posted on Aug, 20 2018 @ 01:08 PM
I´m amazed at all the replies and this is going to keep me busy for a while. The emails flodding in as well!
But I still trying to track down that problem. When I´ve solved that heisenbug like problem, I´ll setup a queue and process all at once.
I already had a very promising call with a local LAN-party (yes they still exist here) organizer. My plan is to have entry subsidized by a small
payment and in exchange I get 1 hour computing time on each machine whose owner agrees. You guess it, a local botnet.
I can´t do it efficient over the internet (renting some servers), I need at least 200-300 Mbit/s throughput between the single nodes. My plan is to
not only compute the values but also cross-reference them.
For that I already have some classes around that I just need to modify a bit.
I take this seriously because I genuinly think that I´m onto something really strange. I still can´t explain it or make sense of my experience.
The goals are
1) Compute the values for every snipped song (doing spektrograms and the underlying data)
1.2) Cross-reference the values and do different comparisions (heat maps, fourier analysis (going to be tough))
2) Let the neural network(s) chew on it until it spits out the most best scored solutions(algorithms) to arrive at the computed the patterns.
2.1) Generate sound from it and see if the effect is reproduceable
3) Compare that to the deep note and double mirror (both vertical and horizontal) all spectrograms.
3.1) Deliver those mirrored spectrograms and generated sounds to the participants (you).
4.) Trying to unlock the mystery connection between the deep note, it´s effect on me and the still mind blowing experience that somehow defies
Why I do this:
It seems to me that there is a corelation between the deep note and the technique I used to arrived at the OOBE.
Time-reversed. Meaning:
The sound(waves) I saw, felt and heard during that OOBE I had recently...
For some reason, if you mirror them both vertical and horizontal, you get a graphic depiction of what I felt during the OOBE. And if that would not be
enough, I only heard those soundwaves only mid-way into the journey. So how can that be?