I realise I can be a controversial figure on here. I know I've pissed some people off with very direct confrontations on certain issues - this is
something I'm not proud of, and if you are among the number whom I have offended, please accept my apologies with all contrition & openness with a
view to reconciliation. I want to be a helpful & friendly person, someone who can debate & discuss amiably, but I get waylaid by my own deep
convictions at times, and throw common sense & common courtesy out of the window, in favour of brash confrontation.
I'm not green enough to think that this is entirely my fault, because most of you will be familiar with the fact that deliberate manipulations take
place in popular forums such as this. If we can get past the censure & ridicule, we can hold some pretty interesting conversations. Information
Warfare has been a thing for decades now, and so I'm trying to be 'wise as a serpent, innocent as a dove', so to speak.
With that somewhat clunky 'how d'ya do?' out of the way, I'm interested in starting a conversation about
Mark Passio - whatonearthishappening.com, who claims to be a reformed Satanist, who seems to hit up
the conference circuits here & there each year. I began watching the seminar which I've embedded below, a full 8 hour monster video, and I have to
say that although in parts I found his presentation style to be quite grating (something he freely admits he couldn't give a hoot about), I have found
that there's some pretty good food for thought. At times I've been somewhat suspicious of his motives, and the validity of aspects of the general
conclusions he presents, but if one takes it with a pinch of salt, he seems to be parsing & sharing some fairly decent information - stuff that we all
should know, or at least think about on a perennial basis.
Have a watch at the opening hour of this video, and see what you think. As someone who is openly a practicing Christian, I found it interesting that
he 'reformed' himself from Satanism, and yet didn't go the way of joining the church, which is generally how we come across reformed Satanists
discussing their past & their desire to dissociate themselves from former Satanic practices. He's gone down what I suppose we could call a
theophanical-humanist path, in that he acknowledges the existence of the Creator, the law & order of the Universe, and the reality of magical/
spiritual phenomena - but he hasn't openly embraced a traditional theological posture in relation to this belief.
I'd be fascinated to know your thoughts. In particular, I have a specific criticism in regards to an aspect of his stated intention & conclusions -
something that doesn't quite fit, or gel with, the bulk of what he conveys (& he conveys the bulk of his material in a truly excellent, convincing
manner, imho). I perceive a chink in the armour - a potential trapdoor - but I'm hoping for feedback which will either confirm or refute the
speculation of at least a slight error in his Metaphysic, or tactical misrepresentation of Truth, such that there is a very reasonable question
arising concerning whether he has a well-intended purpose & a reason for mild concealment on the point to which I refer, or whether he is not at all
what he seems...
With that said, 'have at it', and see what you think. Some have called this seminar "the most pivotal & important theory/ system of information
apprehension - from outside the mainstream - which explains more in one fell swoop than many other resources put together" (paraphrased)
Mark Passio - FULL Natural Law Seminar (8 hours)
edit on AugustFriday1818CDT09America/Chicago-050047 by FlyInTheOintment because: clarification, adding links..
I happen to have have this open in another tab, almost done with the first part. I discovered him through his presentation on the Demystification of
the Occult which matches many things I have found to be true. He seems very sharp, which I always like to see because there are far too many nutters
that give this whole area of knowledge a bad rap and turn people away from the truth.
I'd say his intentions are as he says because I feel the same way. It has become increasingly clear over the course of my life that there is a
pervasive, mind-bogglingly clever scheme to steal the energy of nearly every human on the planet. So I am obliged to do what I can to free those that
I love and whomever else I can. The obvious answer to me is getting off-grid in order to starve the machine. I'm surprised I haven't heard him talk
about this, although maybe he does later in the presentation.
Satan is the dark manifestion of the Spirit which chooses
the ones which will be conduits for dark regimes.
Highly unlikely for a satanist to be reformed.
Reason why, requires the ultimate payment; which no suprises your life.
How did he survive the whip of the dragons tail?
Unlikely he was never chosen.
