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Theories about existence of ETs

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posted on Feb, 22 2005 @ 08:36 AM
I put some of the pieces together....

After doing some extensive research into the subject of UFOs and the cover up going on in the U.S. I have come to several conclusions that I to be quite logical. Here they are.
First of all, my conclusions makes several assumptions. That ETs are real. Roswell was the site of an alien crash, as well as kecksburg, PA, and additionally there was a close encounter at Rendalsham Forest.
All of these events has many extremely credible witnesses to say that indeed ETs and UFOs were present.
Anyways, if it is true that aliens do exist. The it must logically follow that they have been visiting our planet for quite sometime. History is in fact filled with UFO encounters dating back thousands of years.

-There are countless extremely old paintings the depicit what could only be described as UFOs. (From UK, from India, even cave paintings)

-There are numreous stories in the bible that clearly make reference to close encounters. The story of Moses leading his people. He is in fact following a cyclinderical metallic object in the sky that has flames coming from it. How many UFO sightings have we heard of cyclinderical flying object????? QUITE A FEW!

-Some of the most ancient writings known to man, the "Veda" and the other ancient writings of India make COUNTLESS references to UFOs.

So basically what I have concluded about ETs is that if they do exsist(which i believe there is strong evidence for), then they most certainly have been here for a very long time. Moreover, it seems quite apparent that they have influenced human civilization at many MOMENTOUS points in time and times that have HUGE significance to us even today.
It is this theory that I believe is the cause for the huge need for secrecy and cover up on the matter of ETs. The world may be ready to learn that life exsists outside of our planet.

BUT...are the people of Earth ready to hear that we in fact have been visited by aliens for our entire life of this planet? Are they ready to hear the aliens may have been the ones to lead our civilizations in the technological and evolutionary directions we have gone? Are the people of Earth ready to hear that much of religion MAY be based on influences from benevolent ETs and not from an ominpresent "god"??

-There is only one answer to this these questions. And that is "NO, the people are NOT ready to hear this". Truths such as those mentioned above DO have the power to put the people in a state of chaos and pandimonium. It could truly bring complete and utter disorder to many countries. Think of the amount of resentment and anger that would be harbored by those that will come to find out that everything they believed in is a lie! And the truth has been known for SO LONG, yet has been WITHHELD.

I feel that anyone who truly thinks about these situations for long enough will come up with the same conclusions I have if you make the assumption that ET life does exsist and we have been visited.

posted on Feb, 22 2005 @ 08:42 AM

I think the world isnt ready to know, but should know. Yes there will be resentment, hate, apathy etc, but in the end most will come to accept it, and if they dont, well it will just be roles reversed, the believers will have thier proof, but the religions will not have thiers

posted on Feb, 22 2005 @ 09:31 PM

Originally posted by madjamjar
the believers will have thier proof, but the religions will not have thiers

Indeed! I can't wait for the day mainstream media will announce the existance of ET's. It's been long enough for crying out loud.

But you know when it gets leaked out, it will be another X amount of years before they let us know what they are talking with us about/telling us universal secrets and facts. I don't want to wait that long!

posted on Feb, 23 2005 @ 06:56 PM
If you want to be really thorough about this then read Margaret Sachs’s The UFO Encyclopedia, where she mentions at least the following 14 hypotheses or theories that claim to explain UFOs:

1) the parallel-universe hypothesis (see under “angels’ hair”)
2) the atmospheric-life-form hypothesis (see under “hyperspace”)
3) the extraterrestrial hypothesis (see under “hyperspace“ and “Air Force Bases“)
4) the invasion hypothesis (see under “Air etc.”)
5) the Earth-colonization-or-seeding hypothesis (see under “ancient astronauts”)
6) the Nazi hypothesis
7) the hollow-Earth hypothesis
8) the hologram hypothesis
9) the secret-weapon hypothesis
10) the seismic hypothesis
11) the submarine hypothesis
12) the surveillance hypothesis
13) the thought-form hypothesis
14) the time-travel hypothesis

Note: Where no entry is mentioned, the theory appears under the entry bearing its own name.-

posted on Feb, 23 2005 @ 07:43 PM
Well researched Maverick2. Also thought your sumation was exceptional and worth the read.


posted on Feb, 23 2005 @ 07:50 PM
I didnt see much research there. A few Bible encounters and present day encounters talked about but no extensive research from what I read. Sorry not trying to bash, I enjoyed reading it and am happy to say we share the same views. I think the best time for disclosure would be in a time of chaos.

posted on Feb, 23 2005 @ 09:43 PM

Originally posted by CmptrN3rd5
I didnt see much research there. A few Bible encounters and present day encounters talked about but no extensive research from what I read. Sorry not trying to bash, I enjoyed reading it and am happy to say we share the same views. I think the best time for disclosure would be in a time of chaos.

hmm, that would be now right? We've been in chaos since as early as anyone can rememner. i admit the 50's were a prosperous time, but then came the 60's. The money spittled out and the vietnam war started in 65. By 67/68 it had escalated into a full blown massacre. Even today things are looking chaotic, murder's, suicides, homelessness, debt, war, etc. Well i guess we need another war for them to show themselves....

posted on Feb, 23 2005 @ 09:51 PM
i believe in aliens...

here is something for you aliens lovers AND haters:

The Examination of the Interactions between Extra-Terrestrials and Humans Research Project


posted on Feb, 24 2005 @ 06:51 AM
I personally think they excist. But the world is not quite ready yet.

But I've been thinking, what if the goverments are keeping something from us, (the fact that ET's does excist) and what if the ET's are good, and want to help us, and the US does not want their influence to the people on this planet. But what IF they decide to land, and the US start shooting missiles and such at them, what would happen? Everybody would think that they are invading us, wich is not the real objective.

They would never be able to get peoples faith. NEVER.
A peacefull landing is almost impossible.
But I do think its nessesary to have one, sooner or later.

posted on Feb, 24 2005 @ 06:55 AM
Regardless of thing that can be logically deduced is this..

If aliens exist (which I believe the evidence to support), then THEY too are participating in the coverup, as they have not yet made themselves publicly take that for what it's worth....

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