Of course the only evidence which the OP sites to make his theory is that the basalt columns in question are on Mars !
have they been out to any of the basalt formations and looked at them directly ?
have they taken their own studies to determine how they were made by man , the ones here on earth !
as far as I am aware , all they have done is make a wild assertion that they are man made because the evidence shows geometric shapes / symmetry ,
which is of course completely outwith the possibility of ever happening through natural occurrence , yet somehow the OP continues to ignore that
Nature is extremely good at producing hard straight lines and geometric patterns without any human intervention.
As I have said before , nature informed us of geometry , not the other way around , and please once more , explain how man made these columns , using
what exactly ?
you just make a claim and then say " man made " BOOM , MIC DROP walks away !
no supporting evidence other than basalt columns have smooth edges and crack cant form columns etc
lava doesnt do this itself, it was made by man!
If you cant show me how MAN done it, I can show you how natural processes like erosion makes things nice n shiny and smooth !
if its so #ing obvious that Man made these columns, where are the rest of the people who claim this , backing you up with hard evidence , cus you know
that's how science works in a objective based world !
Or am I to take it that everyone in science is all in on this big hoax , to deceive you sitting online
I bet they are rolling around right now laughin THEY GOT YA !
Oh right , the only other mention of basalt rock being man made was from a journal written by a man visiting the Isle of Staffa many decades ago ,
and even then it was a passing thought .
I cant take this seriously when you say they are man made then offer no evidence to back it up , other than images you say show they are too straight
to be natural , it just cant be , nothing in nature makes straight lines , nothing !
if you truly think nature cant do this , then you need to look harder and longer and dont let your mind run off , just observe and record , the answer
will pop out at you soon enough !
Nature has all the answers we need sitting right under our noses , you just have to look long and hard enough and not make any judgements !
edit on 5-9-2018 by sapien82 because: (no reason given)