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A Mutually respectful Trump discussion.

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posted on Aug, 28 2018 @ 02:49 PM
Anytime the orange one is brought up, there will be ruffled feathers on both sides. Someone will say something rude, and it will be followed by a retort of rudeness, and the cycle continues. If for non other than this thread, I propose a logical, polite discussion about why you are like you are with regards to Trump. I have a feeling that most don't really know what the other side really thinks, they assume, and project as opposed to listen. Myself included.

First off, I personally am more of a defender, than a fan. I admit I do like some of the things Trump has accomplished, I like the SCOTUS pics, I like the Trade deal, I like the economy and it's direction, and I like the possibility that some of the corruption that has been exposed will actually be dealt with in a real way, although the track record on this is bleak, and I really doubt it can happen. I will admit that on election day, I was giddy and elated, along with scared to death. During the election the attitude of the opposition was demeaning and condescending. Going back to re-read some of those threads will provide the best examples of what I mean. Trump people are uneducated, stupid and have no idea about most anything, rednecks. After seeing the majority treating Trump folks that way, it rubbed me wrong, and I wished for a Trump victory if for no other reason than to shut up those people and kill that attitude. It was petty and wrong, but it's how I felt.

Now, with almost two years into his term, I feel much better about the fears I had of him coming unhinged, or just blowing his chances at doing right. Even with all the hate, he's maintaining and getting things done. And the things he's getting done aren't just for a few, they are for the Entire country. So even if you hate him, he's still going to keep trying to do what he promised to do in his campaign. A search on something other than Google will show you how he is doing on keeping his promises.

I'm not a fan of his fights with anyone who tweets angry things at him. It's stupid and legitimizes the complaints about his ego. If he would just let those who don't like him be, he might avoid some negativity thrown his way. (IMHO) I was against his words for McCain and against his fight with the gold star family. Both were in bad taste and made him look bad. I do like how he bypasses the Press by tweeting, but wish he would have less reactive tweets.

So can you politely explain what drives you to either like him, or hate him? And more importantly, can you listen to what others say, and accept their position? I will try. I had a nice conversation with an anti-Trumper yesterday and it reminded me what we were like before this election process. Back then, there were only a few who could't deal with opposing thoughts. So thanks JasonBillung for the inspiration.

posted on Aug, 28 2018 @ 03:04 PM

originally posted by: network dude

So can you politely explain what drives you to either like him, or hate him? And more importantly, can you listen to what others say, and accept their position? I will try. I had a nice conversation with an anti-Trumper yesterday and it reminded me what we were like before this election process. Back then, there were only a few who could't deal with opposing thoughts. So thanks JasonBillung for the inspiration.

sure. people wont like it but ive said it before.

i dont like him cause i think he is a dick. i dont like his attitude. i dont like his little tantrums.

while i do not think he is a monster and i do feel like he wants good things for the country and its citizens, i feel his needs/wants come first with him.

some of the main things he is for/was for i am just not in line with

i dont want the wall
i dont like the proposed cuts for libraries and museums
i dont like his little weasel of an appointee sessions
i dont like the lies.
he did not know about the payment. then he did know about the payment but not until later.

i dont like how on monday this dude is the best people and on friday he is fired and a dog

i dont like how in july google was a great american company and a month later he is on the twitter attack

i am a lot of things but i am not a womanizer. i just dont like that on a personal level.

i dont like that he does not say what he means. or he says what he means and enough of the right people dont like it so he walks it back with something else.

as to can i listen to what others have to say? of course i can
i try to do that all the time with the threads i start.

i start threads and i post my opinion of him or the situation right off the rip and then i ask questions.
i have been saying this a lot lately but i ask these questions in these threads because i do want to know what others think and how they feel.

while i may not agree more often than not i can come to a point where i understand.

in spite of all that i still get clowned for it and i still get all the what about this and what about that.

it is very hard to have a conversation or understand the other side when there is a level of attack for simply asking questions.

posted on Aug, 28 2018 @ 03:06 PM
link just saying...... like a peaceful Hockey game ?

posted on Aug, 28 2018 @ 03:08 PM
a reply to: network dude

I like most of his moves so far.
I would like to take his phone away though, enough with the Twitter crap.

That aside I am satisfied he's trying to keep his promises.

posted on Aug, 28 2018 @ 03:08 PM
I am probably in the minority. But I'm a big fan of the tariffs. When they were first imposed people acted like they would go on indefinitely. My argument was that they were only last a few months.

Now here we are. The EU came to the table, Mexico renegotiated NAFTA (which might leave Canada out high and dry) unless they negotiate, the shanghai index is down by 20% which will help bring them to the table soon .

The tariff battle is for the future of US trade. No longer will we be the world's piggy bank. The elitist want a global economy in my opinion the best way to achieve that is laissez faire.

The battle not only helps us. But it also helps our children and grandchildren . It might just be me but I'm willing to take a short term hit for that .

posted on Aug, 28 2018 @ 03:09 PM
a reply to: network dude

I am in essentially the same place as you regarding Trump, with the minor difference is that I thought the last spending bill shouldn't have passed.

I think I jump into the foray just because I have gotten tired of what appears to a totally be a two-tiered justice system... 2 scoops of ice cream seems to be an impeachable offence, but the other side has committed actual proven crimes and me... who cares?

