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The Universe is Mental, God is the All in Everything

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posted on Sep, 4 2018 @ 04:00 AM

originally posted by: CornishCeltGuy
a reply to: andy06shake
Gosh, you still slugging it out here? Respect to you mate.
I have to admit, some of the comments from others I just can't get my head around, it's like they see the world as an imaginary consciousness or something, a lot of it seems like woo hocus pocus to me.
Not that it matters, I have no opinion on unverifiable things, my perception of being alive in the now is all I care about, whatever happens after I die is no matter to me. Higher celestial plane or wormfood, meh, I'll deal with it when it happens.

Interesting reading though so thanks to everyone posting, even if I don't understand or agree with the points made.

You can't get your head around it because your head is inside it!! Lol.
As you say.....being alive in the now is all you care about.
But what if there is no you 'in the now'..............what if life is just what is present.............and no one can actually do what is presently happening.................the present happening is simply aware of itself.

posted on Sep, 4 2018 @ 04:05 AM
a reply to: Itisnowagain
Star for the deep questions

I only 'know' what I perceive, so that goes as far as whatever I see, touch and feel.
Like I said I'm just enjoying reading the different opinions in this thread, the actual answers I'll never comprehend, and I don't mind either, but it is interesting reading so cheers for posting your thoughts.

posted on Sep, 4 2018 @ 04:09 AM

originally posted by: CornishCeltGuy
a reply to: Itisnowagain
Star for the deep questions

I only 'know' what I perceive, so that goes as far as whatever I see, touch and feel.

Yes you only see and feel what is presently showing up.
You can only be aware of what actually is.

The seer (the perceiver) and seen (perceived) are not separate. Is there any thing other?

posted on Sep, 4 2018 @ 04:37 AM
a reply to: CornishCeltGuy


What you are actually is beyond words, but it would be not untrue to say you are nothing whatsoever other than pure, infinite, disembodied consciousness/intelligence; a field of miraculous infinite light; God dreaming itself; an infinite point of pure potential; or the infinite implications of nothing whatsoever.

The immediate presentation of this unspeakable actuality is the field of your experience, which is an instantaneously appearing virtual field of Radiant Presence as apparent qualities. This is the actuality of which every/ and any/ thing that you think exists consists. This is inclusive and complete; nothing whatever other than this field exists. In short, the entirety of Reality is the "bubble" of YOUR experience, the field of Radiant Presence, which alone exists.

This is the totality of Reality. This is not theoretical, but is actually, immediately real; always the case right here right

posted on Sep, 4 2018 @ 04:46 AM
Starting with one of your sense-fields: vision, hearing, touch, smell, taste, or thought, relax your focus and experience the full field of the experience of the energy Radiantly appearing as that sense-field as a whole, as a continuum.Sense what is present intimately. If vision is focussed on, for example, experience the full field of light-energy appearing in your experience as a whole. Feel its texture, its miraculous spontaneous apparition, its Radiance, its boundarylessness. Relax into that until you effortlessly experience the field as the whole presence that it is.

Then let yourself fully and in detail notice an object within the field. Then relax the noticing of the object, and experience the effortless wholeness of the field again. Do this over and over, slowly and carefully, and notice the mechanism whereby the object is abstracted, and particularly how abstracting the object doesn't in any way actually remove the "object" from the wholeness of the field, with all of its inherent propeties, which is always the true context of experience. Notice how abstraction is just one mode of experience within the field, and how engaging in it or not actually doesn't change the true situation, the Presence of the experiential field, in the slightest.

Explore this with the other sense-fields, singly at first, and then let your attention notice several sense-fields at once, and notice these same phenomena. Eventually notice that the different sense-fields are themselves conceptual abstractions within the sole infinite field of the true being of your experience. Notice its properties: absolute infinity, absolute identity, absolute discontinuity, absolute indeterminacy, absolute Presence, absolute spontaneous independence from anything "outside" itself, absolute undefinability; and the inherent implications of these properties and any others that reveal themselves.

As you become more familiar with the experience of the eternal constancy of the infinite energy-field, even when experiencing it in the mode of abstracted objects, you will enter more and more deeply into the ongoing revelation of what you actually are, what this actually is, and how it is. This ongoing revelation will be revealed as the eternal event, the eternally ongoing absolute Be-ing, of inconceivable mystery and sacredness.

posted on Sep, 4 2018 @ 07:24 AM
a reply to: Itisnowagain

Talking to yourself again through Itisnowagain, based on your own assumptions if you think about it never mind those vids.

Does that not mean if you are star or flagged, then you are essentially doing it yourself?

Do i really exist or im i simply words on your screen?

If not then whos doing it considering nothing is separate and you are the only one that exists?

When you respond to a question or query who are you talking to following your train of thought?

edit on 4-9-2018 by andy06shake because: (no reason given)

edit on 4-9-2018 by andy06shake because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 4 2018 @ 07:38 AM
a reply to: CornishCeltGuy

Some of its Interesting, some of it borders on tripe with no understanding of physics nor mathematics.

A lot of it seems like hocus pocus because thats what it is.

Opinions are one thing, but an opinion with no basis in reality nor supported by anything other than a person's obvious lack of education and understanding pertaining to the subject equates to nothing more than superstition.

Fear of the unknown really.

