posted on Aug, 30 2018 @ 01:56 PM
Skinwalker ranch seems more paranormal and related to dimensional portals into dark realms. I think people researching that are a bit nuts, it brings
others into danger.
Orbs are a part of both spiritual encounters or experiences, and ufology. Many depictions of entities or ghosts are orbs. Some of them, often
written off as dust particles, have actual faces, human type appearances or even what looks like a grey et.
There are other types of orbs as well. An orb could be a person, a ufo, or even another dimension or galaxy, connecting with you. Size is not
relevent for the next level up in infinity. Big/small is a matter or perception, we're mapping all that we see, and all size and perspective in an
area on the back of our brains akin to a projector screen. Everything that we see, even size, distance, is based on energy being deciphered by
programs running in our heads. We don't even know what we're really in.
So from our perspective of size, a tiny orb could be a huge planet, not just a huge craft, it could be a system monitoring you.
And its not a coincidence, it always monitoring "you". If you move somewhere else, the orbs will too.
However they chose individuals, some have more paranormal events than others.
One of the orbs we saw didn't fit into that kind of category, ie something you'd pick up on camera. It was ufology related. And in the daytime, I
saw it from our back patio, at the height of kids bedroom window on the second floor. It was a bigger than a baseball, maybe 5 or 6 inches in
diameter, and was metallic. Grey metallic.
Two other orb events related to ufology. We had sightings that were picked up by whatever military or paramilitary surveillances areas, because we
had black choppers show up for the crafts. They came somewhat frequently. Red light covering what was later seen as a saucer shape. On one occasion
when my son I were watching it, then it vanished, then we were in the living room when suddenly my son said, its returned. There was no sound or any
reason to alert him so I asked him if he was in contact with this and he nodded. We went back out and it went over our roof again to fly around out
back for a few minutes before vanishing. My son pointed at a clump of evergreens over the fence into the senior citizens trailer park, and there was
a big orb. From many yards away it would have been around 10 inches, up close much bigger. He pointed right at it.
Several years later when we had moved, I was having some strange experiences, knew that some kind of encounter was going to take place, as if warned
all day. Lay down to sleep but had forgotten to take my antibiotic, had a swollen lymph gland and was quite ill. I won't describe what happened, but
was able to leap out of bed to head to the sink to take my antibiotic that I had forgotten.
My son came out of the bathroom and said, Mom you had a blue orb behind your back and he gave a measurement with his hands about a meter in width. He
said it just vanished.
I believe a great deal of orbs are related to paranormal spirits, in some cases, but often ufology events. Possibly probes, or some kind of technology
they conduct checkups and/or abductions with.
As for the comments above about information in the ufology field. I'm my own judge based on my experiences and there are many accounts that have both
experiences and truth, and also some controls put in. As if the various ufology speakers have "handlers" from the paramilitary and are only allowed
to say so much.
I've followed various accounts for years, and it doesn't matter what people think, there is stuff recognized and things that are distorted to mislead
people in nearly all accounts. Grass roots accounts from just posters or people without any special prestige or connections are the best.