posted on Feb, 21 2021 @ 05:24 PM
There was a recent thread that mentioned The Expanse. This ain't it, obviously, but it's a good enough thread to say what I need to say. I checked my
history and couldn't seem to see that thread. A little bit of a bummer as I'd like to thank the dude for turning me on to The Expanse.
Kinda sorta like Firefly in it's scope and story line. Actually, it's really a LOT like Firefly. Loads of similarities but not a rip-off, I'd think,
as The Expanse comes from books and Firefly, not so much. Different sources and all makes a difference.
I'm late to the show but three seasons in I'm enjoying it. I dig all the dialects the characters have, from all over. Such a more diverse and
entertaining society even with it's problems. The "real" world in the show has it's problems but on a ship, none of that matters, MOSTLY, as it's all
about performance. That crew is your family as space, well, is kinda sorta dangerous to be out there.