posted on Sep, 9 2018 @ 09:01 AM
Here's the deal on these varied sightings from a seasoned Christian and bad to the bone outdoorsman
I've waded in to the areas around Washington State and Rocky mountains down through north and south Texas and Mexico.....far as I got......but I've
seen it all
Experienced it all from the protection of the Holy Spirit.....
It's all real.....interdemensional......what they are...Scripture says we deal with the evil basstards and they can take the form of any two or four
legged creature or winged
Bible backs these sightings.....I always post about Bigfoot at Seattle.....near there......real near
Orbs out the wazzoo in my lifetime
It's real.....use your imagination on why they look so varied.....
A battle goin on huh!!.....gotta love it, better have the Spirit of God on your mind.....or dang.....
I thought I was tough but......that one time at I_90 and state hwy 18.....after calling then walking away but went back after thirty minutes to see
what would be checking that predator calling...... I jumped on my trail bike and got outta there......exciting but life is on the line in their
territory......the worst was not being close to one Bigfoot but hearing the hills around me go quiet then whistles like bird noises but
not......eminating from gradually bigger areas till it's like a hundred of em got ya and are a legion
They weren't birds, I'm sure of that......
I call the account and picture authentic....and label it accurately as interdemensional. The squirrels took the poor dude in the suit there and have
him by the sleeve pulled up even ......the guy in the suit looks small shouldered, I'm a helluva observer huh!!!
ditbyvedit on 9-9-2018 by GBP/JPY because: IN THE FINE TEXAS TRADITION
edit on 9-9-2018 by GBP/JPY because: (no reason
edit on 9-9-2018 by GBP/JPY because: IN THE FINE TEXAS TRADITION