You know what came to mind when I read this account? The stories a friend of mine told when fed a constant stream of Quervo about his time in the army
as a helicopter pilot trainer....using the most modern versions of the Apache. He'd relate how he and his bud, another senior teacher and somewhat
warped friend, would get kicks out of locating isolated vehicles around local towns, using high mag, forward looking Infrared, and, in whisper mode,
would watch the lovemaking going on just a hundred yards away, with those folks not having the slightest idea their likenesses were being recorded, up
close an personal, even in complete darnkness, for later review and laughs. Then, when bored, they'd LIGHT UP the car using a million candle power
spotlight, freezing the folks in fright for a moment and essentially blinding them for a minute due to the change in nightvision-to-bright
sunlight-like, level, and they'd quietly hover off just above tree-level back to base, laughing and having a good ole time! The next day or so, the
local papers would include reports of UFO activity and such....maybe even a story about what two lovers witnessessed in the backwoods....
Anyway, that's just what came flooding back....had to smile; whether or not it has anything to do with your particular experience.
Also, on the other thread, I just wanted to mention that I was giving the benefit of the doubt, not mentioning that the only other reasonable
explanation to the movie on the wall was that, as mentioned lastly by another poster, you might very well have been having a lucid-like dream whereby
you thought you were actually awake. But I trust your recollection to be more reliable than, say, another thread, written about a person witnessing a
weird "thing" crawling on the ceiling and into a mirror, as a child about the same age: comparing the two threads, I saw such a difference in
quality of the memory, and the ability to describe your experience, compared to the other's inability to give anything other than the most basic
recitation, I didn't even mention the "dream" possibility, in your case. However, since someone else -did-, I'll simply add that, given the lack
of any other reasonable explanation, the dream one must take up number 1 until some other, better explantion replaces it.
Just wanted to clarify that for me, so my responses stay consistant, moreso than for you, as what actually happened, m'k?