ? Maybe Because I Do Not Believe it Myself ? ...Hmm....

posted on Sep, 16 2018 @ 05:22 PM
I am glad that she decided to make her name public, now at least we can investigate further and see if the allegation has merit or not. Unfortunately, this event allegedly happened so long ago that it will be difficult to verify much of the details (reminds us of that Senate race in Alabama eh? same old playbook possibly??).

This is going to end up with as another he said, she said situation. Question is, who do you believe I suppose......

posted on Sep, 16 2018 @ 05:23 PM

originally posted by: Zanti Misfit
a reply to: hopenotfeariswhatweneed

" How would you feel if you were molested years ago and not believed when you finally decided to come forward about it ?

I Dunno , but Why would I Wait So Many Years to Tell Anyone about it ? Maybe Because I Do Not Believe it Myself ? ...Hmm....

Would bet there is money involved now.....that is a big motivator during political battles.

The fact whatever happened has never come out until a particular political appointment is in the news tells me all I really need to know.

posted on Sep, 16 2018 @ 05:23 PM

originally posted by: Zanti Misfit
a reply to: hopenotfeariswhatweneed

" How would you feel if you were molested years ago and not believed when you finally decided to come forward about it ?

I Dunno , but Why would I Wait So Many Years to Tell Anyone about it ? Maybe Because I Do Not Believe it Myself ? ...Hmm....

Well there's no easy solution here as people do lie about these things,in saying that these things also do happen , if an accusation is laid it should be investigated without bias.

posted on Sep, 16 2018 @ 05:24 PM
a reply to: Kharron

Did Anita Hill have her name changed?

edit on 16-9-2018 by DBCowboy because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 16 2018 @ 05:25 PM

originally posted by: hopenotfeariswhatweneed

originally posted by: theatreboy

originally posted by: hopenotfeariswhatweneed
a reply to: Lumenari

How would you feel if you were molested years ago and not believed when you finally decided to come forward about it ?

How would you feel if you did nothing and were accused of molestation?

What's your point, should we dismiss all allegations of sexual assault on women ?

no, we shouldnt. nor should we assume he is guilty based off a decades old allegation with no proof

+6 more 
posted on Sep, 16 2018 @ 05:25 PM
a reply to: Kharron

He said he recalled his wife using Kavanaugh’s last name and expressing concern that Kavanaugh — then a federal judge — might someday be nominated to the Supreme Court.

That right their smells so bad of treachery and lies....

Why would a woman who had been thru what this one claims, even be thinking of that?

More dirty DNC tricks! Would love to see her bank account!

+1 more 
posted on Sep, 16 2018 @ 05:25 PM

originally posted by: kaylaluv

originally posted by: annoyedpharmacist

originally posted by: hopenotfeariswhatweneed
a reply to: Lumenari

How would you feel if you were molested years ago and not believed when you finally decided to come forward about it ?

How would you feel if someone accused you of sexual assault, and you didnt do it?

I’d welcome an investigation so I could clear my name.

do you think you should lose your job or promotion based on an allegation alone?

eta: because that is what the left is going to argue for in the weeks to come here........
edit on pm99201818America/Chicago16p05pm by annoyedpharmacist because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 16 2018 @ 05:26 PM

originally posted by: hopenotfeariswhatweneed

originally posted by: Zanti Misfit
a reply to: hopenotfeariswhatweneed

" How would you feel if you were molested years ago and not believed when you finally decided to come forward about it ?

I Dunno , but Why would I Wait So Many Years to Tell Anyone about it ? Maybe Because I Do Not Believe it Myself ? ...Hmm....

Well there's no easy solution here as people do lie about these things,in saying that these things also do happen , if an accusation is laid it should be investigated without bias.

Good Answer . The LAW Should Decide .

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