posted on Sep, 1 2018 @ 11:27 PM
Styleometry is a way of looking at text to identify authors, now we kinda have a hard time doing this in certain circumstances but in most it works
pretty good and is very conclusive. Easier to do if you use your heart to confirm, but simple online tech is pretty good.
The "speeches" the walking dead gave this week at viewing of their own futures might give us a clue to "who they really are, are they the same as the
claim?" Problem, my sense from Q is that EVERYTHING the said was scripted by Q team, with Mattis & Kelly making sure they stayed on script.
So we have to look then at the photos, which, to my eye suggests WAY to many version of HRC to be reasonable. Scripted, movie, enjoy the show, trust
the plan, might have a more clear meaning: Many of the players are not actually in play.
People, even the dark ones in bodies on earth, tend to want to believe. Consider how many times you see a story "guy pretends to be David Bowie,
doesn't pay his 1k hotel bill, isn't David Bowie." Then you see the photo and think, "who fell for that?"
Sending pre programmed clones, or body doubles, around the world to act as HRC seems far more reasonable when looking at the various versions we've
seen in 6 months. No one but cranky would say, "uh, you're a damn clone, take a hike."
HRC is alice, also, Q is alice. Q controls HRC, both are alice.
Syntax, phrasing, word usage, can reveal a whole lot if the expressions are genuine or not.
In the case of HRC et al, we have pre scripted lines entirely in any appearance so we have to go with the heart. JM didn't have a brain tumor, and
that isn't HRC at the funeral.