a reply to:
We just used a laundry basket for our 9 lb 7 oz potato. She had a crib ready to go but had colic at the 4 day mark and I had had a c-section. I still
can't believe how fast she outgrew that basket. We bought all her baby clothes at the second hand store because she grew out of everything so rapidly.
She was always in the 95 percentile.
- sleep when baby sleeps. Don't stress about a clean house, dishes, etc. It is vital to sleep and keep yourself at coping levels.
- buy baby clothes at second hand stores. Baby clothes are SO expensive and your child will most likely only wear the outfit once before he/she grows
out of it.
- do not allow anyone to criticize you or make you feel you are doing anything less than an ideal job (there are opinions galore and they love to
shove their great knowledge and holier than thou attitude on new parents
- you will feel like throwing your precious little angel out the windows when the crying won't stop or you are just so tired you no longer function.
It's okay and recommended to just let baby cry in a room while you leave the room and compose yourself.
- those feelings of overwhelming tiredness and overwhelming moments in general will hit often but they disappear as quickly
- always, always pack an extra set of clothing anywhere you go. My baby had explosive diarrhea (from the colic for 5 months) and it would happen at
the worst times and most inconvenient times
- trust your gut
- get the baby Tylenol (if you choose to give meds) and read up on fevers so that you are prepared. An electronic ear thermometer will become your
best friend. My child had constant ear infections and I bought a cheap otoscope. I knew exactly when a new infection was brewing and what I was
dealing with. Because with an ear infection little baby will turn into a Tasmanian devil. And if you choose to use antibiotics and IF baby needs
antibiotics baby will feel relief within about three hours and then sleep blissfully while healing. So don't despair - ear infections are not the end
of the world ((it's usually the eustachian tube not done growing yet).
- If Mom is relaxed, then baby is relaxed. Take care of Mom, but make sure to take care of yourself too. It's not a race or a competition as some
parents think. Just be Daddy and Mummy. You will quickly turn into one tight family unit and the rest of the world exists outside of your own
- tell Mom not to stress about what her birthing experience will be like. I was so fixated on how would I know if baby was coming. She WILL know. And
do not expect a perfect birth - be prepared for the possibility of all sorts of surprises. Just go with the flow. Baby will come into the world and
you two will roll with the events that unfollow.
- Be prepared to experience love unlike anything you could ever imagine and delight in this perfect, amazing little soul that will open up your entire
world and give meaning to your life. It's beyond comprehension.
Congrats! You are going to do amazing!!