posted on Aug, 23 2018 @ 11:50 PM
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Scomo (scott morrision) was the finance minister I believe.
This will be good news for Perth/WA.. however, he's as bland as a rubber band...
He's a seat warmer, he won 48-43 (or something like that) meaning half his own party dont want him.
The liberals have lost their credibility... they came in promising an end to the back stabbing and pm swapping of Labor.. only to do it twice!
Tony Abbott, the previous, previous PM who was knifed is still in the back rows of parliament tearing people down.
Scott Morrison will be beaten by Bill Shorten in the election, unless he dramatically changes the direction of the party.
Shorten will be ousted by Albanese... and Albanese will take us to glory in the coming war!