a reply to:
Organizers planned a rally in Washington, D.C., this time, but the turn out of white supremacists was thankfully pathetic, which is why I
didn't have to go there and cover it.
No, Chris Cuomo, you didn't go and cover it because you're scared of getting into the midst of such potential powder keg.
I don't blame you--I wouldn't go in the middle of that display of idiocy, either, but let's not pretend that CNN could foresee the future, knew that
there would be a smaller number of people, so they didn't plan to send you. Either that, or you are one of the people hiding behind a mask.
Cuomo is a buffoon. Trump was not wrong for blaming both sides for the violence and rioting that broke out a year ago, because both sides are at
fault. People choose to act and react, and in those choices lie culpability. Anyone arguing differently is a Cuomo...I mean, buffoon as well.
This type of grandstanding and virtue signaling by these commentators (not journalists) is asinine. The president doesn't "[need] to call out the
bigots and white supremacists" specifically when he makes this statement:
The riots in Charlottesville a year ago resulted in senseless death and division. We must come together as a nation. I condemn all types of
racism and acts of violence. Peace to ALL Americans!
For the folks who always bitch and drone on about Trump not being presidential, there it is--that's a very presidential statement. Just because Cuomo
wants to wine about it not saying what he thinks that it should is irrelevant to what it actually is and does say.
The fact that Cuomo is now on record claiming that Antifa is "on the side of right" and that he distances them from being bigots only solidifies what
CNN is--it is a media outlet founded in being an apologist for the left, no matter how abhorrent the people on the left act sometimes (and, yes,
Antifa is a leftist organization). And to compare Antifa to civil-rights activists should leave those of us who applaud said activists perplexed and
frustrated. I don't know about anyone else, but there is zero in common between dramatized outrage over personal opinions of private citizens and
people who were being systemically and illegally robbed of their freedoms and dignity as Americans. Anyone who makes such comparisons is a pathetic
tool. If that comment stings, maybe take a few minutes to look in the mirror and contemplate your beliefs.
And I can't help but believe that, as he was reading these words into the camera, there were all kinds of producers and production folks nodding in
approval, and I bet that he got some high fives and applauding at the commercial break afterwards.
No, Mr. Cuomo, the law doesn't always take care of your "moral" uses of violence by Antifa members and violent protestors--to claim such a think is
utter lunacy.
As for his closing, it sounds like he took that directly from Maxine Waters (who may have written the monologue, who knows):
Those hateful few who take solace and encouragement from the president's efforts, my message is simple: Be aware. There are many more of us who
see you as unequal--as less than--and you will be opposed at every turn. Because what you are about is wrong, and fighting you is right.
More rabblerousing from the left with national media platforms from which to do it. Nice.
Let's not kid ourselves, this whole waste of five minutes was all about trying to rally the troops and make them think that violence against people
who have ideas that they oppose is okay and morally superior. What a douche.