posted on Feb, 22 2005 @ 09:29 PM
I just picked up Red Son ,Which if you don't know is an Elseworlds comic(kinda like what if). And I gotta say I liked I liked!!! Basic premise
,Instead of superman landing in kansas, His rocket ship was 18hrs early and guess where it landed? MOTHER RUSSIA!!!
Now your probably saying So WHat? well considering that Superman is an Icon for the American Way ,How would he have turned out if he was brought up
with communist Ideals? How would America react to Russia having a Superman while in the midst of a cold War? Well they weren't too happy thats for
sure. And the whole cast gets reunited from Jimmy olsen to Lois Lane,Especially Dr Lex Luthor who In this universe is still Supes bitter enemy! If you
can't stand superman Read Red SOn, IF you Love Superman Read Red Son, it a worthwhile read.