I wish you luck with this thread, although I have come to the conclusion that there is no middle ground any more between the parties simply because we have gotten to the point where we have completely opposing ideas of where this country should go.


posted on Aug, 28 2018 @ 03:16 PM
The definition of insanity this thread is.....i swear peeps just make new Tman threads for stars.

posted on Aug, 28 2018 @ 03:17 PM
I been thinking that for a long time...a reply to: lakenheath24

posted on Aug, 28 2018 @ 03:21 PM
a reply to: network dude
I only saw Trump as losing against the Deep State HC, I could not understand why HC lost so started looking for answers and found it in a Geopolitics expert Alfredo Jalife who put it out as simple as it can get. What we have here is a new Deep State that fractured from the old one because of the direction the US was going.

posted on Aug, 28 2018 @ 03:21 PM
My family stands to lose thousands of dollars a year because of his ill informed tariffs, his supporters have threatened my life on more than one occasion for not supporting him including threatening to drag me into a field and beat me with tobacco sticks.

His style of misinformation and constant lying have made me lose respect for people I once respected, because now they compulsively lie to defend him. Regardless if it’s true, if Trump said it it’s right.

He surrounds himself with monsters like Bannon and Steven Miller and makes them advisors. He appointed Jeff Sessions to attorney general, enemy of this century. Who should never be allowed near a public office.

The drone program which made me despise Obama has increased and has been handed over to the CIA with the express purpose of reducing transparency, he appoints known enemies of the environment to be in charge of protecting it, and he supports the repeal of net neutrality which will eventually lead to most people being priced out of a free and open internet.

All the while telling everyone coal is the future.

I can go on...

posted on Aug, 28 2018 @ 03:27 PM
I think I like him because im told im supposed to hate him.

I dont like people, especially pundits telling me what to do and who to like.

posted on Aug, 28 2018 @ 03:35 PM
a reply to: network dude

I pretty much share your sentiments and actually made a thread last year titled Trump Defender. These were my initial thoughts on him, and not much has changed other than maybe the growing vindication I feel with each passing day.

So I've been thinking lately, am I really a Trump supporter? If so, what are some of the things about him that I support? Let's start with his character - other than his great leadership qualities, there aren't many things left to be admired. Who likes a sensitive, egotistical, narcissist that lies all the time? So I understand the hate (I'll use that term loosely), but I also understand that he is human. Me personally, I wouldn't carry myself the way he does, but I'm not going to criticize him for who he is either (for what he does is a different story). Nobody is perfect, so who are we to judge anyone?

posted on Aug, 28 2018 @ 03:35 PM
a reply to: TinySickTears

with the exception of I'd like to see the Wall and more border security, I don't disagree with anything you said. But I still feel he is a better choice than the other. Thanks for not calling me names.

posted on Aug, 28 2018 @ 03:37 PM
a reply to: Lumenari

I am mostly with the two of you.

The problem with the spending bill is that Congress holds the purse strings in the end, not the president. He can veto it, but likely that would have been more trouble than it was worth and more of Congress was arrayed against him than with him.

I know our financial situation has improved. I got the first raise I've ever had at my job which, incidentally, started the first year of Obama's presidency. I know this has not been a job performance issue because I've actually been promoted and they went out of their way to find a way to keep when that dept. dried up, but this year was the first year I got a tangible raise to my pay rate, not just more hours. And husband has gotten sudden good bumps at his job too, more like he was getting prior to Obama.

I like some of the things I see him doing very much, like SCOTUS picks, for example.

I could really care less about his Twit fights. They do serve the purpose of tieing the press up with stupid stuff instead of letting them focus on things that might be much more damaging in the long run, and really, anyone who paid attention to Trump before should have seen this coming to a certain degree. But it is a tiresome circus.

I just keep telling myself that there have been some very, very effective leaders who had really bad dispositions in the past. I don't have to like him so long as he gets the job done effectively.

posted on Aug, 28 2018 @ 03:38 PM

originally posted by: network dude
a reply to: TinySickTears

with the exception of I'd like to see the Wall and more border security, I don't disagree with anything you said. But I still feel he is a better choice than the other. Thanks for not calling me names.

dont need to thank me for anything

im with you on the hillary thing.
i voted for her. wish i didnt. was not as informed as i thought i was.
i still would not have voted for him though.

i really hope he does not win again but i think he is going to

posted on Aug, 28 2018 @ 03:39 PM

originally posted by: lakenheath24
The definition of insanity this thread is.....i swear peeps just make new Tman threads for stars.

If you can find a mod to transfer all my stars and flags over to your account, you can have them all. I started this after a conversation here yesterday. BTW, a little known fact here on ATS, you don't have to comment on threads you don't want to. No punishment or anything. this place is cool like that.

posted on Aug, 28 2018 @ 03:39 PM
a reply to: TinySickTears

As far as I'm concerned, he can be a petty jack@ss if he gets the job done well.

posted on Aug, 28 2018 @ 03:41 PM
a reply to: underwerks

you had Trump supporters threaten to beat you in a field with Tobacco sticks? wow. that's harsh. Good thing you didn't provoke any of that. Does that make Trump bad, or all his supporters, or just some? I'm confused.

posted on Aug, 28 2018 @ 03:47 PM

originally posted by: network dude
a reply to: underwerks

you had Trump supporters threaten to beat you in a field with Tobacco sticks? wow. that's harsh. Good thing you didn't provoke any of that. Does that make Trump bad, or all his supporters, or just some? I'm confused.

That's some weird fetish coming to the

posted on Aug, 28 2018 @ 03:49 PM
a reply to: TinySickTears

I can completely understand not liking the man or his behavior, but he is the first President to put "America First" and actually follow through since I can remember. If you have an issue with the man then I get it, but his policies are some of the best we have had in my lifetime which goes back to LBJ.

I found our other choice equally reprehensible as a human being and it would have been more of the same failed, anti-American policies we had experienced during the previous administration. There simply wasn't a choice for many of us on who to vote for in 2016.

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