He hung out with Satanist but never was chosen and
and so could severe anytime.
The ones who are chosen they have to do what their Lord Lucifer commands of them.
This in amost formal manner may be articulated in the signing of blood contracts.
Explicitly set out in the fine print the terms and conditions.
Eat urine,
Sacrifice this and that,
Be the prision soap.
Once youve signed , thats it, there no getting away with it.
Fabulous thread man..dang fine thread subject and intro fella.....
Thank you, that's extremely kind of you to say & I really appreciate it. It's about time I straightened myelf out & became a bit more canny/
consistent with my approach to the world of weird we know & love as ATS..
.it wont let me flag or starr.....
'Aint it funny how that happens sometimes - almost like there's a weird algorithm at play!
I happen to have have this open in another tab, almost done with the first part. I discovered him through his presentation on the
Demystification of the Occult which matches many things I have found to be true. ...
......So I am obliged to do what I can to free those that I love and whomever else I can. The obvious answer to me is getting off-grid in order to
starve the machine. I'm surprised I haven't heard him talk about this, although maybe he does later in the presentation.
Again, thank you for your thoughtful & kind words, a contribution which actually really helps me in understanding his 'Gestalt', much appreciated..
I'd say his intentions are as he says because I feel the same way. It has become increasingly clear over the course of my life that there is a
pervasive, mind-bogglingly clever scheme to steal the energy of nearly every human on the planet.
I totally agree this is happening. It's beyond obvious to anyone who dares to stick their head above the parapet to get a better view. One need only
look at the trail of suspicious deaths surrounding the activities of the Clinton family to know that some dark network is weaving & wafting the smell
of Spirit Cooking in our general direction. As they say, "Something wicked this way comes.." I'm at the point where I'm almost in prayer to call
upon avenging angels - it's become a #ing abomination & an abhorrent stain on the cause of Humanity. This dark opera which we all perceive behind the
scenes, needs to come to a close, and we need some GOOD PEOPLE in place. I believe the Book of Revelation promises that the Earth, in a sense, will
endure beyond the Apocalypse, in that new Kings shall be appointed, who will rule as it was with the court of King Arthur with the Grail lore & the
whatnot, in righteousness towards all Mankind, in service before Heaven.
He seems very sharp, which I always like to see because there are far too many nutters that give this whole area of knowledge a bad rap and
turn people away from the truth.
Agreed, 100%. The New Age is a deceptive religion disguised as a 'movement', and folk like a certain 'Blue Avian-Sphere Being-Lucifer-Is-Awesome,
Ra-Ra-Ra Alliance, Bad is Good, I am Trustworthy' charlatan need to be exposed & ridiculed so that people have the clarity of vista across which to
gather a proper sense of what's actually going down. The mud in the waters is deeper than the waters at this point, and God dammit we're all sick &
dog tired by the BS.
edit on AugustSaturday1818CDT07America/Chicago-050026 by FlyInTheOintment because: clarification
You need a Scribd account in your life [or a Lulu, or Kindle account - there are many online library services of this nature - whether they measure up
to my personally preferred option is a matter for debate - as a hint, they don't come anywhere close to that primary option], so you can get your
hands on millions of books covering all manner of subjects like this - whole libraries of treatises on occult information for what amounts to two cups
of coffee a month. Go for it, you won't be disappointed! As they say, knowledge is power, and we're here to deny ignorance, Expose pseudo-skeptics,
faux-debunkers, and hangers-on-the-coat-tails-of-the-ATS-superstar-armchair-skeptics...!!!!!
Anyway, that book seems to fit really well with the vein of inquiry which we're exploring via Mark Passio & his 'What On Earth Is Happening?' project.
I've read only the first chapter of the book, but it seems incredibly solid, with a vast wealth of knowledge condensed & distilled into what amounts
to a well-written work of great value. Enjoy, and please do feel free to come back & comment further, I'd love to explore this in considerable depth,
and appreciate your contributions thus far.
edit on AugustSaturday1818CDT09America/Chicago-050003 by FlyInTheOintment because: clarification, adding links..
