posted on Sep, 13 2018 @ 12:48 PM
Thank you everyone, and you are welcome.
There is so much I want to say, but when I'm trying to write it, like above, I struggle. I just have to many thoughts I want to share.
Smile, at every opportunity. laugh t every joke. fix any family issues, believe me its not worth it, swallow your pride, or forgive the wrong doing.
Even if the last time you speak to them, just tell them you love them, so they know. If you see someone who looks upset, or broken in the street, or
in public smile at them, sometimes a smile is all it takes. A man died from suicide by jump of the Golden Gate Bridge. in his suicide note he said if
someone smiled at him on the way it may be enough to stop him... after 2 hours of walking up and down the bridge, not one person smiled or asked him
what was wrong... He eventually...jumped. Don't be the person who doesn't smile.
Just be kind to one another. I accepted the fact my right side will die before I get heart, I'm -O and average size, average heart size and average
chest cavity. I am not scared of dying, did that twice, you know what scares me, not being able to correct all the wrong doing in my life towards
everyone. For now I will continue on, and likely to keep randomly writing here.
Love each other through differences, colour, faith, and personality clashes. I miss myself, I'm asking you to not lose yourself Sometimes I even think
about asking them to remove my life support, but I can't to that to the few people I have, although I personally am ready. When I leave, when my heart
stops for its final beat. know this. I love all of you, I am free of hate. Oh and when you guys finally figure out if reptilians exist please write it
down, burn it and throw the ashes in the air so I an read it, but no wiki links allowed.
However, for now, I will keep on trucking on. There isn't aything else I can do.
I will write again.