posted on Sep, 11 2018 @ 08:11 PM
Well, let me put it to you this way. I don't hate black people (or anyone else just based upon race) but when I was younger, I was attacked and beaten
by a gang of black guys for no reason whatsoever....except that I was white. They didn't say that was why they did it. They didn't say anything. They
just grabbed me and beat the # out of me.
Did that make me hate black people? No. But that made me fear crowds of black men. It might be irrational but if I'm in a crowd of black people and
they seem rowdy, I'm freaking out and just wanting to get out of there. I'm sure most people can probably understand that. It's not something I'm
proud of. The plain fact is that the reason that happened to me was because I didn't have any fear of what could happen to a lone white guy in a crowd
of black people. I believed they'd tolerate me just passing by. I had done it before. Many times. I trusted them to the point to where I didn't even
think about it.
You cannot not be nervous in a situation that has ended badly for you before. And at the end of the day, this is probably the same reason black
people don't really trust white people. They have good reason to fear. It's not a good thing for sure but there's more going on than skin color. Dogs
bark at strangers. Not because they hate people. Instinct.
EDIT - I just realized that sounded like I was comparing black people to dogs. I wasn't. I was just saying that all living things have instincts that
keep them out of danger and humans are no different. Regardless of color.
As far as just what makes someone a racist for no reason? No idea.
edit on 11-9-2018 by BrianFlanders because: (no reason given)