Reality may appear complex but its built around and functions down to a very select set of laws, Phi, Pi, and G to date.

Whats real CornishCeltGuy, is what we experience, for all intents and purpose.
edit on 4-9-2018 by andy06shake because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 4 2018 @ 07:49 AM
a reply to: Nothin

"Am not at such a deep level, but somehow, somewhere in between."

Me too, believe it or not, plenty of unanswered queries and questions pertaining to reality, but you have to work with the tools available.

Of which science is the only one we have that offers up any kind of hope as to answering some of the larger questions possed.

Won't answer or address them all, but you cant know everything as the universe would be rather boring.

posted on Sep, 4 2018 @ 09:30 AM
Do you believe that there is a 'you' separate to what is happening? Is there any thing separate to what is happening?

Can you say what thought will appear (in your head) next.....prior to it's appearance?
A thought is known as it appears.

So a thought appears..............and then another thought appears that says 'I just had a thought'. What is the 'I'?
edit on 4-9-2018 by Itisnowagain because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 4 2018 @ 09:56 AM
a reply to: andy06shake
Where would you look and when, for what is real?

Would you only be able to find 'reality' if you had a higher education?

edit on 4-9-2018 by Itisnowagain because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 4 2018 @ 10:07 AM
a reply to: Itisnowagain

"Where would you look and when, for what is real?"

Are you taking to "ME" or yourself again? LoL

"Would you only be able to find 'reality' if you had a higher education?"

No, but it somewhat helps with admission to a university, nevermind allowing one to attempt to understand the idiocracies where science, mathematics and rather a few other fields of endeavor are concerned.

But who are you asking "ME" or yourself???

Who are you having this discussion with given that you believe nothing is separate?

Answer the question, please.

edit on 4-9-2018 by andy06shake because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 4 2018 @ 10:10 AM

edit on 4-9-2018 by Itisnowagain because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 4 2018 @ 10:17 AM

originally posted by: andy06shake
a reply to: Itisnowagain

"Where would you look and when, for what is real?"

Are you taking to "ME" or yourself again? LoL

"Would you only be able to find 'reality' if you had a higher education?"

No, but it somewhat helps with admission to a university, nevermind allowing one to attempt to understand the idiocracies where science, mathematics and rather a few other fields of endeavor are concerned.

But who are you asking "ME" or yourself???

Who are you having this discussion with given that you believe nothing is separate?

Answer the question, please.

Now is happening appears as talking, asking questions, answering questions, avoiding questions.
Now is appearing and knowing the same time.

Presently.........there may seem as if there is someone seeing and something seen and that would make two things.
But what if there is only this present experience..and it is not actually made of two things.
Seeing is happening, hearing is happening, typing is happening, sounds are happening.
It is all just happening.....................but there maybe an idea that there is 'something' doing the happening.

Reality is being what it is.

edit on 4-9-2018 by Itisnowagain because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 4 2018 @ 10:19 AM
The OP is sharing with us his/her specific realizations on his/her spiritual journey and I don't see that as relaying any truth or path for us all. Simply put, OP is sharing his/her chosen path to enlightenment with us which may resonate (or not) with some of us.
edit on 19CDT10America/Chicago019101030 by InTheLight because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 4 2018 @ 10:30 AM
a reply to: Itisnowagain

So are "YOU" talking with "ME" or to "YOURSELF"???

ME or to YOURSELF???

Answer the question, i dont need all the rest of the meaningless crap that seems to come with your response.

Its a simple question, one word will suffice.

posted on Sep, 4 2018 @ 10:34 AM

originally posted by: andy06shake
a reply to: Itisnowagain

So are "YOU" talking with "ME" or to "YOURSELF"???

ME or to YOURSELF???

Answer the question, i dont need all the rest of the meaningless crap that seems to come with your response.

Its a simple question, one word will suffice.

It is an easy question............but the answer is not easy.

posted on Sep, 4 2018 @ 10:34 AM
a reply to: andy06shake

Nothing is speaking to nothing.
Nothing is speaking to nothing (but is spellbound and believes in things).

There isn't any thing...................this is nothing appearing as everything.

edit on 4-9-2018 by Itisnowagain because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 4 2018 @ 10:43 AM
a reply to: Itisnowagain

The words......There's nothing behind the curtain just appeared out of typing happened (online).

And look what

When I say all there is, is now, it is not a spiritual platitude, like ‘be in the now.’ It is true. There is no past, period. There is no future, period. Time is a mind created concept appearing in the eternal here and now. The only thing you actually know, the only thing you cannot deny and that needs no thought at all to know, and the only thing that is actual is, here and now I am - this knowing that knows itself. And this knowing is not of a 'self', the time created myth of me. It is no thing, simply what is here and now, knowing all of the appearances that come and go.

edit on 4-9-2018 by Itisnowagain because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 4 2018 @ 10:46 AM
a reply to: Itisnowagain

Its a one of two word answer and simply your opinion.

What could be more simple?


Who are you talking too???
edit on 4-9-2018 by andy06shake because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 4 2018 @ 10:57 AM

originally posted by: andy06shake
a reply to: Itisnowagain

Its a one of two word answer and simply your opinion.

What could be more simple?


Who are you talking too???

The ultimate reality one is talking.
But I can see that you cannot handle the truth.

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