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The Real Reasons Peter Strzok was Fired from the FBI

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posted on Aug, 14 2018 @ 03:48 PM
a reply to: Xcathdra

The really sad part of all this?

Silyolme doesn't even apparently know what she's refuting any more. Had James Comey not been fired, there would be no Mueller investigation. The firing of Comey is the very basis of everything the MSM has been claiming about Trump, yet she denies it happened because... why? Apparently because it doesn't fit the latest narrative (which seems to change by the hour now).


posted on Aug, 14 2018 @ 04:34 PM

originally posted by: rickymouse
So, some of the information for the Dossier that the Democratic party sort of paid for came from the Russians. Why isn't that collusion with Russia since Russians actually contributed to setting up this turmoil. Maybe we are looking for collusion on the wrong side.

Isn't the saying something about always accuse others of what you are actually doing?

posted on Aug, 14 2018 @ 04:39 PM
a reply to: TheRedneck

Comey isn't in the news cycle, but he is still expected to keep his speaking engagements. I still see him on various speakers' series around the country when I'm carrying out my personal job. So far, nothing has been cancelled/altered for him. I've been amusing myself by using those speaking dates to fulfill my job duties in the hopes that someone will have to go in and change them later on.

posted on Aug, 14 2018 @ 04:50 PM
a reply to: Xcathdra

Also, let's mention that the guy who did that firing of Strzok over-ruling the OCB was a Clinton appointee or hire or came into his position through the Clinton admin just to lay Trump favoritism to rest.

posted on Aug, 14 2018 @ 11:23 PM
a reply to: ketsuko

Yes, it is an offensive maneuver, push the opponent into having to defend themselves and when they respond, convince everyone they are just making things up to get out of trouble. That is very common but people do not even recognize it is constantly happening.

posted on Aug, 15 2018 @ 01:57 AM
@ Xcathdra

You might be putting to much stock in future carrots and overlooking their present day carrots

By that I mean, if you love you life. Good governement job, almost unlimited power, in the know with mover and shakers and so on. What would you do to save your job, save your rep, save your life really wouldn’t need a future political reward because you are already enjoying your current reward.

posted on Aug, 15 2018 @ 03:26 PM
a reply to: Guyfriday
ADM Rogers from the NSA is the one who went to Trump Towers and told then Candidate Trump that his communications were being "wiretapped" intercepted. That is why Trump moved all of his campaign activity to the golf course he owns in New Jersey. At the time nobody could figure out why he did that. Now we know.

posted on Aug, 16 2018 @ 05:00 AM

originally posted by: ketsuko
a reply to: Xcathdra

Also, let's mention that the guy who did that firing of Strzok over-ruling the OCB was a Clinton appointee or hire or came into his position through the Clinton admin just to lay Trump favoritism to rest.

With everything coming out I think the left / people involved in this failed coup are starting to hear the footsteps.

posted on Aug, 16 2018 @ 05:11 PM

originally posted by: Xcathdra

originally posted by: pavil
a reply to: Xcathdra

I seriously think people who dont like Trump / went after him may have underestimated him.

Understatement of the year. He saw the traps from the very start and set his own traps immediately. They thought he was a yokel, when he's been playing cutthroat his whole adult life.

Part of me wonders if this is why Trump is so gung-ho about our military. While I believe Trump has real affection for our armed forces he does have a larger than usual amount of retired military officials in key senior positions / cabinet positions. He has augmented his Secret Service detail with people from his private security detail before he was President.

His dad sent him to Military Academy, but he chickened out of viet-nam with college deferrals and then bone spurs.
He has thing for Military Leaders. He hopes to "appear" brave by having them stand beside him.

posted on Aug, 16 2018 @ 05:13 PM

originally posted by: Bob350
a reply to: Guyfriday
ADM Rogers from the NSA is the one who went to Trump Towers and told then Candidate Trump that his communications were being "wiretapped" intercepted. That is why Trump moved all of his campaign activity to the golf course he owns in New Jersey. At the time nobody could figure out why he did that. Now we know.

He moved it to the golf course, cuz he likes to golf. He has broken all records for all presidents for time spent whacking the little ball.

So wild that you guys come up with complete bizarre conspiracies to explain Trumps incompetence and laziness.

posted on Aug, 16 2018 @ 06:17 PM
a reply to: soberbacchus

As a person who directs and supervises managers, the one thing I can say is that I am mostly only concerned with results, not style. Obviously there are limits (i don't do smelly people), but in the end, so long as the results are good, who am I to argue with someone i've entrusted a managerial role to?