I think he's a little hard on New Agers. I think there's a lot of truth in it but the deception in it does confuse people who are young in their
spiritual and philosophical journeys. I went through it. Mark says that it's only action that creates change, but I see it as a combination of
action working with metaphysics. Physical reality is illusory and only a tiny, tiny part of the picture. He also is very against Solipsism, but
Solipsism could very well be the truth and there doesn't seem to be a way to prove that it isn't. I don't think it's as clear as he thinks it is.
And as for the whole blue avian thing- it makes sense to me that there would be both positive and negative ETs, and that there would be all kinds of
things going on that we weren't aware of, and that every once in a while a person would experience some of it and feel obliged to talk about it. So I
don't immediately discount that sort of thing.
But if you suspect that Mark is some kind of shill, I'd say it's because he doesn't advocate getting off-grid (that I know of). That's why I think
The Secret was popularized- to hijack people's excitement in discovering occult knowledge so that they would chase their desires and continue to
contribute to the financial system instead of keeping their power for themselves and those around them. By using money, we are DIRECTLY EMPOWERING
THOSE THAT ENSLAVE US. That's why I'm focusing on the long term goal of only using money to get off-grid so that money becomes obsolete.
You also mentioned the whole "Lucifer is good" thing. This is something I've recently become aware of that completely mind #ed me for a while. It
makes sense to me that if the God of religions is actually a false god, the "demiurge" (and I think it's very clear that that may be the case), then
Lucifer rebelling against this god IS good. And the demiurge would distort our view of Lucifer so that we would associate him with evil so that we
would continue to siphon our power to the false god. (George Kavassilas is known for talking about this.)
So needless to say, I keep all possibilities open because deception is pervasive and even direct experience can be deceiving. Anyway, interested to
hear what you think about these things because I've enjoyed a number of your threads and posts and I think you're a star player here.
I'm really humbled by your kind words here - equally, I admire your determination to remain open-minded wherever the voyage may take us. I'm
interested to hear more about your take on the off-grid living side of things; I'm a bit stuck for time right now, but I'll make a more detailed
comment regarding my thoughts in response to some of your thoughts as expressed in your last post. I certainly don't disagree with you with
reference to keeping oneself on the path of truth it is vital to weigh up the totality of what we're presented with as possibly greater than the sum
of its parts. Bear with me & I'll come back with a more lucid commentary later on - I've had a long day & get tired easily because of a chronic
medical condition. ATS keeps me sane in an insane world, but at this exact moment I'm so shattered that I can barely string together a simple thought
process..!! I'll catch you later - I'm genuinely fascinated by the prospect of off-grid living, so we can have a good old chat about it as it relates
to the big picture, later on.
In my experience with various “secret” societies, I can say that almost everything I’ve heard from Mark Passio has been consistent with what
I’ve seen. There are a few things I disagree with him on, such as his depiction of Baphomet; but as I have not been involved directly with the CoS,
the Temple of Set, nor any other offshoots of the “left-hand path”, I cannot speak for their beliefs. I was instructed one way. They may have been
instructed another. I am not going to speculate.
Natural law, as described by Passio, comes directly from The Kybalion. This book has been a very important part of the canon in Freemasonry, the
Rosicrucians, the Golden Dawn, Thelema, BotA, and other Hermetic and Quasi-Hermetic organizations.
As for Passio’s views on Anarchism, these have also been consistent with my experiences. Order followers are often looked down upon. We are usually
bound by a strict moral code, but not accountable to anyone but ourselves and the repercussions of violating the 7 Hermetic Principles.
I also notice he doesn't say what church of Satanism he belonged to. Satanism is not just a general label, there is a spectrum like any other
I was about to post his natural law video just now but did a search first. THIS is important. Out of all the research, through many rabbit holes, this
has been a gem to me. Apparently not many people have watched it.
edit on 28-1-2019 by CosmicAwakening because: (no reason given)