I'm watching more than half of our country abandoning logic and reason, adopting righteous hatred, and losing their collective minds, all while the
main mouth pieces of America (The media), are leading the way! I've been watching in disbelief as even with a record hot economy, North Korea
stopping it's anti American aggression for the first time in decades, Iran on its way to economic ruin and collapse, illegal immigration at decade low
numbers, and trade deals finally being negotiated fairly towards the USA, poll numbers are looking more and more precarious for Republicans. How is
it that in any other time in history the preceding accomplishments would by all objective accounts be considered "winning" but in this day and age at
least half of our country seems to think we are doing terribly as a nation?
I believe the two biggest reasons to explain this phenomenon are 1) "The media is an incredibly effective propaganda tool and many Americans are too
intellectually lazy to question what they hear", and 2), every mass shooting in America creates incredible ammunition to this same propaganda machine
and turns many people away from the Republican Party who otherwise would probably be on board with many conservative issues.
I realize that as tragic as they are, mass shootings account for a tiny % of deaths in the USA, but what many conservatives fail to understand is that
although the actual number effected by these events is minuscule, the cultural impact is absolutely massive! So massive that many people would never
vote Republican because of that single issue, and will vote for the other side no matter how insanely crazy their ideals are. So to my fellow
conservatives, is it worth it to be so pro gun? Is it worth seeing our country go down the toilet because you see the 2nd amendment as the 11th
commandment? I'm certainly not in favor of doing away with guns, but I am in favor of intelligent gun law reform that could be seen as a reasonable
compromise, and at the same time it would dramatically boost voting support for the Republican Party at a time in which we DESPERATELY need it!! Are
we seriously going to let the whole boat turn over in this storm because we don't want to cut the rope on a small mast that's gotten ripped out to sea
(reference the movie Master and commander).
So what does intelligent compromise look like? How about only those citizens with stellar records and equally responsible households should be
allowed to own guns legally, and severe penalties for those who are found to have guns illegally? Can we all agree to that? To be qualified for gun
ownership this would require a thorough background check as well as a vetting of the entire household. Will this cost the government money? Yes,
unfortunately this will probably involve a tax on gun ownership (to pay for all of the vetting) but this will ensure those who have guns are people
who strongly desire it and have contemplated the cost of gun ownership, as well as those same people being responsible and sane enough for gun
ownership. This is a small price to pay for not seeing are country go down looney tunes road! Those with any criminal history or mental illness, or
anyone in their household with those same issues will absolutely not be allowed to own a gun! If you want to own a gun, then you and your household
should be good citizens and decent people! If not I sure as heck don't want you owning a gun. I write this thread not because I am anti gun (I'm
only anti gun in the hands of idiots, or people who have idiots in their household), but because I fear that the Republican Party is sinking (if poll
numbers are to be believed) it might be time we start throwing some unneeded heavy cargo off the boat to keep it afloat in this storm! Thanks for
reading and looking forward to hearing the opinions of others.
edit on 15-9-2018 by Galacticsun because: Grammatical
edit on 15-9-2018 by Galacticsun because: Grammatical errors