posted on Sep, 2 2018 @ 07:37 AM
Some good advice on this thread, some not so much.
I note you aren't religious so the advice to seek out a Christian exorcism might seem a bit far out, but let me try and explain why you should, and
what is probably going on.
First up this could be in your mind, we should always test everything. 1Th 5:21 but test everything; hold fast what is good. On balance, accepting
the veracity of your account, I don't believe it is.
Sleep paralysis is a medically described condition where we experience a state of consciousness between a dream and the waking state. For obvious
reasons the body is paralysed during our dreams, to prevent in normal circumstances acting out our dreams, sometimes this doesn't work, we get forms
of sleep-disturbance, say kicking a ball in our sleep leads to a real kick - through to the drama that is sleep walking.
In Sleep paralysis we have waking consciousness but the body is still locked down. This experience can be triggered by electrical stimulus to the
brain in the lab.
Where the science breaks down however is that explaining the mechanism - the why we can't move, doesn't adequately explain why it happens to people in
specific locations.
Some people are sleep disturbed, and experience Sleep Paralysis as a matter of course, what is interesting is those who only experience it when they
are in a specific place.
That said you describe a sequence of experiences with which I am very familiar. I grew up in an haunted house, for a short while, because as young boy
the home was exorcised.
So I have family history that remembers how guests would describe similar experiences, unique form them, ie because they were staying over with us.
One for example insisted there was a cat in the room, and they disliked cats. Another who was flait of birds insisted an owl or similar had got in.
In short clearly something was going on that was location specific, but interpreted though the consciousness of the observer in differing but related
Let's deal with what a ghost is first, before we check out why some hauntings are benign yet others are not.
I believe a ghost/haunting in the primary state is akin to a recording, it is attached to the place, or sometimes an object, (I later worked in
antiques) and that "recording" can play back, given the right person at the right time.
Play-back explains why anything can be a ghost. A ghost isn't a soul of the dead, because inanimate objects, such as clothes or a cart aren't alive,
but can be ghostly, rather a ghost in this ways is an impression of that existence.
A classic example of the play back haunting is the ghosts of the Roman Soldiers seen by the Plumbers Apprentice Harry Martindale, they walked along
the Roman Road as it was then, which in C20th was running in the cellar of Treasurer's House in York. In other words "ghosts" walk through walls,
hover above the ground, or below it, because the wall was not there when the record was made, the ground level was different etc.
In short a Ghost doesn't care if the house was built yesterday or a thousand years ago, as a recording it simply is attached to the locale.
The aggressive haunting falls into one of two categories, something driven by the living, the poltergeist, or in the case of my childhood home, and I
suspect your present home, the presence of a ghost-as-a-recording hijacked by demonic spirits.
Demons can be described as lower spirits, evil in the broadest sense of the word, not necessarily morally evil, but just driven by what approximates
instinct. For example a fox gets into a hen house, and kills all the hens. An evil thing, but the fox is just being a fox.
With lower spirits the driving desire is to experience life, they want to possess life, and a "recording" of a life, a simple ghost, especially of a
person, especially of a person made in an extremely emotionally charged moment, is an image of life, so kind of close enough.
Then they use the "vehicle" of the ghost as a means to reach up and out to the really alive, driven by that desire to possess life.
So an aggressive haunting manifests in the sleep paralysis experience, but amplifies it, so we get the more extreme physical sensations of the weight
on the body, through to, again from personal family experience, hands around the throat trying to throttle you.
A common theme is however the overlay of personal cultural expectations, so we have phobia's personified as in my examples from my house of a bird and
cat, or my own nightmare, among my first memories, of the winged monkey from the Wizard of Oz. Other times they were little green fairy folk, or today
perhaps little grey men.
Each individual will bring varying degrees of interpretation to the experience.
The timing is usually KGB time, ie at or around the dawn, or just before, when the body biologically is at the lowest ebb.
A Christian Exorcism works on two levels, it expels the lower spirits, and places a "hedge of protection" at the location, simply turfing out the
demonic entities isn't enough, the vacuum left invites their return, bluntly unless God fills that space then strong arming out spirits will make the
situation worse not better.
Luk 11:24 “When the unclean spirit has gone out of a person, it passes through waterless places seeking rest, and finding none it says, ‘I will
return to my house from which I came.’
Luk 11:25 And when it comes, it finds the house swept and put in order.
Luk 11:26 Then it goes and brings seven other spirits more evil than itself, and they enter and dwell there. And the last state of that person is
worse than the first.”
Paradoxically the spirits worse than first are not necessarily as dumb as the first, so a "cleansed" house by human means will not necessarily be
revisited with the same obvious and primitive instinctively driven phenomena, rather the more evil spirits will be collectively smarter, thus on the
face of it, a Godless exorcism may then appear successful because the overt symptoms cease.
For this reason unless a person is willing to accept bringing God into their house, it's better to leave the house alone, than removing the current
phenomena by exorcism.