This concept is the same with POTUS. Its the results that i care about, not the style. Not the spin that is blurted in headlines. Not the nonsense spouted by pundits. Plain and simple results.

As far as results go, do you hvae complaints? Are you worse off than 2016? Financially? How about security? Your future?

This is all that matters. Not porn stars. Not golf clubs. Not Michael Avenatti and his flapping face. None of that matters...its results. Otherwise, i'd have to accept keeping managers around just because I like them.

posted on Aug, 16 2018 @ 06:21 PM
a reply to: soberbacchus

A prime example. What bearing does any of that have on his job performance? How on Earth can anyone find relevance in what an 80 year old man did when he was 20? If you knew the things I did when I was 20, you'd likely shudder. Then realize you were no better. Because we all do crazy/bad/ridiculous things. Its how we learn, its how we grow.

PS: i tell anyone who listens to avoid military service at all costs. I think the draft is a tyranny. Any man who avoids both the military in general, and the tyranny of indentured servitude to our government, is to me a rather bright fellow. I say this as a friend of mine sits in a hospital crazed from liver failure at age 35, related to his exposure in Iraq as a Marine.

Its not cowardice to not volunteer to die. In fact, not doing so is insane. My friends wife never agreed to this when she married a vet, and its not fair to her or any potential children they may have.
edit on 8/16/2018 by bigfatfurrytexan because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 16 2018 @ 06:39 PM

originally posted by: bigfatfurrytexan
a reply to: soberbacchus

A prime example. What bearing does any of that have on his job performance?

I was responding to a conspiratorial post about why Trump surrounds himself with Military.

You are asking what that has to do with Job Performance?

The OP appears to be about why Strzok was fired?

Are you sure you are on the right thread?

edit on 16-8-2018 by soberbacchus because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 16 2018 @ 06:45 PM

originally posted by: bigfatfurrytexan
a reply to: soberbacchus

As a person who directs and supervises managers, the one thing I can say is that I am mostly only concerned with results, not style.

You have me interested.

What results do you attribute to Trump's productivity?

posted on Aug, 16 2018 @ 07:07 PM

originally posted by: soberbacchus

originally posted by: bigfatfurrytexan
a reply to: soberbacchus

As a person who directs and supervises managers, the one thing I can say is that I am mostly only concerned with results, not style.

You have me interested.

What results do you attribute to Trump's productivity?

Initial peace in Korea.
The end of ISIS.
GDP over 4%.
Unemployment under 4%.
Enforcement of immigration laws.
Dismantling of the deep state one at a time.

The sign of a good leader is trusting those you appoint under you to do their jobs. Praise in public, reprimand in private and if they still dont get the hint public shaming's now and then can work to drive the point home that in addition to working for the President, you also work for the people and in the end they are the boss.

For examples of why micromanaging is bad research obama and military decisions.

Trump has a accomplished more in 18 months than obama did in 8 years.

As for your comment on my military observation I dont think that is it. He has surrounded himself with military leaders more so than other Presidents. I just think there is a reason behind it and his military school background is not a factor in it.
edit on 16-8-2018 by Xcathdra because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 16 2018 @ 08:25 PM

originally posted by: Xcathdra

originally posted by: soberbacchus

originally posted by: bigfatfurrytexan
a reply to: soberbacchus

As a person who directs and supervises managers, the one thing I can say is that I am mostly only concerned with results, not style.

You have me interested.

What results do you attribute to Trump's productivity?

Initial peace in Korea.

Nope. He has gotten LESS than past Presidents out of Korea. That was and is a farce.

The end of ISIS.

Trump's own administration reported today that they remain, but have gone underground in places.


ISIS remains a regional and global threat despite battlefield losses, Pentagon says

They are morphing into an Al-Qaida organization.

GDP over 4%.

A couple years ago Obama had it at almost 6% and he had 5 quarters well over 4%.
Virtually all economists agree GDP took a bump because of a rush to sell overseas goods before the tariffs took hold.

Unemployment under 4%.

I thought the Unemployment numbers were fake according to Trump and Trumpites?
Either way...see the trend below?
Trump is the tiny bit in the lower corner, the rest is the economic momentum Obama built.

Enforcement of immigration laws.

Last month of Obama's term: Arrests For Illegal Border Crossings Hit 46-Year Low

This year April:
Kirstjen Nielsen
Department of Homeland Security Secretary
“We’ve recently seen the numbers of illegal border crossings rise from 40-year lows last April, back to previous levels."

The sign of a good leader is trusting those you appoint under you to do their jobs.

Trump's hires have resigned under ethics investigations at record levels, when they aren't pleading guilty to crimes or getting indicted.

Trump is incompetent and spends all his time winning and bitching when he isn't golfing.

posted on Aug, 17 2018 @ 03:10 AM

originally posted by: soberbacchus
Nope. He has gotten LESS than past Presidents out of Korea. That was and is a farce.

No he has gotten more. Face to face talks with S. Korea. Joint programs with S. Korea outside of the joint industrial zone. Destruction of nuclear facilities. Face to face talks with Potus. Expansion of sanctions and increased enforcement of those sanctions.

originally posted by: soberbacchus
Trump's own administration reported today that they remain, but have gone underground in places.


ISIS remains a regional and global threat despite battlefield losses, Pentagon says

They are morphing into an Al-Qaida organization.

There Caliphate is gone. They have been destroyed in Iraq. They have been destroyed in Syria. Their leadership has been decimated several times now. Compared to past Presidents ISIS has been destroyed.

originally posted by: soberbacchus
A couple years ago Obama had it at almost 6% and he had 5 quarters well over 4%.
Virtually all economists agree GDP took a bump because of a rush to sell overseas goods before the tariffs took hold.

No really he didnt. He had 2% or better but remained under 3%.

originally posted by: soberbacchus
I thought the Unemployment numbers were fake according to Trump and Trumpites?
Either way...see the trend below?
Trump is the tiny bit in the lower corner, the rest is the economic momentum Obama built.

Unemployment under Trump is below 4%. Obama never achieved it. Secondly what Obama did was to stop counting people who have been out of the work force for more than a year and whose unemployment benefits ended. That was changed when Trump took over.

originally posted by: soberbacchus
Last month of Obama's term: Arrests For Illegal Border Crossings Hit 46-Year Low

This year April:
Kirstjen Nielsen
Department of Homeland Security Secretary
“We’ve recently seen the numbers of illegal border crossings rise from 40-year lows last April, back to previous levels."

Again what Obama did was to mislead by making changes to how deportations were tabulated. He changed the count of people who illegally enter and who were immediately sent back to Mexico. Those immediate deportations were never counted as part of illegal entry and deported via legal hearing numbers until obama decided to lie to the American people about his illegal immigrant policy. It is how he and Democrats could lie to the American people with the claim deportations were up under Obama when in reality they were way down.

originally posted by: soberbacchus
Trump is incompetent and spends all his time winning and bitching when he isn't golfing.

You confused Trump for Obama and Democrats. Let us know when you and Democrats stop bitching about everything because you lost power and because Clinton lost because she was a crappy candidate.

Trump has erased almost all of Obama's "legacy" in his first 18 months in office because of the illegal way Obama tried to implement them.

Hint - you cant use executive orders to bypass Congress.

The next 6 years are going to be long for you and Democrats.
edit on 17-8-2018 by Xcathdra because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 17 2018 @ 10:43 AM

originally posted by: Xcathdra

No really he didnt. He had 2% or better but remained under 3%.


While Mr. Trump praised the 4.1 percent annual growth rate in the second quarter, the economy exceeded that level four times during the Obama presidency: in 2009, 2011 and twice in 2014.

The president has been floating plans to slap import taxes on hundreds of billions of dollars of foreign goods, which has led to retaliatory tariffs by foreign governments on U.S. goods.

This threat of an escalating trade war has led many foreign companies to stockpile U.S. goods before any tariffs hit. That caused a temporary boost in U.S. exports, helping to fuel economic growth.

posted on Aug, 17 2018 @ 10:40 PM

originally posted by: soberbacchus

Nope but apparently you do. Nothing in what you provided supports the lie Obama -

A couple years ago Obama had it at almost 6% and he had 5 quarters well over 4%.

Trying to move goal posts wont deflect from the lie you just told and got called out on.

As for the trade war crap your pushing -
A deal with Mexico regarding NAFTA is near.
A deal with the EU is near.
China just notified the US they want to send a trade delegation to discuss the issues.

Maybe try to truth for once. A novel concept I know but you really should give it a chance.

posted on Aug, 17 2018 @ 10:47 PM
a reply to: Xcathdra

Done trading posts with willful liars.

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